What Is Your Medicare IQ?
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
Medicare can be awfully confusing. Take this quick quiz and you’ll find out just how much you know about this powerful benefit. You’ll get a score and the right answers, plus in the next few days we’ll have an article with a detailed explanation of all of the answers.
Take the Quiz!
Want a little quiz prep? This article, “Medicare 101” can help you understand the basics. It is a multipart series that covers about every aspect of this valuable benefit.
Comments on "What Is Your Medicare IQ?"
Con Reeder says:
This quiz doesn't show you the results but instead just returns to this page. Tried on both Firefox and Chrome.
Editor's comment: Thanks Con for pointing this out. You were about the first person to take it. Unfortunately had an incorrect setting that didn't take you to your score (now corrected). Sorry about that! We will have an article with a complete explanation of all of the answers later this week.
Admin says:
Please let us know if you see any problems with this survey or a better way to ask the questions. Your input is always appreciated!
Pat R says:
Worked great! Not sure on one, but guessed right so got 100%
mark andersen says:
Question 10 should add 'without financial penalties'
Editor's comment: Thanks Mark. We added "without restrictions or issues" to make the point that those are the times when you can sign up without any worries. Trying to sign up at other times might either not be possible or bring up other problems.
Admin says:
So far we are getting very good participation on the Quiz. Over 200 and counting fast. Questions 11 (which Medigap plan has lowest deductibles, etc.) and 12 (what's covered under a Special Enrollment Period) are the ones having the most incorrect answers. You are getting almost all of the others correctly.
Jennifer says:
Good Quiz--I had to think through question 12, but got it correct and earned 100% score this morning. It helps to make sure one is able to understand Medicare, MA and Medi-gap plans in order to decide which one to go with. Part D ( Prescriptions) could use a quiz of its own.
Pat R says:
12 was the one that I struggled with, but all the others were very basic. Finally got it right, but was torn between two answers
JoannL says:
What Medicare Won’t Cover