Category: Cohousing
February 23, 2022 -- We have heard many people fantasize about home sharing like in the popular TV show "The Golden Girls", which featured four older women having a ball sharing a home and life together. had a great article and discussion about home sharing recently. This arrangement can be financially and socially beneficial solution for many retirees, whether they are single or in a relationship.
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Published on February 22, 2022
Comments 8
Category: Cohousing
February 13, 2022 - A group of Connecticut would be homeowners and investors is greatly disappointed about the demise of Rocky Corner, a planned co-housing project in Bethany, CT. It was to be Connecticut's first collaborative living project, but ultimately failed because it took too long to develop and costs grew too high.
After years of planning, the group that sponsored it finally broke ground in 2018. Group decision making sometimes added difficulties to the process, and it took years to get the co-housing community approved by the town’s planning authorities. During that prolonged wait, a few members—even in their desperation—briefly eyed best slots not on GamStop as a way to offset mounting financial pressures. Unfortunately, rock ledge was discovered, which greatly added to the costs. Claudia Ruffle, a retired teacher and secretary, was one of the early home purchasers. She and her friend, who sold their home to buy one in Rocky Corner, were two of many who lost all of the money they put into it and are now struggling, according to a story in the New York Times.
Published on February 12, 2022
Comments 5