What Are Your Retirement Plans – 5 Quick Questions
Category: General Retirement Issues
July 9, 2012 — We are dying of curiosity to find out more about what you, our members, are planning for your retirement. And we think you are interested in comparing notes with others too. So we’ve created a very short, 5 question survey with multiple choice answers. If we get a good response, we’ll report on the results next week. And if it looks promising, followup with other questions on topics such as what’s on your bucket list (and do you have one), top 3 things you are looking for in a retirement community, your worst retirement planning mistake, etc.
Here is the link to to the poll. Responses are capped at 200 – so vote early to get your opinion heard!
Click here to see the surprising results of this survey.
Comments on "What Are Your Retirement Plans – 5 Quick Questions"
Lane says:
Take the WE out of question and replace with I.
DJ says:
To the editor:
How do you suggest planned "Snowbirders" answer question 2 if they choose to remain where they are, but develop a secondary residence in a warmer climate for up to half the year? And thanks for all your good work!
DJ. Very good question. I think we will need to address this quest in a separate future poll. For now the best answer is where you will live the majority of time. Thanks for raising the issue
As for question 5, the question was really on 'primary' source of rev - but we will look for a way to address ?s raised by other commenters
- John
Dave C. says:
Question #5 is tough to answer. Often SS and a pension come close to retirement saving. Not being able to check multiple boxes may give wrong impression when calculated.
Fionna says:
I agree with Dave C. I would have liked to check multiple boxes for question #5, since we are calculating SS, IRA, pension as a total; may also include some part-time work. If only one box is checked,results can be misleading.
leftyOmalley says:
I have to agree with DJ on the snowbird reference since I don't have a plan on moving to the southwest full time. Dave C and Fionna make a good point on answering question #5. In my case pension income will be highest followed closely by Social Security and savings. It's kind of a mixed bag and it could skew the results.