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Snowbirding the Electric Way – Part 2

Category: Adventurous retirement

By Bill Carito:

April 13, 2023 — I wrote in January about our experience driving an all-electric Volkswagen Id.4 from Portland, Maine to Key West, Florida (see Snowbirding Electrically – Part 1). Thought I should provide an update about our trip home. The verdict? Totally uneventful, which is what you want from a long drive home.

Bill getting a charge

We did do some things differently for the trip home based on lessons learned while driving down to Florida. First, we shortened our planned trips to run three hundred to three hundred and fifty miles for each day. This allowed us to usually complete our travels on two charges for the day instead of three or four. Notwithstanding, we still completed our trip in our usual five driving days. The last day was slightly more than four hundred miles, but we pushed through because we knew we’d be at home in our own beds for the night.

ChargePoint Level 2 Charger
Restored Victorian in Key West, with electric cart

We relied exclusively on the Electrify America network except for one night when our hotel had a Chargepoint charger available. We found the Electrify America chargers were conveniently located to our route home. Some had more nearby restaurants, bathrooms, shops, to occupy our wait and we have noted those for future trips. With the thirty minutes free charging we received through Volkswagen, our total cost for the trip was $46.00. We did appreciate the hotel that had a charger, and look forward to more of them offering that amenity.

Overall, we are very happy with the electric car experience. It’s only going to get better.

Thanks Bill!

About Bill Carito: Bill is an avid Iphone photographer and retired political consultant. Check out his photos at, many of which have won awards.

If you are interested in a home charger for your electric vehicle the New York Times rated the Grizzl-E Level 2 charger at the top in its testing.

Comments? Have you purchased an electric vehicle or are you considering one? Please share your experiences and/or concerns in the Comments section below.

Comments on "Snowbirding the Electric Way – Part 2"

Admin says:
May 12, 2023

Just saw an article that 80% of the new cars sold in Norway are electric. So they are way ahead of us. It has been a challenge for them to provide enough charging stations at peak travel periods, but they are working on it. Gas station workers are not facing mass unemployment, air pollution is way down, and the streets are quieter. Norway will end sales of internal combustion cars in 2025. One phenomenon - chargers at Circle K's are popular as people stop and have a snack or coffee while charging. NewYorkTimes

Staci says:
May 13, 2023

Good to know as we contemplate a move to California!!!


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