Blog Format Test – Comments?
Category: Uncategorized
August 13, 2014. Some of our members might have noticed that we are experimenting with a new format for our Blog articles. The purpose is to make our pages more readable and user-friendly on ipads and smart phones (but not impact regular computers), which more of our members are using to read our articles. Today the Blog articles use the new format as a test.
The change should not be too great. The main difference is that as your screen gets smaller, the stuff on the side of the page gets smaller or is pushed to new navigation symbols on the top, making the main article easier to read. Feel free to Comment on this Blog Format Test post with your thoughts and reactions. And by all means, check it out on your smaller device to see if it works for you. We will use your feedback to tweak this before we go live (some of you got a sneak peak of this last week, and we used your comments to make the type bigger – thanks). Note that only the Blog pages are testing the new format so far.
Please write any comments you might have below.
Comments on "Blog Format Test – Comments?"
Debra says:
Looks great on my ipad
Kim says:
My main issue the past few days is with the links -- nothing is linking to where it's supposed to!
Gemzee says:
Looks great on my phone. The text is very easy to read, especially with the larger text.
Albert says:
Looks good on my ipad
Dennis says:
I don't like the format of the comments at all. I use an iPad an have to scroll through all the comments to figure out where I left off the day before since they are not in newest first sequence ( I had previously suggested that). I find the new format harder to scan to find the date of the comment.
I vote for the old format.
Vickie says:
I Don't like the format.
Bill Yoder says:
What bothers me on the Ipad is:
1. You still have to manually scroll down to the appropriate comments. With my lap top, when I press on a comment in the email, it opens a new window and takes you to the comment. Not so with the Ipad.
2. With the old format, it was easier to see the dates on the comments so you could manually get to them. If you keep this format, can the dates be bolded or somehow put in a larger point size to find the date?
Godsgirl says:
The format works fine for me. As a suggestion for future improvement, I would like to see both quote and edit (limited time) functions, so that we could directly refer to a comment and edit our own comments for typos and/or adding links.
Thank you.
Scooter says:
I like the new format, but agree with the comments about the bookmark issue, the text rolls down to the bottom of the comments. Admin.. is there any hope in sight about the time issue when opening the files.. still takes dreadfully long and this occurs on all the computers I use and with 2 different suppliers ( Verizon and Comcast) ????? just curious.. love the site !!!!
Bonnie says:
Hate it - I only use my computer - do not use cell phone (by choice) or ipad (don't own) - much more difficult to see when a comment has been posted - everything just seems to blend together.
Admin says:
Many thanks to everyone for the comments made so far. Some great suggestions. For sure we can make some of the improvements, particularly making the comments stand out more, and will look into the others.
The issue of last comment at top or bottom is a personal preference. So far we are choosing latest on bottom, it seems like you can respond to the string better that way. Ipads and iphones don't seem to take you directly to the comment selected in the Daily Digest, a problem that doesnt happen with regular computers. But you can scroll to the bottom using the scroll bar at side.
The slowness issue is usually related to where you live and your Internet provider you have. There are some locations in the U.S. where our site (and others) are delayed because of some relay. No one seems to be able to address the issue, but we continue to try. You can complain to your ISP about it, particularly if pages load fast on your iphone but slowly on your regular internet connection.
Many thanks!
Cheryl Lee says:
Love the new format. So much easier to read on my IPhone. Thanks.
sunlovingal says:
LOVE IT! So much better to read and comment. Nice and Uncluttered...Great Job!
sunlovingal says:
PS....I also have an Ipad and an Iphone...way better to use on these devices...Thank you!
ella says:
I like how clearly marked the new comments on the new format are, especially the closing signature with the writer's name. I'd like the font to be a little friendlier looking; this one appears so cold.
I especially agree with Bill Yoder and Godsgirl's comments. It would be WONDERFUL to be able to edit our own comments for typos (whew, save ourselves from that embarrassment!).
Thanks, John.
SandyZ says:
Dislike the font that you have chosen.
Elaine says:
I do not like the new format, but it is better than the strange "trial" you had before. On that one, not only was the print smaller, but the line spacing was strange...making it hard to see what went with what.
I found that web page never stops "churning" and that if I try to open the next blog, it gives me an error that the page does not exist or it opens the first blog again. If I get the error, I need to go back and look at the subject and then find the blog...most annoying.
My phone is dumb. I looked at it on my tablet, just to see the format. I do not use the same email...I really do not wish to have to use another email for my tablet. It looked ok on my tablet, but more complicated using the web to get to the appropriate email...then getting to the disgest.
This is not something that I need on the I use my laptop for TopRetirements on an email address that I use for lists or other non essential emails.
Larry says:
Totally agree with those arguing for latest comments at top of column. Some of these threads are lonnnnnnnnng, and being forced to use the scroll bar is tedious and unnecessary. It also is biased against those who visit ongoing discussions daily, which seems an odd way to treat your most avid users.
Tessa says:
First, love Top Retirements. Now about the format... Prefer the old format because I mainly view on my computer. The new format doesn't bother me as much when using my iPad. Definitely prefer the comment string to remain the same with new comments on the bottom for the reasons mentioned by Admin. Thank you for addressing the speed issue. As with many things, the new format may just take some getting used to.
Admin says:
This comment came from Caps:
Note to others and topretirements: I usually check the blog using an iPad at this time. Thank you for making it so easy to post now. I tried a few times in the past, and it was much more difficult. Kudos!
ella says:
A question re: format. Why is it that i will sometimes click on a 'comment' and immediately be taken to an article?
Editor's note: It's a bit of a mystery. Almost always seems to happen if you are on smartphone or ipad. Rarely on a computer. We are looking into it to see if we can figure out how to persuade the smaller devices to follow the link correctly to the comment.
ella says:
Hi John,
Me again! No, i'm always on a laptop; never a smartphone or ipad. Just wanted to give you a 'heads up,' so that we can get this problem fixed. It was stated yesterday that Top Retirements rocks; i want to say that you rock!
Admin says:
Note to Members:
It's official, we are now live with the new "Responsive Design" format to the Blog. Thanks to all for the helpful comments. We have increased the type size and the kerning (spacing between letters) to make it more readable. Also went back to original or close to original design for comments section so they have more separation between.
Future issues to be resolved are getting Daily Digest links to go directly to appropriate comment on all computers, ipads, and smart phones. Not sure if that can be fixed, but we will try. In some cases it might be the machine that is the culprit, but not all. Finally, we think the greatest good is to keep latest comment at bottom, our apologies to those who prefer them at top!
Coming in future months will be adding Responsive Design to other sections of the site to make it more readable on all sizes of machines.
Caps says:
Thanks for working so diligently on our behalf.
I'm not having any problems accessing from iPad or my android phone, although I had problems posting several months ago. And's almost too easy! Yeah
caps says:
I agree with Godsgirl as well. Does Topretirements have the capability to send us a reminder and the link to a blog we have previously posted to?
ella says:
Agreeing with Godsgirl and Caps. Such a feature would be incredibly helpful!