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Ten Great Places to Retire for LGBT People – and Everyone!

Category: LGBT Retirement

By Dave Hughes
December 7, 2015 –When it comes to choosing a place to live during retirement, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) people want the same things that everyone else wants – someplace safe, reasonably priced, agreeable climate, cultural and recreational amenities, and good healthcare. LGBT people, however, have a few additional factors to consider. Those include: how tolerant an area is, the presence of a gay community, and healthcare providers that are welcoming towards LGBT people. Sadly, instances in which LGBT patients are treated poorly and same-sex partners are denied visitation rights or decision-making rights in hospitals and nursing homes are still all too common.

How can straight people benefit from a list of LGBT-friendly retirement cities? First, most of the criteria used to select these cities are the same ones that are important to most retirees. Second, a city’s acceptance of its LGBT citizens is a good indicator of how accepting it will be for people of all diverse demographics, such as ethnic minorities or religious minorities. Areas with rich diversity tend to offer more culinary choices and broader cultural offerings than areas with more homogenous populations.

Selection Criteria
To select these cities, I started with the criteria that were rated most important by readers of my blog,, collected from a year-long survey.

Healthcare, Safety, and Cost of Living were three of the most important categories for my straight readers, as well. (See survey results here.) Recognition of same-sex marriage also scored high among LGBT readers, but now that marriage equality is the law in all 50 states, this criterion is obsolete. Still, there’s wide variation in acceptance of LGBT people across the country, so to identify the more gay-friendly places I turned to the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index (MEI). In it, HRC rates cities and municipalities of various sizes on laws, policies, and inclusivity of LGBT people who live and work there. Many of the cities I have selected below scored a perfect 100, and the others scored at least 87.

HRC also produces a Healthcare Equality Index that rates factors such as hospitals’ policies for same-sex visitation and spouse recognition, equal employment policies, and diversity training. This data is spotty since many hospitals did not provide responses, but it provides some visibility into areas which have welcoming hospitals.

You will notice that almost all of the places profiled below are larger cities. That’s no accident; my survey also indicated that LGBT people are more likely to prefer larger cities over smaller cities and towns than their straight counterparts. That’s because larger cities are more likely to have established gay communities with businesses, churches, and organizations that serve LGBT people. Cultural Amenities rated higher for LGBT respondents as well, and those are available to a greater extent in larger cities.

The Ten Best Cities for LGBTs
Without further ado, here are ten great retirement places for LGBT people – all of which would make excellent choices for most straight retirees as well. They are presented in order of their HRC MEI score first, then by lowest cost of living.

Phoenix, Arizona – Phoenix and neighboring Tempe both scored 100 on the MEI. The Phoenix area offers low cost of living and house prices, good healthcare, lots of sunshine, delightfully warm winters and many retirement communities for those who choose to go that route. On the downside, summers get excessively hot, and the crime rate is slightly above average.

Austin, Texas – While most of Texas is quite conservative, Austin is a relatively liberal enclave that prides itself on being “weird” (in their words). House prices are a little high, but Austin scores average or better in all other regards.

Columbus, Ohio – Columbus has a thriving gay community, a decent arts scene, and low cost of living and housing. It gets cold in winter, and crime is a bit on the high side. Cincinnati scored well too, but has slightly higher crime.

Madison, Wisconsin – Madison was the #1 retirement city in the Milken Institute’s extensive “Best Cities for Successful Aging” report. It scored 100 on the MEI, is highly rated for healthcare, but gets very cold in winter. Madison enjoys a low crime rate, with one curious exception: one out of 30 citizens is a registered sex offender.

St. Paul, Minnesota – St. Paul scores better than its twin city, Minneapolis, in several areas: crime rate, cost of housing, and LGBT-friendly hospitals. Of course, both cities get very cold in winter, and both have higher-than-average cost of living. Minnesota is also a high-tax state.

Tampa, Florida – Tampa and nearby St. Petersburg score 97 and 100, respectively, on the MEI scale and average or better across the other categories, but Tampa’s crime rate is significantly lower than St. Pete’s, giving it the edge.

Dallas, Texas – Dallas is a bit more cosmopolitan than Texas overall (although it’s still not what you would call liberal), and it has a strong gay community. Dallas scores well on LGBT-friendly hospitals and low cost of living.

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania – Pittsburgh has been working hard for the past couple decades to modernize and revitalize itself as a great place to live, and the results are starting to show. While still not a gay mecca (its MEI is score 90 but it suffers with regard to LGBT-friendly hospitals), it scores better than average in cost of living, real estate, healthcare and crime rate.

Las Vegas, Nevada – Las Vegas has the lowest MEI score of these cities, with a still-respectable 87. Cost of housing is average, but all other metrics are good. Las Vegas offers lots of sunshine and warm temperatures in a desert environment very similar to Phoenix.

Asheville, North Carolina – Asheville is the only city here without an MEI rating, not only because it’s smaller but also because North Carolina is one of three states which prohibits cities from passing laws which provide more non-discrimination protection than state laws. But Asheville is artsy, progressive, scenic, and it is one of the most gay-friendly cities in the southeast, so I wanted to include it in order to offer at least one choice in the region.

It’s worth noting that many of these cities (Phoenix/Tempe, Austin, Columbus, Madison, and Minneapolis/St. Paul) are home to large universities, which offer cultural amenities and adult learning opportunities that are beneficial to retirees.

What’s not on the list, and why?
Many of the cities that scored 100 on the MEI, including many with large, well-known gay communities, were removed from consideration due to their high cost of living and housing. All of California, Seattle, Portland, Honolulu, Washington DC, and most of the northeast were eliminated for this reason. High crime rates kept Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Orlando, and Tucson off the list.

Data Sources
Cost of living data comes from and Data for house prices (which includes all forms of housing) also comes from Crime data is based on FBI statistics, as reported by The LGBT-friendliness of cities and hospitals comes from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), as described above. Healthcare scores come from and the Milken Institute’s “Best Cities for Successful Aging” report.
About the Author
Dave Hughes created to help you envision, plan for and ultimately enjoy the best retirement possible. Most articles focus on the non-financial, “lifestyle” aspects of retirement. Dave’s new book, “Design Your Dream Retirement: How to Envision, Plan for, and Enjoy the Best Retirement Possible” is now available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Dave lives in Chandler, AZ with his husband, Jeff, and their furry family members, Missy and Maynard.

For further reading
LBGT Retirements: What to Look for, and What to Look Out for

Comments? Is the community you live in or are considering a good place for LGBT retirement? What makes it good or bad? Please share your thoughts in the Comments section below.

Comments on "Ten Great Places to Retire for LGBT People – and Everyone!"

Steve says:
December 9, 2015

I'm always grateful to be included as a gay man in your type of websites. Funny, been out since the 70s, just wish I didn't have to feel like this was the exception but not the norm. Thanks again!

Gail says:
December 9, 2015

Saddened that Tom Brady felt the need to include in this TopRetirement newletter a segment for LGBT individuals. The first large scale federal study conducted by NHIS reported in July 2014 that 1.6% of Americans identify as gay or lesbian. Another 0.7% of Americans identify as bisexual. Statistically, for such a small segment of our society was it necessary to shock and push this lifestyle on your "retirement age" reader's whose LGBT members may be just a few?
As a clinician, who cares for a few LGBT individual's, I am very aware of the support network the LGBT community has developed. We are doing a great disservice to those we serve by constantly pushing the LGBT agenda when the majority of Americans are not into that lifestyle. We can have compassion for those folks without carrying a torch.

godsgirl says:
December 10, 2015

We have homosexuals living happily here at "the Plantation". We also are enjoying the company of people from various countries.

Admin says:
December 10, 2015

Note from John (not Tom, wish I had his talent!) Brady.

Gail is correct about the NIH study on the percentages of people who self report as gay or lesbian, and bisexual. Most surveys of Americans expect that the %s are quite higher.

As we have said before, our goal for is to be a place where everyone can find useful information about retirement, because we believe everybody deserves the chance for a happy one. That includes well off people and those who struggle financially, conservatives and liberals, people who like active adult communities and those who don't, men and women, right handed folks and lefties, straight people and LGBTs. We try not to discriminate. We're sorry if that offends some people's sensitivities, but those are our goals. Don't read something if it offends you. And above all, we strive to remember Jesus's 2nd commandment: "Love your neighbor as yourself".

Jody says:
December 10, 2015

Sorry, Admin......I 100% agree with Gail.

Clyde says:
December 10, 2015

John (Admin), this article was a great service fo LGBT readers of Topretirements and let me assure you, there are plenty. Your Biblical quote from Jesus was most appropriate. I'm certainly glad I don't live in the communities of the two commenters who posted negative comments about the "LGBT lifestyle." There is no LGBT lifestyle; we live the way God created us. Our large 55+ retirement community in Palm Beach County is 99% heterosexual, but very welcoming of LGBT residents. How wonderful for all of us there! A big thank you to Dave Hughes for authoring this very helpful and topical article that I'm sure will be of interest to many readers.

Jan Cullinane says:
December 10, 2015

One viable LGBT community for older adults, providing independent living and continuing care services, is Fountain Grove Lodge ( It's located in Santa Rosa, CA

Brad says:
December 10, 2015

I would like to express my appreciation for this article. While I'm not gay, I prefer to live in communities that are open and not full of close-minded fundamentalists, so I find this information useful. Regarding the exclusion of Tucson, the crime rate is concentrated in the south side of town. Most of the rest of the town and surrounding area is quite safe.

Debra says:
December 11, 2015

Thanks for the article. I'm straight but not narrow. Thankfully the negative opinions expressed are literally dying off.

Standing on the Side of Love

Dave Hughes says:
December 11, 2015

Thank you, everyone, for your comments.

I find it amusing that this is the third article with an LGBT focus that has appeared on TopRetirements in eight years and hundreds of posts - but now this website is "constantly pushing the LGBT agenda."

The whole point to the article was to feature ten cities where everyone can feel welcome.

Brad is correct with his comment about Tucson. With any city, there are going to be some areas with higher crime, but many other areas that are quite safe. City-wide crime statistics don't show a totally accurate picture. I've been to Tucson many times, and I like it - it has a relaxed and charming atmosphere.

elaine says:
December 12, 2015

Debra,love the expression "straight, but not narrow"...that's me too.

Elaine C. says:
December 13, 2015

I appreciate reading this article because it gives me ideas for communities that are open, not only to LGBT retirees, but to someone like me who is different from most mainstream retirees. I already have my chosen place to retire, but when I travel, I want to go where I'll be welcome as someone who doesn't fit into the "norm," which I have found that many LGBT communities do, accept people to be whom they are. "Straight, but not narrow," SBNN - wonderful, thanks!

I also want to put in a word for Tucson as a good place to retire (better than Phoenix IMO), the area I've lived in for 23 years. Yes, there is crime, like any big city. The worst is vehicles being stolen (my one-ton ranch flatbed was stolen a decade ago) and now during the Christmas season the crime-of-the-moment is vehicle break-ins to steal packages. Now, I use a club on my vintage Tercel and stash packages so they're not advertising themselves. In the last few years the Border Patrol has upped its presence in the area, which means increased security visibility. Common sense and paying attention to one's surroundings, like in any city, self-protects all of us. I live SE of the city, and feel safe in all parts of the city, but I keep an eye on my surroundings and stay aware, as I would in any city.

I would retire in Tucson, and am so tempted to do so, but my future home has family, an inherited house that is mortgage-free, free tuition to pursue a PhD, and my preferences for better health. But if things don't work out there, I'm moving back to Tucson - even when older.

Kate says:
December 14, 2015

I wish I had read this thread earlier. Another "straight but not narrow" person here! I am hoping for an open minded, friendly community, where my neighbors are not judgmental based on belief systems. Judging people on their lawn gnomes and not picking up their dog's that's acceptable!

I appreciate the site's focus on retirement for all of us, whether we're single or retiring with a spouse or partner. Finding the right place is not just about weather, cost of living and taxes.

godsgirl says:
December 14, 2015

Great comments by all. "Straight, but not narrow"...something to aspire to if not describing us already. We all are an important part of society in our own way, and we should embrace each other for that reason.

Betty says:
December 16, 2015

I was very happy to see a top ten list of LGBT friendly communities. I would like to thank all of the "straight but not narrow" readers who support TopRetirement's commitment to servicing all of its subscribers. As a gay woman I was pleased to review the list and am extremely happy for all of the positive feedback.

JJ says:
December 17, 2015

While I have enjoyed the Topretirements newsletter for quite a while I was not even aware of the Daily Alert until a couple of days ago and immediately subscribed. I am gay and retired in Key West, FL (after vacationing here for 40 years!) - absolutely love it here but understand why it is not listed on the top 10 - housing is very, very expensive and most specialized medical care is usually distant. That said, I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. When I retired here mid-winter 12 years ago and returned several months later to ultra-conservative west Michigan to sell my house, etc. people asked where I'd moved to .... one person reacted by saying "Oh, I wouldn't want to live there - too many of 'those kind of people!' " Now I have no idea who "those kind of people" are - black people, gay people, Hispanic people, white people ;-) - but I just responded "Yes, we call it diversity and it's why I moved there"!!

Elaine C. says:
December 18, 2015

I love Tucson's diverse, open community. On January 1, 2016, our new police chief takes office, the first openly gay police chief in the nation, Christopher Magnus.

John A says:
December 18, 2015

We are a Gay couple and are considering moving to Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. We do hear it is very gay friendly. Can Anyone from Ft. Lauderdale confirm this?

December 18, 2015

I too would like to add to the comments by the 'straight but not narrow ' group. I am a retired single white woman who has been married but who does not have children. Since being an independent single woman without children puts me in a minority in my age group I have experienced those who don't know how to handle this. And although it is no where near the discrimination faced by many groups it still makes me appreciative of open minded communities where diversity is welcome. We all have differences and if you can embrace that maybe you would have an enriching experience.

I live in Kailua Kona, HI; a place where I am not in the majority either by gender, marital status, or race. I find almost everyone welcoming and open minded. There are problems of course but when you meet people they are more concerned with 'who' you are rather 'what' you are. Although it is not for everyone and can be expensive if you are flexible with your needs and lifestyle it can be affordable to many. Anyway I wish all of you much Aloha wherever you go.

JJ says:
December 19, 2015

Sorry Elaine, but Key West has had an openly gay police chief, Donnie Lee, for years, as well as many officers including the part time Pastor of our Metropolitan Community Church. But congrats on Tucson's too! And John A. .... yes, Fort Lauderdale is a very, very gay and accepting community. In fact, one suburb, Wilton Manors, is supposed to be the majority - mostly retirees. At one point I considered moving from Key West to there - housing is much less expensive, but it is much too large a city for me to want to live there.

Elaine C. says:
December 19, 2015

JJ, I stand corrected. I believe I should have said a major city, but maybe Key West is a major city too? Since I've not been there, I won't judge. I was reporting the "crowing" coming from our local TV news reporters. Key West is on my "bucket list" of places to visit - some day!

Jan Cullinane says:
December 20, 2015

Here is a link I included in my book: ranks cities with populations of at least 5,000 by the largest number of self-reported unmarried female-female households. The assumption by City-data is that this would indicate lots of lesbian couples.

Jan Cullinane, author, The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement (AARP/Wiley)

Path says:
December 20, 2015

Thanks to all who've contributed to this post and especially by Mejask — December 18, 2015. I acknowledge you for taking the risk to identify your particular life positions. I'm divorced, retired professional, an African-American woman living without connections to family or my two adult children. Such a life position has been created by choices of indifference, diversity and self-determination. However, I clearly recognized I've just defined myself by writing these few lines. No longer will I choose to further limit my choices based upon minority or majority ideology. I have read Jan Cullinane's excellent book and pursued some of her recommendations, continuing my search for new friends, possible travel and and a new living arrangement where group shared similarities, differences and lessons learned from such limiting beliefs are manifested. I would appreciate comments and retirement recommendations.I will share emails, if requested. Thanks.

eva says:
December 20, 2015

Hi, Path

just read your wonderful post, and I so relate.

in a very similar situation and trying to figure out " where do I belong", which community would provide the right fit.

i know it needs to be diverse on all different levels.. with a mix of lifestyles, with more than golf and mahjong games.

while my friends range from single, married, straight, gay, younger, older, there are very few in my circle in my particular circumstance..recently divorced, with no family support, heading toward retirement, in a different part of the country, where I don't know anyone.

scary/exciting all at he same time. Adventure in the making!

i too, am hoping to travel more, explore different living arrangements, make/meet new friends.

would love to hear more from you, Path, and others as well.

thanks Eva

Vickie says:
December 21, 2015

Does anyone live in McCall, ID, and if so, how is it for retires?

Chris says:
December 25, 2015

Path and Eva, what I'm looking for is right in line with your needs/desires also. I will be following this feed to see if anyone out there has suggestions. I'm not wealthy but looking hard for a place to fit into and stay active both physically and mentally.

eva says:
December 26, 2015

Hi, Chris

good to meet another ' searcher"

i am sure there are others in similar situation/pursuit.

there must be a place " out there" to fit our needs, so please, if anyone knows of a place( s) , has info, is willing to share, it would be so appreciated.

FYI.., born in Europe, a former New Y orker ( upper west side) live in a lovely diverse town abour 45 min NW of NYC.

i enjoy it here, but cannot afford to stay after i sell my home, as a one bdr apt cost on the average between $2200-2500.

downsizing from a 4 bdr home, would prefer a 2 bdr, which puts me into $3000 plus/month.

To purchase a 2 bdr condo here, i am looking at $450 0000 plus.

i would much rather pay less..whether rent or purchase, and spend my hard earned income on travel, other pursuits.

so, help is needed, lol.

if anyone in interested in more one on one communication, i would gladly share my email/phone.

thanks Eva

Chris says:
December 26, 2015

Eva, glad to meet you. I'm looking hard at western North Carolina, particularly Hendersonville, Franklin or possibly Waynesville.

I'm a lesbian, married to my partner of 36 years. We don't feel the need to live in a community that is totally LGBT but we do want to be a part of an enlightened, accepting community. We like this part of NC because of continuing education that is available in Asheville, hiking and other outdoor activities nearby. There also seems to be a supportive women's community in the Hendersonville area. I plan to visit this summer (again) and look at several neighborhoods/communities.

We too, would prefer to spend our money on travel and other pursuits instead of sinking it all into a house. I'd be happy to swap emails with you; I'm not sure how to do that discreetly.


Dave Hughes says:
December 27, 2015

Chris, I know you stated that you and your wife aren't looking to live in a community that is totally LGBT, but I wanted to call your attention to a development near Boone, NC called Carefree Cove. The development features log cabin-style homes and still has about 20 available lots. Their website is Boone is a college town (Appalachian State) and is right next to lots of national forest land.

This may or may not match what you're looking for, but I wanted to let you know it is there.

Dave Hughes

eva says:
December 27, 2015

Hi, Chris

i, too, am considering Hendersonville.. friends of friends live there, and enjoy it..i plan on calling them this coming week, to chat.

not that it makes any difference, i am a straight woman, divorced after 37 years of marriage ( i stayed about 35 too many)
with two grown daughters, 2 grandsons, ( the only family )
so there is some guilt involved in moving away..but as it stands their lives are still unsettled, dont know where they will end up, and i feel as if for the first time in my life i need to do " stuff" for me.

perhaps we will end up being nice would that be.

my email is free to reach out.

thanks Eva

Debra says:
December 28, 2015

Is there a list of LGBTQ friendly planned communities? That would be a lazy way for me to narrow things down. Kinda like the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.

Chris says:
December 28, 2015

Dave, thanks for the heads-up...we are aware of the community in Boone but it won't work for us for a variety of reasons. We've also looked at their other property in Florida but we really would prefer to live in NC. Someone else out there may appreciate the info, so thank you for putting it out there.

Chris says:
December 28, 2015

Eva, thank you! I've emailed you directly...

elaine says:
December 28, 2015

Asheville is very accepting of all life styles, but Hendersonville is more conservative. That said, I think some visiting would be worthwhile. For example, I lived in Chatham county in NC…my address was Chapel Hill. Chapel Hill is also in Orange and Durham counties and they are somewhat different. You only know by visiting.
An interesting article
go partway through the article and see the interactive and you can zoom in on the counties that interest you. It gives you a rough idea. Very interesting.
I like interactive maps and you can search for them by county for whatever variable you are interested in. AGe, education, income, Below is religion. Not important to me, but seems to becoming an issue.

Dave Hughes says:
December 29, 2015

Debra, I am not aware of any list of LGBTQ-friendly planned communities, but you've just given me a great idea for something to research and create. (Like I need more ambitious projects in my life. LOL)

I wrote an article about the few retirement community options that are targeted specifically to LGBT people a couple years ago, but it needs to be updated (which I'll do soon). But for now, here it is:

Dave Hughes

Debra says:
December 30, 2015

I lived in Brevard in the early 2000's. At that time Hendersonville was not gay friendly. there has been some time for change though. There is a Unitarian Church there and a Buddhist center in town so that indicates some tolerance.

I'll be waiting on that list Dave.

Ginger says:
December 30, 2015

Durham, North Carolina. Very friendly, very progressive, large community, much to do culturally, socially, and recreationally. Walking trail on Duke Campus that is fabulous. Great restaurants. Yes, it's North Carolina and nothing can be done about that, but it's very accepting to the LGBT community. You can live "urbanish" if you like in condos downtown or more suburban in Chapel Hill or Durham. A good choice.

Steve says:
January 29, 2016

Thanks to your website, I'm considering moving to Lewes, DE.

I went there and looked at an Insight Development called the Ridings. I signed a contract on a mound of dirt to be built but now they're trying to corner me into a mortgage where I put 50 percent down for various reasons including a small interruption in my income as I go from working to retirement income. It's making me feel very uncomfortable since they start the house price at just below 300K but it's rapidly going up in price as I ask for some extras. Most people don't really get that I want a "small" house and we're already well over 1500 sq. feet which is huge for what I'm used to. Also, I'm not really a community type of guy. I really value my independence.

The pool and club house don't really have much value to me. The HOAs don't even mow your lawn though Insight has a fairly good reputation though there are detractors too. Their mortgage broker keeps saying "don't worry about it" when I ask for a copy of the mutually signed contract and for any documents he may have which my financial planner is asking for. I'm feeling trapped - probably my fault for not being good at saying no.

I'm wondering if Lewes and that area is a little over-hyped - you can't buy anything at all in the proximity of the beach - if you get in under 500K, you'd be lucky and then you have your HOAs, etc. Of course that has to be balanced by the low taxes and the relatively mild climate for the mid-Atlantic.

I did look at some of the established communities like Angola by the Sea and the Plantations - I found some reasonable priced properties there.

What I really want is a small airy place to live near the beach in Delaware or without going too far south or being super isolated.

Do you have any thoughts on what's the best development or any area where a single gay may could live with a cat? I think being near the ocean is pretty important.

Part of my problem is I'm rushing - I turn 62 in September and by then should have my pension and Social Security and I'm strongly considering a reverse mortgage to buy the house. I'm awaiting some news on my pension and possibly SSDI.

I live in San Lorenzo, CA - house prices are skyrocketing so I'm in good shape here for selling.

I did go up to Bend Oregon to take a look - it was nice but I worried about the lack of diversity there - people of color are rare and gays are pretty closeted though my Realtor who was bi-sexual claimed otherwise. I've lived near San Francisco so it will hard for me to adjust so that's why I picked the Rehoboth area. I don't want to be near a busy city any longer. I don't like driving particularly on freeways. I love Key West BTW but I'm afraid of the heat of the southern states.

Admin says:
October 22, 2017

From John:

I am looking for a place to retire overseas. Have looked into hiring a consultant on that score. Am wondering if there are some countries where I could live happily as a gay person on a small income. Or whether there are some states in the USA where I would be accepted and find kindred spirits.


This was our response:
I would advise being careful with consultant. Some, but not all, are big on steering towards properties where they get a fat commission. There are probably many places where you could be happy. Visit first for extended time before you make any commitments. Too many people make impulsive decision and then regret it. Some foreign countries aren’t as enlightened about lgbt issues as most of the USA. Costa Rica might be nice. Spain, Portugal too. Cities in USA with big gay population are obvious choices. Maybe some other folks can give you some suggestions.
Good luck!

Jean says:
October 23, 2017

John, it's in the US, but have you considered the Jersey shore? Asbury Park in particular has a large LGBT community. Housing right on the shore is expensive but there are some older 55 + communities in the area ( Ocean, monmouth and atlantic counties) where you can find affordable housing.

Sharon Alexander says:
October 23, 2017

Also, most of the West Coast of the US is LGBTQ friendly. Western Washington in the corridor from Everett to Olympia would be good. Seattle housing is very expensive but there are other places in the area I mentioned that are reasonable. Also, I think someone mentioned on this website that they couldn't wait to return to the US from Mexico. Maybe Admin here can direct you to that person's first person accounting of their experiences.

Judy says:
January 4, 2019

My husband and I are making an offer on a home in Carefree Cove in Boone, NC. We are straight but not narrow. We are hoping we will be welcome there. Appreciate any opinions or thoughts.
Thank you.

Jim says:
February 10, 2019

I retired to Florida, and purchased an older Mobile Home. I'm in a park, that is representative of Florida's problem. Very high crime, and the demographics are anything but gay friendly. The lot rent in this senior park constantly increases. I do not find Fla all that cheap, as many portray it to be. I'm not a higher income gay senior, and I'm on my own. So options are limited for me. I don't care for Florida at all, and want to leave. Actually the south isn't appealing to me. I have little to no family left, so I can go where I want. I do not want a frigid climate as I grew up in one.

Any ideas where a gay senior can retiree on limited retirement income? At this point I don't want to own property any longer. I'm 69 my income is no more than $2500 per month.

I wanted to mention. I have tried to apply to the few gay apts that have been built. San Diego and L A. Neither one is accepting applications, because the waiting list is up to 5 years. So I don't know what to do. I have to be in a area with some contact with a gay community. I do not have that here. Even if I did. I just don't care f or Florida. I've been here 4 years.



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