11 Things People Hate the Most About Their HOA
Category: Active adult communities
February 25, 2024 — Following up on our recent article about the issues that Keep HOA Boards of Directors up at night, here is the other side – the things that HOAs do that drive home owners crazy.
Homeowners often have love-hate relationships with their Homeowners Associations (HOAs), but here are the most common complaints and frustrations:
1. Excessive Fees & Increases
- Many homeowners feel that HOA dues are too high or increase too frequently without justification.
- Special assessments for unexpected expenses can be a financial burden.
- With proper planning and budgeting, most assessments should be unnecessary.
2. Overly Strict Rules & Enforcement
- HOAs often have rigid rules about landscaping, home colors, mailbox designs, parking, fences, and holiday decorations.
- Some homeowners feel micromanaged by rules that seem unnecessary, and resent being controlled by others.
3. Selective or Unfair Enforcement
- Some HOAs are accused of inconsistently applying rules, enforcing them strictly on some but letting others slide.
- Perceived favoritism can create resentment among residents.
4. Poor Management & Lack of Transparency
- Unresponsive boards or property managers can frustrate homeowners.
- Homeowners dislike when financial records aren’t transparent or when they don’t have a say in decisions. When was the last time the board asked for my opinion about something?
5. Fines & Penalties for Minor Infractions
- HOAs can impose fines for minor violations, such as having weeds in a yard or leaving a trash can out too long.
- Some homeowners feel that fines are used as a money-making tool rather than a way to maintain the community.
6. Restrictions on Personal Property & Use
- Many HOAs have bans on RV or boat parking, certain pet breeds, renting out properties (short- or long-term), or even specific types of landscaping.
- Some homeowners feel that these restrictions interfere with their property rights.
7. Power-Hungry HOA Boards
- Some HOAs are run by people who abuse their power, leading to unfair treatment or unnecessary disputes.
- Nepotism and lack of turnover in leadership can also be an issue.

8. Legal Battles & Liens
- Homeowners can face legal action, including liens or foreclosures, if they fall behind on HOA dues.
- Some HOAs aggressively pursue legal action for minor disputes.
9. Lack of Amenities Despite High Fees
- Homeowners expect well-maintained pools, clubhouses, and common areas if they’re paying high fees, but some HOAs fail to deliver.
10. Difficulty Making Changes
- Getting approval for home improvements (like new windows, fences, or landscaping) can be time-consuming and frustrating.
- Some homeowners feel the approval process is arbitrary or too strict.
11. Arbitrary Decisions & Cronyism
- Some HOA boards favor friends and allies, granting approvals or waivers selectively.
- Rules and fines might be enforced inconsistently, making it seem like board members have their own agenda.
- Homeowners often feel like they have no say in decisions, especially when the board isn’t transparent or ignores resident concerns.
There is definitely a lot of frustration out there! HOAs should be about maintaining the neighborhood—not playing favorites. Have you had personal experience with this, or just heard the horror stories from others. Please share them in the Comments section below.

For further reading:
Comments on "11 Things People Hate the Most About Their HOA"
Admin says:
Here is the sort of thing that pits homeowners against their HOA. What happens when the community puts a boot on a car that is not parked correctly, but that makes the car behind it unmoveable? It's complicated. https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2025/02/27/ask-a-real-estate-pro-booting-car-traps-second-vehicle-in-garage-in-an-emergency-are-hoa-and-towing-company-liable/
Jan says:
I live in a community with a strong HOA, and I love it. The board members (who live here and are our neighbors) keep the community attractive, maintain our common areas, keep our property values high, and are very transparent in their actions. Community members can attend their meetings. People are issued a warning and an opportunity to correct what is wrong before any action is taken. We carefully vetted our HOA and read all the HOA documents prior to moving where we live, and we are HAPPY with common-sense controls that keep the community an attractive place to live. I realize some people don't want any restrictions on what they can do with their property, and by all means, that is their right and those people should absolutely not move into a community with an HOA.
Admin says:
Well said Jan. Most HOAs work well thanks to the hard work and common sense of their board members. There will always be tricky issues but in most cases they work them out equitably. Agree, if you don't like your board, volunteer to run or move to another community.
RichPB says:
I've generally been in favor of HOAs, but the horror stories are worth considering. Many here may know that we moved out of air 30 year dream home (with basically good HOA) into a long existing townhouse community in Fearrington Village, NC. The HOA there is strong and was good to work with until ne board members came in and decided to enforce plat/common area rules despite years of previous decisions. We bought a home with a 10' patio built more than 30 years ago. The new HOA declared it had put in 5 feet over the plat. They demanded we remove 5' of the patio and made other restrictions that limited livability for us despite our offer to trade 5' from another area and despite at least two laws that basically stated we were 10-15 years beyond statute of limitations. Discussion with attorneys confirming our position, but we were also told the cost to fight them in court would be prohibitive. We decided to use those fund to move again -- 18 months after moving in. We're now settled in a really nice pocket community, single family home and are very pleased -- despite the loss of a chunk of our retirement resources. Moral: It's a crap shoot.
RichPB says:
And btw, our new HOA is active but not over-bearing and has been very good in working with us. The last comment by Admin is what it is -- moving again was frustrating, stressful and costly. But living with an over-reaching HOA which is backed by deep pockets can be even more stressful and has the continuing threat of whatever they may come up with next. Several others of our former townhouse neighbors were planning to move at the time we left for various strongman actions of the HOA.
Daryl says:
Trying to understand how HOAs differ from local governments, and found this article suggesting they are governments “by the developer, not the people.” Is this true? Can the community members vote to abolish their HOA and live by the local municipality’s rules/laws instead?
RichPB says:
Daryl, my understanding is that an HOA is basically a local extension of government and laws covering a single community entity. As long as the HOA "enforced" covenants, they have the power of law. Whether a community can revoke an HOA depends on her the covenants are written, but in my limited experience, most require a major portion of the entire community (typically two-thirds to 100%) to approve any changes to the covenants. Covenants also have a defined lifetime like 20 years after which they must be adopted again or they expire.
Daryl says:
Thanks, Rich. The thought of spending all that money and time/energy researching communities, then move again (or remain miserable) because of new HOA rules makes me want a house on wheels.
RichPB says:
Daryl, you also asked if HOAs are "by the developer, not the people.”. In most cases, the developer initiated the HOA . They vote all the lots not yet sold and may(?) legally pass community resources on to the HOA (owners) when the development is sold out. So the intent is community government/management.