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Did You make a New Years Resolution This Year?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

January 7, 2020 — We are conducting a quick poll here on this Blog and in our Best Places Newsletter. The question is:

Did you make a New Year’s Resolution this year?

Please answer Yes or No in the Comments section below. And if you care to comment on how you did on last year’s, or if you love or hate the whole idea, feel free to share. We will be adding a tally in this article as the votes come in.

Photo by from Pexels
I love my Paddletek paddle.

Comments on "Did You make a New Years Resolution This Year?"

Jean says:
January 8, 2020

No. And dont think I've ever made a New Year's resolution.

Peder says:
January 8, 2020

No. January 1 is just another day unless you're taking credit for a stock market advance.

Tim says:
January 8, 2020

Yes.....this year
It's an ok thing to do sometimes, for some people. Most of the time I think it's more a minor form of entertainment than a serious attempt at self help.

Lkjohns says:
January 8, 2020

IMO New Years Resolutions don't work. I think that is partly due to setting an immediate date during the Holidays. I have changed my so called resolutions to goal setting and intend to carry them out sometime during the year. I think that allows for a much greater chance for success. Wish me luck!

Rick says:
January 8, 2020

No, i should have though.

Donna says:
January 8, 2020

Yes! I’m learning German and brushing up on my French. So far, so good! After we retired & moved across country, we expected to spend our first year doing some international traveling. Then I was diagnosed with breast cancer and that has taken more than a year to battle. Now I am NED ( no evidence of disease) & we hope to make up for some of that lost time!

Paula says:
January 8, 2020

No, although I always do a life-review / self examination to make sure I am on the path I want to be on. I record both my failures and successes in a journal - and with the failures, I include discoveries on how I need to adapt for more personal success/growth. It works for me!

VTRetiree says:
January 9, 2020

Donna, congrats on your NED. Same thing happened to my sister in law & my self, retired & then had our hardest job - fighting cancer but we both are winning. Think of it this way, you can swear in two different languages! The best to you & enjoy that traveling!!

RichPB says:
January 9, 2020

No, though at times I have in the past -- with some success for a while. Life change is s difficult, not whimsical. I think resolutions decided in advance with the 1st as a start date may be more successful.

Donna, congrats on a tough success. Best not to delay your travel if you can manage. Health has a way of sneaking away on you as you get older and can significantly interfere. Not just recurrence. But anything from arthritis to falls to new allergies to flu or even bee sting can limit your ability to enjoy.

RickB says:
January 9, 2020

No I did not directly, but I am very determined to find lower interest loans to get the cards paid off this year.

Rick Weber says:
January 9, 2020

No, I don’t make New Years resolutions

Tom Lerner says:
January 9, 2020

My resolution was to learn the lyrics to Louie -Louie. Deep, I know.

Joan says:
January 9, 2020

Yes. I have decided to spend more time this year focusing on myself. I need to exercise more. I would like to travel more this especially to see my children and little trips by myself.

Fionna says:
January 10, 2020

I prefer to set goals for myself vs. making a New Year’s resolution. Prefer to give myself some slack rather than being “resolute.”

Admin says:
January 10, 2020

It looks like the No's have it. About 82 people voted No resolution and 19 voted Yes. Seems like a good idea, maybe it has gone out of fashion, if it ever was in fashion. Thanks to all who voted!

Mary says:
January 10, 2020

No, I've reached the point where I have everything I want or need (except more time with the grandchildren), am taking care of my health, money is not an issue, and am pretty well satisfied with my life as is. A bit more travel would be good.

Caps says:
January 11, 2020

One more "yes," for your count. Another"yes," for accomplishing my yearly goal.

Admin says:
January 11, 2020

Here is the latest count:

92 No
22 Yes

Thanks to all you voters. If you haven't voted yet, leave it as a Comment

Futura says:
January 12, 2020

Yes, wrapping up my first full year of retirement and it was busier than I ever could imagined. Looking to slow down a bit and relax more.

Michele says:
January 12, 2020

Yes. My three goals have been the same since retirement - self care, travel, and learning/development. Each year I review what I’ve done and it helps me focus my attention for the next year.


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