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Daily Alert Miscues

Category: General Retirement Issues

October 3, 2021 — Subscribers to our Daily Alert were probably confused on Sunday, Oct. 3 when they received 3 copies of the same email. We are sorry about that. Probably as a result of our server being bombarded by someone try to index our content, the Oct 1 and Oct 2 emails were delayed or didn’t go out at all. Then the system tried to catch up and sent all 3 on Sunday.

We think we have found the problem and apologize for the delays and occasional multiple copies.

Comments on "Daily Alert Miscues"

Admin says:
October 5, 2021

Note: On Monday we sent out a manual version of the Alert with a link to the issue. On Tuesday we had a belt and suspenders approach which resulted in the same email being sent at 7 and at 9. We hope tomorrow's version will be just right! We appreciate your patience.


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