Best Retirement Links of the Week
Category: General Retirement Issues
March 1, 2011 — We’ve received so many good retirement links recently that we just don’t have room for them in our weekly newsletter. So rather than let them go to waste, we’ve included them all in this Blog roundup. Hope you find them useful.
Universal Design Video – Every baby boomer should be thinking about universal design, which is simply the idea of designing products and homes so that can be used by anyone, no matter what their physical condition. Think door handles instead of knobs, so you can open that door when carrying in the groceries. WSJ MarketWatch has a nice video on Universal Design – don’t miss it.
U.S. News Top 10 Bargain Spots – U.S. News Money has reported on 10 towns where housing prices have been falling the most. While that not be the most perfect selection device, these are very nice towns and cities where…
homes are quite a bargain vs. just a few years ago. Some of their choices include Tallahassee, Tucson, and Portland (OR).
Get Ready to Retire on $190/month. This headline got our attention. Sad to say, that’s how much the average baby boomer’s retirement assets will generate. It might pay your cable and phone bills, and not much else. If you’re still working, here is your wake up call – Retiring on $190/month.
“Best Places You Never Heard of“. This story from ABC news is not a new one, but it is interesting.
“What to Do If You Haven’t Saved Enough for Retirement“. This article from CNBC is quite helpful.
Do you have some good retirement stories we should know about? Give us the links in the Comments section below.
Comments on "Best Retirement Links of the Week"
Brad says:
Im planning on retiring in 6 months and my wife is getting worried about having enough money in retirement. I have a good retirement plan and have our home is paid off and are debt free. My wife also has retirement income. Any ideas on calming some of her fears?
John Brady says:
Brad, this is such a great question. I am sure there are millions of people with the same concerns. To try to answer you, we have prepared a new Blog post - hope you find it useful.