Are You Moving in Retirement – Please Take Our Quick Survey
Category: Retirement Planning
June 22, 2016 — Where will you live in retirement? Will it be in your current home, or something completely new in a very different region? Would you ever consider renting? Please take this quick 10 question, multiple choice survey and let us know. We will use your responses to develop an in-depth article for this Blog that should be very interesting. Thanks!
Note: This survey is now closed, thanks to everyone who took the time to complete it! Here is the link to the Where to Next Results
Comments on "Are You Moving in Retirement – Please Take Our Quick Survey"
HEF says:
So, where are the results of this survey? I would like to see the trends.
Comment from Admin: Good question HEF. We have been working on these and look for the first installment later today (7/7/16) Here is the link to Part 1 and Part 2
Peter Cherry says:
Yes. We are moving to be nearer our son rather than remain near our friends of 20 plus years. Family first is our motto.
Norma P says:
We will move south to a permanent home and summer in Maine. We do not want to spend our winters in Maine any longer. Well, my husband wouldn't mind because he's a big skier. If the winters didn't last so long, it wouldn't be too bad. But they do.