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15 Bike-Friendly Retirement Towns

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

Thanks in part to last year’s energy crisis, biking is hot again. At least $4/gallon gas had one side benefit, it made us aware of the joys and simplicity of our bicycles for transportation and recreation. Knowing that many retirees are looking for bike-friendly retirement towns, we recently authored an article that highlights 15 top bike-friendly cities. You can see the in-depth article in our Tips & Picks section – 15 Great Biking Towns for Retirement. The article discusses bike-friendly towns in 3 categories – those set up for bikes as the best form of transportation, those who have wonderful bike trails, and finally – towns that either have or are near the best mountain biking.

A lot of cities and towns are beginning to realize that making towns easy places to bike is good for many reasons – it adds to the quality of life, lowers pollution and traffic, and improves recreation. Some of the steps they are taking are adding bike lanes, closing traffic at some times or days to other vehicles, mandating bike racks in new facilities, incenting employers to add showers and lockers, and adding bike trails in parks and greenways.

Each town in the article has a link to a detailed profile.

Further Reference:
Miami Herald article – Miami Gets Bike Friendly
Best Retirement Towns for Gardens
Best Towns for Golf
Best Towns for Bookstores

Comments on "15 Bike-Friendly Retirement Towns"

February 13, 2009

Please see the post in the Forum by Old Nassua on most scenic bikeways


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