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Most Popular Retirement Articles of 2019

Category: Retirement Planning

December 25, 2019 — It is always interesting to see what articles at Topretirements generate the most readership and comments. Out of 94 Blog articles written in 2019, these are the 10 most popular. Subjects range everywhere from 401(k) changes to the 7 Deadly Sins of Retirement. Let us know your favorites, along with any ideas for future topics you might us to tackle. To drill down on your areas of interest, you can always explore the Blog Categories on the right hand side of the page.

  1. 10 Best of the Best Places to Retire.  To kick off the new year we picked the “2019 best of the best” – the 10 retirement towns that we think are the best places to retire. Some of the factors we weighed were cultural and recreational opportunities, climate, expense, taxes, the quality of the downtowns, and beauty.  Article was read 27,000 times and generated 37 Comments.
  2. 11 Iffy Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Retire to Florida. This article was a reaction to some silly objections published about living in Florida. Some of the alleged negatives were weirdness, swimming pools, hurricanes, and baby boomers. On the other hand, we can think of many places that are either so strange or so boring that we wouldn’t want to retire there. 71 Comments (tied for first place for the most comments).
  3. 7 Deadly Sins of Retirement. Here are what we think are the seven retirement sins – the worst mistakes you can make in retirement. We hope you will add your own ideas – based on your own experience. 41 Comments
  4. The Best States for Retirement 2019. In this year’s best states for retirement roundup we attacked the question in a very practical way. First we looked at where the most people are actually moving in retirement. Then added some states that folks seem to be very interested in retiring to, based on the ones they spend the most time reading about on this site. 71 Comments
  5. What Is the Best Plan for You – Medicare + Medigap, or Medicare Advantage. Medicare plans generated a LOT of discussion at Topretirements this year. Some folks swear by Medicare Advantage, many others love their Plan F. This article explains the differences. 71 comments.
  6. 17 Most Popular Active Communities in the Southeast. Here we took at look at the 55+ and active adult communities that our visitors and Members were most interested in reading about. 17 Comments.
  7. What Are the Pitfalls of Buying a Home in the Southeast or Southwest. This member suggested article generated 32 comments.
  8. Move or Stay in Retirement: Big Questions. There are some big questions about moving everyone needs to answer before they pull the trigger. Hopefully this article can help. 58 comments.
  9. 20 Most Popular Places to Retire in the Southeast. There are a lot of popular places to retire in the region comprising Florida, Georgia, the Carolinas and some others. Coming out on top of some stiff competition are these 20. 18 comments.
  10. Retirement Planning 101: Module 1. This is Module 1 in our retirement planning series. There are now 6 modules, so far! Here is a list of all of the modules. 48 comments.
I love my Paddletek paddle.

Article most viewed published before 2019.

Many of our articles from the past (going back to 2007) continue to enjoy wide readership. Dueling Carolinas (below) was the most read of any non-2019 article.

Dueling Carolinas: Which State Offers the Best Retirement – North or South? This classic article has been updated many times, most recently in 2018. It offers a comparison on a whole host of factors. And, it has generated a whopping 652 comments!

City review most read.

Asheville, NC was the popular city review in 2019, a position it usually earns every year.

Comments? What topic(s) should Topretirements cover next year? Please let us know in the Comments section below.

Comments on "Most Popular Retirement Articles of 2019"

quinnemma says:
December 27, 2019

Very good articles. Despite the fact that I am still far from retirement, I am already beginning to become interested in investing in my retirement life and accumulating money. As for me, an ideal pension is an opportunity to take a break from many years of work. These are constant travel, relaxation, the opportunity to afford decent SPA, decent clothing and a country house, preferably on the ocean. But still, often this only happens in films than in real life. We work a lot throughout our lives, we help our children, pay for their college, etc. That is why I believe that it is necessary to start accumulating finance for the future from an early age. I would really like to see some information in your blog, perhaps an interview with “successful pensioners” who succeed in planning their finances correctly and life in general, and now have a great retirement. Thanks!


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