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Retirement Quiz: Module 4

Category: Retirement 101 Course

Note: The 4th module in our Retirement 101 Online Retirement Preparation Course is a 20 Question Quiz

February 20, 2019 — One of the wisest pieces of advice we have ever heard is to “know what you don’t know”. The adage applies perfectly to the world of retirement, where good planning can lead to a solid understanding of the hazards and potential joys that lie behind the next door.  Plunging into retirement without a plan means you take the risk of making some very big mistakes, or missing opportunities that could have made you very happy.

This Module of our online Retirement Preparation course is a short quiz. Use the “Take the Quiz Now” link to answer the questions as honestly as you can. Note that they represent just a sample of the areas you need to plan for.  When you finish taking the quiz you will be given a score that reflects a rough estimate of the state of your retirement preparation.  You can use that to assess the areas you need to work on. 

Take the Quiz Now!

The answers explained. When you finish taking the quiz you will get a link to an article that explains what we think are the preferred answers. See Retirement Preparation Answers. No cheating!


Did we ask the right questions, and were there others we should have probed on? We would love to hear your suggestions and opinions, including a discussion of the answers. 

Further reading:

Link to Module 1 (and all the other Modules)

Are You Ready to Retire

How Ready for Retirement Are You (Part 1)

Retirement Readiness Quiz – Part 2 (Financial)

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