Move Over Boomers – We’re Outnumbered
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
January 26 — As a baby boomer we confess to a certain pride in belonging to the largest single age demographic group in world history. A tidal wave that crashed on the shore in 1946, we overflowed the hospitals we were born in. That continued through our childhood as new schools had to be built to accommodate our numbers. We were responsible for a revolution in music and other aspects of culture, and the Vietnam War was in many ways our defining period. The workplace changed dramatically during our working years. And even now we are redefining retirement.
Like it or not, it looks like the days of our numerical superiority is over. The Census Bureau reports that in 2015 millennials, those born between 1982 and 2000, total 83.1 Americans, almost 8 million more than there are baby boomers (born between 1946 and 1964). Millennials also outnumber members of Generation X (1965-1980), who total 65 million.
Note the generation born after 2000 does not yet have a name. To solve that problem Jonah Bromwich of the New York Times is asking for suggestions. If you have an idea, you can email him at jo************@ny*****.com. Use the Subject heading: “Naming the Next Generation.”
So back to us baby boomers. Maybe we have had the stage long enough. Time to stop boring our children with how great it was back in the days of Woodstock and let the next generation(s) take over, whatever they end up being called. It was a great run though!
Comments: Anybody care to comment – please use the Comments section below.
PS – There was a great article about Topretirements today on The pictures of the towns we reviewed are spectacular. – Best US Cities for Retirement
Comments on "Move Over Boomers – We’re Outnumbered"
Kay Lynn says:
It's not surprising that our generation would be surpassed by millennials -- who are our children. Our numbers will continue to shrink; it's the natural order.
DJB says:
The generation born after 2000 does have a name - it's Generation Z .
GD says:
We're definitely in for a change. After 50 or so years of gov'ts catering to us generating trillions of $ in debts the "new boss" may not be so much like "the old boss", sorry Pete Townshend. Hopefully the supposed coming conflct btn the two generations will not be as bad as many fortell, Steve has written an interesting blog that is a more moderate view compared to others.
Laurie says:
And every working millennial and Gen Z will be contributing to our social security.