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Why Your Best Place to Retire Might Actually Be 2 Places

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

December 20, 2016 — Our friend and long-time member Dave E commented on one of our articles from 5 years ago today – the “Two Places Retirement” strategy. The idea of retiring to more than one place, which snowbirds are so fond of, is an interesting topic that many folks are probably interested in learning about. Since many of our Members have never seen the original article, we’ve had a go at updating it.

Here is the link to the updated article: “Why Your Best Place to Retire Might Be 2 Places
The article covers:
– Advantages
– Strategies
– Managing the Costs
– Disadvantages

Plus there is a corresponding article you might also want to check out:
Best Places to Retire: Our Ideal Snowbird Location Pairings, a Member-suggested topic which lists some ideas for what those 2 locations might be.

Comments on "Why Your Best Place to Retire Might Actually Be 2 Places"

areti11 says:
January 18, 2017

I'd love to be able to do that, but that can get expensive. It would be nice to get away to another part of the country for a few months though.

Linda says:
January 19, 2017

I tried snowbirding for a few years. That 1700-mile drive back and forth got really old really fast. Plus I would always wish I had something that was in Florida when I was in Minnesota or the other way round. It can get just as hot and steamy in the summer in Minnesota as it does in Florida. But I didn't have a pool in Minnesota. Maintaining two complete households is a pain. And expensive. RE taxes both places, HOA fees, insurance on both, utilities for both, etc.

Anyway, as I faced the drive back last spring, I realized that I didn't want to do that any more. Put my Minnesota place on the market and came down to Florida full time in the fall. It's a challenge melding the two households, but I'm chipping away at it. I can always fly back to Minnesota to visit. And many of my Minnesota friends come to Florida in the winter, so it's not like I won't see them again.

areti11 says:
January 20, 2017

I lived in Fla in the 80's, Tampa Bay area. I liked it alot except for the summers, we finally mover to San diego to get away from the thunderstorms and the humidity....what city are you in?

Sue M says:
January 20, 2017

Am looking for links/ideas of places listing rentals for a month (at least) in the winter in NC/SC or west coast Fla. I do understand that rentals are usually done a year in advance. Any suggestions?

Florence says:
January 21, 2017

Check out rental vacation rental companies in the areas your interested in. I just got some emails about "specials", vacation properties that have not yet rented monthly. I'd also check out VRBO. P


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