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What Is the First Thing You Will Do Once Corona Is Behind Us?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

May 20, 2020 — No two ways about it, the corona virus has been brutal. So many lives lost, livelihoods ruined, plans destroyed. Pain and suffering, deprivation, happiness taken away, etc. But, looking on the bright side, someday it will be behind us, thanks to a cure, a vaccine, or herd immunity.

Once the day comes that we can do anything we want without fear, we would love to know about the first thing you plan on doing. It can be something big, something tiny, no matter what. Please share your thoughts about what you would like to do so we can all have a hopeful target, a north star to guide us to a better day. Please share your thoughts, no matter what, in the Comments section below. Thanks, and stay safe and hopeful!

Comments on "What Is the First Thing You Will Do Once Corona Is Behind Us?"

Patrick says:
May 19, 2020

Travel! I'm going stir crazy! While I'm waiting, I'll definitely be out supporting my local businesses.

Drew says:
May 19, 2020

I'm getting a dog, a rescue dog, It will be a wonderful life for the both of us!

Goldie says:
May 19, 2020

I am going to buy a new pair of running shoes and then campaign as much as I can for a better life while volunteering my time to my State Representatives which I have never done before, but I’ve already contacted them and there is lots to do! I also like Patrick’s idea and will definitely support local businesses!

LS says:
May 20, 2020

The key phrase in the question is "do anything we want without fear". I don't think that will be possible for many of us of a certain age and with existing health issues. We are already seeing the careless disregard for the health of oneself and others by those who for whatever reason choose to ignore good practices while out in public. We will likely be subject to continuing waves of this viral pandemic for quite a while and even after there is a vaccine, there will be outbreaks until the vast majority of the earth's population is vaccinated. That will, of course, take years and then there is the problem of those who are opposed to vaccinations in general.

On the bright side, this this pandemic has made us aware of good practices to slow the spread of such outbreaks. From now on, there will be changes in social behavior for a lot of people and businesses will more conscience of how to better protect their employees from community spread of viruses. Having traveled in Asia, I observed that in the cities there, you see many people wearing masks, even before there was a corona virus. It is something that is normal there. This was strange for an American to observe but I believe that it will need to become common in our crowded cities if we are to continue to live close together.

Will we ever be "normal" again. Probably not. But we will learn to cope with the virus as we do with the flu strains. As this virus mutates, we will probably need to receive an annual virus vaccine shot along with our flu shot. Many things will change in our lives. Handshakes, hugging, avoiding travel on crowded transportation, working in crowded offices, attending mass sporting events are all things we will have to make choices about. That will be the new normal.

Maimi says:
May 20, 2020

Well, I am divorced and have been totally alone now since March. LS, you are correct that the fear of this will probably not go away during our life times. But, hypothetically, if there came a moment that we could act without fear, I am going to kiss a guy! Ladies, hang on to your man! Just kidding, of course, but I will give my daughter who have not seen in 3 months because she is in NYC and afraid to give me the virus. There are a lot of very lonely seniors right now, and I am one of them.

Barbara says:
May 20, 2020

Going canoeing and picnicking with friends where we will talk and smile until the sun goes down!

PaulaS says:
May 20, 2020

I am hosting a dinner party for friends. Getting out the fine china and linen! It will be a fancy affair so we can all dress up. I've never had so much time to plan one, but I have the recipes ready, and the games picked. Just need the date!

RichPB says:
May 20, 2020

Patrick has it right -- travel. Hopefully car or train trip in North America.

LS has it right -- no matter what, it will be different. Being at the highest risk means delay at least until after true cure or effective vaccine. Til then we will wait it out and be thankful we have a sanctuary to do so. The leading medical experts expect even a vaccine, like the flu vaccine, will likely be only 60-70% effective. Both cure and vaccines are needed.

It will be different and travel for us will be limited to low Covid incidence places at that time.

Admin says:
May 20, 2020

I want to get on a plane and visit my two grandchildren in California, or have them and their parents come to see us in the Northeast.

Jemmie says:
May 21, 2020

I too want to travel. Would love to plan a road trip from PA to CO with sightseeing stops along the way and maybe camping. Destination is where the grandchildren live.

Jean says:
May 21, 2020

Get together (in person) with some friends for lunch and some serious retail therapy! We are in touch on the phone and online but there's nothing like a girls day out browsing the shops :) And Hubs will get a haircut. (I offered to trim it for him but her declined. ) Other parts of life are already slowly getting back to normal; Golf opened here about 3 weeks ago, garden centers are open, and I pick up clay/drop off pieces at the pottery studio and spend time making hand built items (currently finishing up a "murder hornet" sculpture complete with bloody dagger in it's hand :)

RichPB says:
May 21, 2020

Jean,. Thanks for the "bloody dagger" smile you brought to me. Wish I could see your murder hornet. A smile out of two frightening experiences
( Covid and hornet) is priceless to those allergic to bee sting.

Bradford Cee says:
May 21, 2020

Travel throughout USA. And vote in November. Going to cabin in woods (72141) 4 few weeks. Remote. No cell coverage. On a small river. No dogs barking, sirens, people wanting me to solve their issues, no traffic. Only night sound is occasional coyote. Then off to house located in 49862. Not coming home till first snow flies. Maybe not then.

Jean says:
May 21, 2020

RichPB, Glad to get a smile :) It's very fragile now, bone dry greenware and will go for bisque firing Sat. If it survives will post on Shutterfly or Pinterest and put the link here.

joanne says:
May 21, 2020

The thing I miss the most is my grandchildren. Two daugher's each have a child (ages 1 and 2). They are unable to travel due to their professions--doctor and nurse. They deal with COVID patients and fear they would infect my husband and I so they will not visit. We FaceTime daily, but I feel like I am missing so much. We used to fly to visit at least once a month, but no plane rides right now. I am lucky that my husband (age 73) and I (age 66) still work full time and have an income. I know things will improve eventually. I also miss some retail therapy but have kept up online, sending the grandchildren toys and clothes. We have a 3rd daughter and her husband who live near us so at least they visit on weekends when they are not working from home. Sadly we have an immediate family member that has been in ICU for over a month which has been a difficult situation. We are seeing signs that he may make it but it has been sad for us.

Larry Gavrich says:
May 22, 2020

At the risk of shameless promotion, one of the first things I plan to do is publish my first book, which is 15 years in the making. It is written, edited and just needs some formatting. It is designed to help (mostly) Baby Boomer couples search for and find their ideal golf community home in the Southeast U.S. within one year. (Note: More than half those who live in golf communities do not play golf; they prefer the landscaped green spaces and financial stability of investments inside the gates of golf communities.) The absolute first thing I will do is play a round of golf. Yes, most golf courses in CT, where I live, have been open throughout the pandemic, but I check all the boxes for high risk (age, diabetes, prior heart surgery) and have been abundantly cautious. I have enjoyed my hermitage, which has been extremely productive -- I now can bake a respectable scone -- but I am ready, like everyone else, to emerge from the cocoon.

Bob says:
May 22, 2020

Lol! Turns out I'm one of those people who discovered social distancing is my normal life. Ok, not entirely true. Miss lunches with friends, but talking by phone we've screwed that just because States are opening up doesn't mean the virus is gone, so we have no intention of going to restaurants. You can't eat with a mask on! I will still continue to wear a mask when out in public shopping for food. I think this is with us for a long time. The safety measures, not the idea of living in fear Advil not living in fear. My normal life is going out hiking/rock climbing which I normally do by myself anyway as I can still do tougher things that my friends can't. But I do miss the occasional hike with a friend. The biggest relief to me is the opening of national forest, national parks, state parks for camping. Where I will still be social distancing as I go out to hike, not meet people.

Shauna says:
May 22, 2020

What I miss most, since I live alone, is human touch. Fortunately I have had some canine and feline cuddling to tide me over (the feline hugs were only tolerated...sort of). I really want to be able to freely hug my friends and family again. And get a massage! Travel is a close second. It might be quite awhile before those things are safe, but a girl can dream...

Pat R says:
May 22, 2020

Go to lots of casinos. Our restaurants are already open, so eating out almost every day now. Then a cruise in September. Life goes on.. . .


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