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Study Says Paxlovid Works for People Over 65

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

Sept. 1, 2022 — Several Members commented recently about whether or not they would take Paxlovid if they contracted Covid. In a Comment Rick said he wouldn’t use it, based on the experience of so many people he knows who have taken it and experienced rebound. RichPB, however, said that the drug can reduce death and serious hospitalizations, and that taking it is a personal choice. To that point, a new study from Israel found that Paxlovid reduced the risk of death by 79% and hospitalizations 73% among patients over the age of 65. The study is one of the first tests since the arrival of the Omicron variant. The drug seemed to have little beneficial effect among younger patients in the Israeli study, even if they had underlying health problems.

Dr. Ashish Jha, the White House Covid-19 response coordinator, said in a Twitter post that anyone over the age of 50 and those with serious health conditions should take the drug as soon as they know they have Covid. At Massachusetts Brigham researchers have found that Paxlovid reduced hospitalizations among people age 50-64, particularly those who were obese or unvaccinated.

One of the big concerns about Paxlovid is what seems to be high rates of Covid rebound among people who have taken the drug – and that group includes both President and Mrs. Biden. Data seems to be non-existent on this topic at this point, but as one doctor said, there seem to be very few instances of Covid rebound causing hospitalization or death.

Bottom line

The research is starting to come in. Paxlovid appears to be helpful in preventing severe illness and deaths among people over 65. The jury is still out on its benefits for healthy younger people, and the incidence of rebound Covid.

For more:

“Paxlovid Most Effective Among Oldest Patients”

Comments on "Study Says Paxlovid Works for People Over 65"

Kathy says:
September 1, 2022

Paxlovid has shown greatest benefit for patients over 65 who have not been vaccinated. These are the patients who have a reduced rate of hospitalizations and death with the medication. I am recovering from Covid now, 76 years old, vaccinated and 1 booster. I did not take Paxlovid. Had I not been vaccinated, my decision would have been different; the risk of rebound would pale in comparison to the risk of severe illness or death.
Kathy (an MD)

Beebs says:
September 2, 2022

I travel alot and on the last trip in July I came down with covid. I called my doctor and was put on Paxlovid. I took it for 5 days and felt great after that only to get the rebound 4 days later. It lasted about 3 days and was not as bad as covid. I don't know if I would take it again because of the rebound.


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