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What We Stand For

Category: Uncategorized

April 3, 2017 — Our recent article about the Proposed Obamacare Replacement Bill generated some consternation among some of our Members. We had a few emails and comments to the Blog that wished we had remained apolitical (and some more colorful). Many more people were probably upset but did not say anything. We appreciate getting all kinds of feedback, it is always helpful (if sometimes painful). With that in mind it seems like a good time to state what stands for.

Here is what we say on our “About Us” page,.

Our goal at is to help 78 million baby boomers make more informed decisions about key issues in retirement. That includes topics such as where to live and the reasons that should go into that decision. We also try to provide intelligent background information about important issues like Social Security, Medicare, how to survive retirement financially, as well as how to make the best of and enjoy your well deserved retirement. We hope this site is where real people share honest opinions about retirement in a supportive environment. Our message to retirees is: retirement gives you the freedom to start over fresh, so you might as well make informed decisions!

We do have an axe to grind in the retirement discussion; if you are a retiree or near-retiree we are rooting for you! If we see an issue that affects you, we will try to present you with objective facts from reputable sources. We will also occasionally give you a point of view – if we think a development is harmful or beneficial to you, we will say so. But if we do, it will be labelled as our opinion.

We hope this statement summarizes why we wrote the Healthcare article. We felt that the bill was going to hurt our audience of near retirees, and wanted to let you know the facts (yes, the facts, from authoritative sources with real journalists doing honest research, not political blogs with axes to grind). With the facts in hand you could make up your own minds.

Our biases might inadvertently creep in from time, and we apologize for that. But we won’t apologize for standing up for you when we think you need to know about an issue that affects you.

Thanks for being part of the Topretirements community – we appreciate your support.

Comments on "What We Stand For"

Ann says:
April 3, 2017

Well reasoned and completely appropriate. Many thanks, John!

Jan Cullinane says:
April 3, 2017

Great site, terrific information, and wonderful discussions.

Thank you John!

Doc says:
April 3, 2017

Civil, educational discussions are ALWAYS valid. Without differing points of view, we might have an "echo' chamber. Keep up the good work! Even wise Abe Lincoln knew all people could not be pleased all of the time.....

Stacey says:
April 3, 2017

I think your articles are well presented and factual. I don't believe telling the truth is a political statement. It just is what it is.

Caps says:
April 3, 2017

I'm often curious of the origin of what is stated herein, especially because of the diverse participation, albeit mainly retirees.

Ed LaFreniere says:
April 4, 2017

This site has always been remarkably neutral politically -- the article about health care appears to be no exception. Topretirements presents facts, and its articles clearly are intended to offer insights and to raise flags on behalf of those of us who are nearing, or are at, retirement age. Having worked for many years in journalism, I can tell you that it's impossible to please everyone, but this site has judiciously avoided loaded words and judgmental reporting. It is a breath of fresh air in today's polluted atmosphere of biased reporting.

Rich says:
April 4, 2017

We all have opinions and it can be difficult to read posts (or even articles) that are contrary to our opinions and beliefs. But we can always choose to not read a topic, or we can provide what we think is "better" information. I appreciate the thoughts about places, things, and lifestyles identified in TopRetirements. That statement very much includes the Healthcare article. I don't add much (if any) to that thread and I don't read it all (too frustrating). But it's still a resouce that I cherish having. The current world is frightening to many -- but it would be much worse to bury our heads in the sand hoping for the best.

So add my thanks for bringing the Healthcare issue to the front, for providing a forum and for all the other (frequently less controversial) topics and information. Well Done!

Debra says:
April 5, 2017

I appreciate "factual" facts. Thank you.

Maria says:
April 5, 2017

I agree with the comments above. Keep up the good work!

Doc says:
April 5, 2017

Rich, very often I struggle to move thoughts (however specious) from my head, to the printed word. You, Sir, somehow missed your calling. I'm jealous of your eloquence! The fact that your thoughts often mirror my own doesn't hurt either....

Larry says:
April 5, 2017

We are so 'politically correct' this day and age, that it seems someone is offended by whatever the subject...this one is no different...I can still enjoy the publication, even if I disagree about a given subject.

How can you have a civil war? You probably can't. However, I believe you can have civil discourse!

Kate . says:
April 6, 2017

I also appreciate the site, and its balanced approach to retirement issues. I love the personal stories that help me to view different sides of issues. The personal stories carry more weight with me than any news story, whether the news comes from the right or the left. Most of the posters here are extremely courteous to each other too, which helps a respectful dialogue. I need to understand the possible impacts of legislation on retirement, the cost of Medicare and supplemental plans, if a particular location is conservative or liberal, etc. All of those factors could affect my life for the next 20+ years, so they're important to me!

Roberta says:
April 6, 2017

Facts on healthcare are extremely important for retirees or near retirees. Totally appropriate to this site. I thank you
for bringing the healthcare issue to out attention.

Much thanks for this particularly helpful forum.

Bubbajog says:
April 6, 2017

Civil disagreement is a very important part of our democracy and freedom. The democratic foundation of the United States is extremely strong. We are very fortunate people to be Americans and to be living in the United States with the incredible freedoms that we have. I will never take that blessing lightly. The reality is that in many parts of the world with the strong partisan divide we now have in our country; they would already be shooting at each other. I am and always will be a very proud American.

CM Simon says:
April 7, 2017

You are helping seniors with the most important decisions they have. Those saying you made site political are ones who made the conversation political. Keep on doing what you're doing. I want to know everything that impacts my retirement savings. Anyone who doesn't want to know your thoughts on healthcare doesn't have to READ post. So simple. That's how that freedom of choice works. Don't let fussy butts decide what 'should or should not' be good for all of us to read.

Stacey says:
April 7, 2017

Well said Bubbajog!


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