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What Is the Best… And Worst… Thing About Your Retirement

Category: Retirement Planning

September 11, 2012 — Our surveys have produced some absolutely wonderful suggestions for future surveys. The most support came for this one – What is the best…and the worst.. thing about your retirement. We extended the idea a bit to include questions about retirement preparation as well as actual retirement. Note that many of you asked for more ranking questions – and here they are. On those questions you actually drag the items on the list into your order of preference.

The survey is mostly aimed at people who have already retired. But many of the questions can be answered by folks who are preparing to retire. Please answer as many as you can. The more responses we get, the more valid the results!

Editor’s note. This survey is closed, but here is where you can see the fascinating results. Meanwhile, click on the link below to take our newest survey below …..

Rank the best choices to fix Medicare


If you have comments about this survey please add them in the Comments section below.

Comments on "What Is the Best… And Worst… Thing About Your Retirement"

Joe Verdoorn says:
September 12, 2012

Good start I suggest you add some background questions such as age, options considered rural small town active adult urban are a few I suggest to provide some context.

John Brady says:
September 12, 2012

Good suggestions Joe, thanks! We will keep them in mind for future. We continue to get some wonderful ideas for future surveys. Meanwhile I realize we should provide links to our previous survey results, which are instructive:
Top Concerns about Retirement

Topretirements members not worried, will retire early...

Linda says:
September 12, 2012

What if there are no bad things to report about retirement? That wasn't an option. You had a laundry list of stuff which I guess will be reported as a response. For me, there are no negatives. I get to do what I want, when I want. I can travel as much as I want. I may or may not relocate. My son (the one with all the grandchildren) is in the military, so no clue where they might settle eventually. I'm in no particular hurry to make that decision.

Jennifer says:
September 13, 2012

The title should be Best and Worst not Worse! This post is irritating due to the grammer.

Editor's note: Oops, just corrected that, thanks for pointing it out. Sister Mary Jerome would have my knuckles for that one! But in fairness I should point out that "grammar" has 2 a's (!)

Rich says:
September 13, 2012

People who live in glass houses shouldn't stow thrones! :lol:

For those who remember, that is a great Johnny Carson punchline that fits well.

Interesting survey -- I'm looking forward to the results.

Brad says:
September 13, 2012

I agree with Linda, retirement is great! Live life and enjoy, put a smile on do what you want when you want. Be a kid again laugh and play. I'm not looking at what's bad in life look at what is great. Most of us have worked very hard to get to this point. ENJOY!!!!

Jennifer says:
September 13, 2012

In fairness, was a typo, I know how to spell usually. I do not live in a glass house sorry.

LOU says:
September 14, 2012

Hard to stay retired in New York, due to high taxes (cost of living)I've been home for a year and its not easy everytime I step out of my house it cost money. Also most of my friends are still working, you have to make sure you have a hobby.

Bob Hollerbach says:
September 14, 2012

Retiring before age 70 or even 75 seems to young to retire from some kind of occupation or money-generating activity. I feel that we all should be able to contribute and be part of the work force for as long as we are able. commercial work force

Admin says:
September 17, 2012

Our analysis of the survey, "Best and Worst Things About Your Retirement: Results are in" is out! There are several surprises and 100's of very interesting comments not to be missed. Big thanks to everyone who participated!

Rich says:
April 22, 2016

Years later, I happened to catch my own typo in my response above. Should be:

People who live in GRASS houses shouldn’t stow thrones!

Doc Stickel says:
April 23, 2016

Rich, way too windy round these parts for "grass houses". I'm a bit late to this party, yet I do have a thought on how retirement worked for me. If there is a " worst" feature, although that sounds ridiculous-it was that fact that I hadn't adequately prepared myself for the relative inactivity that being unemployed brought. I found it highly unsettling after decades of 60 to70 hour work weeks. I heard once that the only thing worse than getting up and going to work was getting up with nothing to do. That hit home for me. Three weeks of inactivity and I was back to work. Of course now, it is more on my own terms and some is volunteering. Very liberating to work because you WANT, vs because you must. Other than that-I did work long and hard to reach this place, and I'm enjoying every moment. why not?


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