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Take Our New Retirement Confidence Poll

Category: Retirement Planning

Note: This survey is closed. To see the most interesting results, go to: “Topretirements Members Very Confident About Retirement
September 9, 2014 — Please share a couple of minutes to tell us about your confidence in maintaining your standard of living, importance of proximity to good medical care, and a few other financial and health related questions. We’ll be back in 2 weeks with a detailed report on what you said! To give you an idea of what you’ll see in the report, here is the article we wrote back in June on your “Where to Retire Preferences“.

Take the Survey


Comments on "Take Our New Retirement Confidence Poll"

Admin says:
September 11, 2014

This comment came in from Eileen:
I have a lot of trepidation about retirement. Having lost my home due to a job loss in 2010, I lost a significant portion of my retirement. I am working again but making 35% less than before. I have a small 401K and a small pension from my previous job. I am contributing what I can to my new job’s 401K but it won’t be nearly enough for retirement. I am 60 years old and have big medical troubles coming up, so I’m hoping I can work until 66. With medical costs so high, I don’t even know if I will be able to afford proper medical care. I will definitely move down to NC/SC/FLA to minimize housing costs and I need to be near a good medical facility. Can I find both? I hope so…


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