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Take our 50th Reunion Survey

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

Note: This survey is closed. You can read our full report on the findings including dozens of interesting comments from the survey at “Boomers Look Forward to Their 50th Reunions with Facebook and an Occasional Tad of Cattiness“.

February 23, 2015 — There will be a LOT of baby boomers getting invitations to 50th high reunions in the next few years. In fact the first parties happened last year, when the class of 1964 got back together again. That group, which launched the baby boom with their arrival on the planet in 1946, is demographic proof of the return of American GIs from WWII. Those born in 1947, the class of 1965, will have their reunions this year. Interestingly enough the last birth year for baby boomers was 1964 – the same year the first contingent graduated from high school! Those baby boomer youngsters will blow the lights out on the baby boomer reunion party bonanza in 2032.

We confess to a mild obsession about the whole topic, which we hope is shared by a few others. In the hope that it might make an interesting article for our Topretirements members, we have constructed a simple 5 question survey that we hope you will complete. We’ll take your input on questions like, do you plan on attending (and why or why not), and write up a summary on the Blog. Although reunions aren’t exactly on topic for retirement – almost all of the folks getting these invitations will be retired by the time they get them.

We hope you think this will be fun, so please help out by sharing your input. TAKE THE SURVEY LINK

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