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Taco Bell Adds Spices Up Retirement Living Options

Category: Active adult communities

July 14, 2024 — We had to read this one a couple of times to believe it- yes, Taco Bell is starting a retirement community. It is called The Cantinas and is located near San Diego, California. Their marketing slogan is “Come Live Más at the ultimate playground for your inner eclectic grandparent”. So… Taco Bell joins Margaritaville as a hospitality company offering a new kind of branding for retirement.

The idea for The Cantinas is pretty revolutionary. Not really a real estate development, it is a place to come and stay for a night or weekend, eat an early dinner at Taco Bell (with the promise of an enhanced dining experience), and have all kinds of recreation fun. In another piece of copy they promise low impact sports, old school arts and crafts, and next-level leisure: two days full of retiree-inspired recreation that’ll knock you off your rocker. Rewards members get first dibs on overnight stays ($50) and weekend passes ($150).

The fun starts Aug. 17th. See The Cantinas for more info.

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