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Retiring in LGBT-friendly cities: what to look for, what to watch out for

Category: LGBT Retirement

By Shannon Keating

Note: We had a guest post from Dave Hughes in 2015 with 10 more LGBT-friendly cities.
From time to time we hear from members who are interested in a gay-friendly or at least gay-tolerant town. Retiring in LGBT-friendly communities can have enormous benefits, and not only for gays and lesbians. Those interested in progressive politics, activism, and youthful, artsy ambiances will generally find what they are looking for in pro-LGBT spaces; we have outlined some of our favorites below.

But before making the move to one of these communities, what do gays and lesbians need to watch out for in the relocation and real estate process? We’ll give you a few things to consider to make your move as seamless as possible.

The LGBT cities we love, and why

The benefits of gay-friendly cities extend far beyond the creation and maintenance of safe, exciting spaces for the LGBT community. These cities are generally liberal, or contain many liberal pockets and enclaves. They are oftentimes centers for progressive thought and activism, have plenty of resources for LGBT individuals and their friends, are brightened by art scenes in which the gay community is active, and are generally teeming with multiple forms of diversity.

Miami, Florida – Miami, the largest city in southeast Florida, has both a thriving beach network and LGBT community. The Design district is dotted with plenty of chic stores and restaurants. No longer just a party town, Miami has developed into a fashion-forward gem of Floridian living.

St. Louis, Missouri – The historic gateway to the west was chosen out of 400 cities to be included in the book 50 Fabulous Gay-Friendly Places to Live. It hosted the First Annual Trans Family Picnic in 2010. St. Louis is the second largest city in Missouri and home to plenty of interesting, diverse neighborhoods filled with interesting, diverse people. St. Louis has one of the highest populations of gays and lesbians in the country.

Denver, Colorado – The Mile High City is famous for outdoor recreation and youthful, liberal, gay-friendly flair. The Denver Pridefest celebrates and promotes the LGBT community, while the gay lifestyle is generally supported in the many clubs, bars and organizations in the city. A new Gay and Lesbian Center and plenty of gay public officials make LGBT culture a simple part of life here.

Atlanta, Georgia – Atlanta is a relatively liberal center in widely conservative Georgia, a Southern favorite for gay communities. A Pride Festival is held every year in November. A Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce is devoted to promoting gay-friendly businesses and gay life in general through economic means. Gay neighborhoods are all over the city.

Santa Fe, New Mexico – A smaller city that packs an incredibly strong cultural punch, Sante Fe is the gay capital of the southwest. Billing itself as the “City Different,” Sante Fe has a large collection of fabulous restaurants and museums. The Silver Starlight Lounge was nominated as a Top 60 bar by Out magazine. Sante Fe has the third largest art market in America.

Madison, Wisconsin – The LGBT jewel of the Midwest, Madison hosts a huge gay pride event every August. Gay nightlife here is superb, with plenty of clubs, restaurants and bars specifically for gays, though there are spots friendly to the lifestyle all over the city. As one of America’s most prominent and exciting college towns, Madison is a youthful and generally liberal community.

New York, New York – Our list would not be complete without ritzy, glittering New York, a world famous LGBT community. New York has had an exciting and long-lasting history; the gay community has been blossoming here even since the early 1900s. The diverse neighborhoods all have different ambiances, but are similarly united by a very liberal and progressive swing. Nightlife, especially for gays and livings, is arguably the most fabulous and wide-ranging in the country. Some of the most prominent gay artists, musicians, and politicians have come out of New York, and many still reside there.

Palm Springs, California – Famous for its openness to the gay community, “The Playground of the stars” is a beautiful Los Angeles getaway filled with specific gay resorts and brightened by a fun, glamorous beachy lifestyle. Due to its increasingly vibrant gay culture, a survey by gays and lesbians and 2006 placed Palm Springs as their tenth favorite gay-friendly US city. Diverse, funky and upscale, Palm Springs has plenty to offer for every taste, whether gay or straight.

Seattle, Washington – The average age here on the Pacific seaboard is 36, making Seattle a very young and gay-friendly city. The prestigious University of Washington also helps give this city a very upbeat and cosmopolitan feel. Seattle is a famous art town, charming and industrious all at once.

Washington, D.C. – The nation’s capital is bursting with a fun, youthful, and generally liberal vibe. D.C. has an enormous and passionate LGBT community. Gay individuals looking for a city bursting with progressive political action will find all they want and need when it comes to activism here. Single members of the LGBT community will find a vibrant, swinging nightlife – from nightclubs to health clubs, there are plenty of places to meet new people with varying sexual identities.

Considerations if you are considering a gay or LGBT friendly retirement

When looking at active adult communities that do not specifically cater to LGBT members, it is particularly important that you visit the community personally to get a feel for how you will be received. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for LGBT singles or couples to be discriminated against and even denied housing. If a living facility – or, for that matter, a neighborhood – seems even remotely hesitant about LGBT inclusion, we recommend moving on with the search immediately. No one should have to validate their right to happiness and peace in retirement. Refer to the cities above for active adult communities and neighborhoods with high chances of welcoming attitudes and already established LGBT members. Plus, there are several gay oriented active communities available, although a few of them have run into financial troubles in the recent housing crisis. See “Search” and check on LGBT friendly in the 55+ community section.  As an example, Fountaingrove Lodge in Santa Rosa, CA seems to be gaining traction.

When selecting a state, city, and potentially an active adult community, LGBT couples should do research on the specifics of marriage, civil union, and medical rights on every level. Especially with the potential of assisted care needs, couples should make sure they will be granted full rights to medical visitation and decision-making when it comes to their partners.

If moving to an assisted living or nursing home, one of the most important pieces of research an LGBT couple should undertake before making the move is assuring that they will not be separated upon arrival. It is not uncommon for an LGBT couple to be separated into different units as if they are not related. Triple check the living arrangements before taking the plunge.

For more considerations, refer to the New York Times’s article on gay retirees finding homes or  Also, “Most Surprising Gay-Friendly Cities for Travel” is interesting.

Comments: For those in the LGBT community – where are your favorite spots in the country? Do you have any comments about our selections? Leave your thoughts and opinions below!

Comments on "Retiring in LGBT-friendly cities: what to look for, what to watch out for"

Gay Rights Movement says:
March 12, 2012

Thanks for this wonderful information. I was looking LGBT friendly cities from so many days. Finally, I got that.

Lee says:
April 30, 2012

Great article. Now, how do we cross-reference this with affordability? Seems like only the most expensive retirement destinations are gay friendly.

Jan Cullinane says:
May 1, 2012

Columbus, Ohio was named the "Up-and-Coming Gay City of 2011" by

Jan Cullinane, The New Retirement: The Ultimate Guide to the Rest of Your Life (Rodale)

The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement (October 16, 2012, John Wiley & Sons)

C. G. says:
November 21, 2012

If you're going to include NY, NY in this list, I'm surprised San Francisco isn't. That's where I'm heading when I turn 60.

Jan Cullinane says:
November 22, 2012

An all-women community to consider is the Resort on Carefree Boulevard in Fort Myers, Florida. Kathy H. lives there and was quoted in my book, The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement, which has a section on GLBT living.

Jan Cullinane
The Single Woman's Guide to Retirement

Newhandle says:
November 22, 2012

I retired to Denver 3 years ago. Best thing I ever did.

Tony Branch says:
August 29, 2013

St. Petersburg, Florida is an attractive spot for LGBT seniors to consider. My partner and I sought a lower cost of living and warm climate with sunny beaches yet with the cultural advantages of a major metropolitan area. We moved here from northern California more than six years ago, and have not regretted it. In that time, we have seen the GLBT community come into its own socially and politically. St. Petersburg, a city of almost 300,000, has one openly gay member of its 8 member City Council first elected in 2008. This Fall we expect to see two openly gay women (front runners in our recent primaries) elected as well.

Given St. Pete's long established reputation as a retirement center, there are a number of well-established over-55 communities that LGBT seniors would find comfortable and very affordably priced. And artsy, Gulfport, Florida, located on the shores of Boca Ciega Bay bordering southwest St. Petersburg is an especially popular community with LGBT seniors.

I'm a realtor specializing in helping my fellow GLBT seniorsand Id be delighted to talk to or show you around the area. Just e-mail me at

Bob Petersom says:
January 18, 2014

I think this list needs to be revised. Obviously a big issue now facing us is retiring in a location that respects our marriages. I would NEVER retire to an area where my marriage was not fully recognized. FL, MO, CO, GA, and WI all will not recognize my marriage. WI even imposes penalties and jailtime for WI residents who get married in other states and return to WI.

Elaine says:
January 19, 2014

I think the list is fine…everyone needs to make their own decisions on their own beliefs. I did not know about WI and it is interesting information. However, I am trying to make a decision based on my needs and wants. I am single, always have been and probably always will be. However…

I do not think that the list is the problem…it is the world. I personally think any TWO (I am against polygamy) people of age should be able to get married. What I do not think they should get is governmental benefits from that marriage…we should all be taxed as individuals and we should all get SSI as individuals. I understand that years ago, many women could not work, but that has changed. Why should a woman without children get more SSI than I who has worked all my life? When children come into the equation, it all changes again…all should receive some consideration no matter what their “marital” status. Although I have none, children are the future and need to have some provisions (however flawed) to get food, shelter, healthcare and education until they are adults.

So providing the list with the info about recognizing marriages, is good info for some…thanks for providing it, but there are many factors to consider and I want the list to continue to provide info on all aspects even those that have no impact on me personally.

Sadly, true minorities get nothing...not enough to make a difference.

adam says:
June 27, 2014

4 most important things for any good retirement place are,SECURITY,good n affordable HEALTHCARE, ACCEPTENCE/RESPECT, good CLIMATE.These are must for quality retitement.others will be icing on the cake.In my view,States that don't accept equal rights for gays are not great for good quality gay retirement.Hawaii,California and Delaware are good,in most things

El Dorado says:
November 26, 2014

Not too much discussion on affordability in this article. Places like DC, Palm Springs and NYC are not cheap and many GLBT retirees won't be wealthy. The need for communities with decent affordable housing will become important. What about nursing care as well and public transportation? Does the area provide a budget to provide transportation for the elderly? If you're older and no longer able to drive anymore, assuming you can afford a car, how will you get your groceries, get to the doctor or go anywhere for that matter to get out of the house especially if you're less mobile? Florida does not have a great public transportation system for example. Taking cabs and having deliveries made cost money.

Stop assuming gay people are all wealthy and money is not issue. Also stop assuming all gay people have a partner. Many are single and alone so they have only one income for everything and sadly have to rely on themselves unless there are elder support services available.

Wendy says:
April 6, 2015

what do you think of the north west. Eugene, OR, Portland,OR. We have all of the rights up here, but weather and price not sure. We live in a very very conservative community in the s.e. of Washington. Looking to retire in a liberal area and retirement $$$ friendly.

Tony Branch says:
July 11, 2015

I couldn't agree more with El Dorado's comments about the assumption that "gay people area all wealthy." For the most part, like most Americans, they are not. In fact, there are studies that show incomes of GLBT individuals tend to be below the average for their gender and educaitonal level compared to the rest of the population.

That's why some smaller and middle sized cities with lower costs of living than L.A., SF, NY, DC etc. are often inviting retirement spots if those places are gay friendly. The St. Petersburg Florida area, home to the largest Pride celebration in the entire Southeast, is certianly one. It offers a warm climate, beautiful sandy beaches, a thriving cultural and arts scene, and a moderate cost of living in a diverse urban area. One can purchase a condo in one of St. Petersburg's many over-55 communities for $50-100,000.

See my blog at https?? or contact me, Tony Branch, Realtor at (727) 460-7887.


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