Politics Driving Some Retirees’ Relocation Decisions
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
May 31, 2024 — It is a sad state of affairs, but the reality is that politics are driving the decisions some people make about where to live in retirement. The NY Times wrote an article on the subject, “Sick of Your Blue State? These Real Estate Agents Have a Place for You“. In it they describe how many retirees are moving to red states like South Carolina, Texas, and Florida from more liberal states in the Pacific Northwest or Northeast. One of their main reasons is to find a place with like minded people where their support of Trump, conservative politics, religion, and cultural issues are not ostracized.
Jen Hubbell is a real estate agent in Greenville, S.C. who has a clientle eager of people looking for more conservative pastures. Business is booming for her and for Greenville, one of the fastest growing Metros in the fastest growing state in the country. She points out that the city has hundreds of churches along with neighborhoods whose residents conservative values and morals. Another real estate person in this market is Paul Chabot, president of Conservative Move. His company has many retired clients who have expressed interest in moving to conservative states like Texas, Florida, and South Carolina.
Greenville has appeal to conservatives leaving urban areas because it is a bustling small city with culture and restaurants. The area is very Christian where similar newcomers can feel at home. It also has one of the prettiest downtowns in America, poised above a park and the Reedy River Falls. Taxes are low and property values reasonable. The Zillow Home Value Index for Greenville is $307,000 vs. the U.S. Index of $358,000. The Times reported that about 65,000 people moved to South Carolina from New York, California, and North Carolina last year.
How about progressives and liberals?
The NY Times article did not report on retirees moving to more progressive states from conservative ones. Younger people are doing that to some extent as they migrate to fast growing cities in Texas, Georgia, and North Carolina – thus making them a bit bluer. Since most retirement destination states (those that are warmer in winter) are already more on the red side of the political spectrum, there are fewer opportunities for retiring liberals. People of retirement age who want to migrate from red states or neighborhoods do have some choices, however. Most urban areas are liberal. If they want to retire in an active or 55+ community, it is always good to check out the political temperature before deciding.
Bottom line
Not everyone will base their place to retire decision on politics. We know many very liberal people who live a happy life in active communities with a majority conservative population. But if politics are that important to you, there are choices.
Comments. This a tricky topic for Topretirements, because discussion often turns judgemental and otherwise goes off the rails. But we would be interested in hearing if you would base your retirement decision on the color of the politics. Inappropriate comments will be deleted, others most welcome.
Comments on "Politics Driving Some Retirees’ Relocation Decisions"
Fionna says:
Lived in Greenville for a few years and can attest to the fact that in certain areas there is a church on almost every block. Politics didn't bother me as much as inconsiderate neighbors with barking dogs and guns!
Marie Neil says:
The red/ blue controversy has caused my husband and I to eliminate a number of state from retirement consideration
KMB says:
This is very true. I have eliminated all red states for retirement. I had thought about Greenville but have eliminated the area because it's too conservative.
PE says:
I am currently in a state so red a national newspaper recently called it ruby red. That is accurate. I cringe when I see trucks with seriously offensive and violent political signs/stickers against the opposing political party, or flags waving from the truck beds. I don’t have any friends here but there are a few nice neighbors who are decades younger than us. But we can afford living here and that’s the crux. I keep dreaming of moving to another state and have a long list of previously desirable states I’ve eliminated. Do I just suck it up and stay here or keep looking?
Everette says:
We decided to stay in Virginia for retirement, partly because it if purple—Republicans and Democrats both get elected here. We think both conservatives and liberals have much to offer, and compromises are beneficial. I think it’s a lot more sane and respectful is public debate and discourse. Diversity of views is a blessing.
R says:
Politics, and access to cutting-edge healthcare, are our primary drivers in deciding where to retire. Many previously considered locations, once desirable to us for low cost of living and high quality of healthcare, are now ruled out due to the nature of their politics. We plan to retire in just a few years from now and know that we will not be able to afford to stay where we are. Terrifying to be this age and have so much uncertainty about one's future.
Jes says:
I retired to a very red state and deeply regret it. I would very much like to get out but the cost of living in blue states along with my desire to live in a warm climate make it difficult to find my place.
Frank F says:
There is no way I could live in a Red state or area.
PE says:
Jes, me too. Same. Same.
David says:
I retired from a purple state to a red state that has turned purple. Our decision as to where to live was based on climate and not the political environment. Personally, the most important thing to me is how people govern at the local level. The handling of local issues is more important to me, than whether they are a democrat or a republican.
Admin says:
Thanks everyone for the comments. Interesting to hear what people are doing about this topic. So far the comments have been thoughtful and have avoided bashing the other side. We regrettably had to delete or edit one or two because they got too judgemental, but so far so good. It is valuable to be able to discuss this important issue without sounding like the crazed people on cable TV. Thanks!
Ralph says:
Moved from CT to Florida HOA community that has both red and blue seniors. Everyone gets along pretty well. There are political discussions with everyone getting along. People have to have patience and not get mad at one another.
JoannC says:
I am glad to be in CA because it matches my politics and my values. I have thought in the past about moving out of state but with so much divisiveness in today's world, I will stay here, with one caveat.
Pat R says:
I chose Tucson due mainly to the warm/hot and dry climate and proximity to mexico. I call it the blue dot in a red state. It's becoming more purple due to all the retirees coming in. Most people here get along because we discuss our pets and our hobbies instead of politics.
JCarol says:
The blog states: "One of their main reasons is to find a place with like minded people where their support of Trump, conservative politics, religion, and cultural issues are not ostracized."
To describe my position I'd rewrite it as follows: I want to live in a place where my support of Democrats, liberal politics, (freedom from) religious based policies, and cultural issues are not ostracized.
Happy in California
MBHeals says:
I will avoid blue states like the plague.
RichPB says:
JCarol -- very well said! Thank you. Naturally the same for any political party.
Jay says:
Politics don't play into our retirement planning. We've lived in a very red part of a blue state for a long time. As Independents we're comfortable in about any area. We're more about what the area offers us as retirees, cost of living and how friendly are the residents. With that said your political beliefs are your business and whether I agree or disagree I respect your beliefs. Personally I don't care for the 2 party system we seem to be stuck in and believe both majority parties have swung too far to their extreme edges.
Stevo says:
Well said Jay. When I read some of these responses it conjures up visions of neighbors burning crosses in their yards or trying to indoctrinate you into their way of thinking etc.… I’ve lived in red and blue states and never had any issue with living in either. It’s this intolerance of other people’s ideas and opinions that is ruining the country. Everyone has their point of view, sometimes for good reason and no one seems to want to listen to the other side. Life is not black and white and we compromise everyday but when it comes to political beliefs it's my way or the highway.
If we would focus all this negative energy toward trying to understand the other side and come to some common middle ground the country would be a much better place.
SusC says:
We live in a beautiful now mostly blue state which used to be red. However, we will probably keep this home as our base once we retire, healthcare is most important and for now our grandchildren are here. One thing I keep learning is that change is always going to happen and being grateful is so important to adapting when I disagree. Growing older is a blessing and wasting precious energy on feeling angry is not heathy. The old Beatles song reminds me to "love the one your with". There is no perfect place, so we hope to visit the warmer climes in the winter vs. relocating to a place where we might not have what we have here. So my priorities are family, outdoor resources to hike and camp. We will put up with the politics as long as we can financially afford to live here.
Jennifer says:
SusC What state do you live in? I have an aunt in Florida who is a strong democrat, and she is miserable with the politics of Florida. She lived in Indiana before that for her whole life. She drives herself crazy watching cable news from Morning until night. She likes Florida life for the most part but definitely would have been happier in a blue state since she has such strong feelings.
LJ says:
Not to be picky, SusC, but “Love the One You’re With” was written and sung by Stephen Stills of Crosby, Stills, and Nash.
Bill Bamber says:
Being CDN & having lived in "The States" Now in Alberta, which, am not Politically Correct. So say "Welcome To Canada!!" "You" want a PM that is Photo Op happy then Canada is good place to be. Hmmn: can't remember which Party I voted for last time; whether it was Liberal, Conservative,. or N.D.P; so you see "You" have a choice in Canada!! Get's confusing & do enjoy "My Country!!" So enjoy Yours as you have Beautiful Country!! From Shinning Sea to Sea!!
SusC says:
I thought I might have had that wrong-thank you for the correction, as I love Crosby, Stills and Nash as well! So another song that has resonated with me this summer is by The Rolling Stones "You can't always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you get what you need." I really miss those decades of great music! That is another great thing about living near a Tier 1 city-Great concerts! The Stones are coming in 2 weeks.
RAF says:
I would guess SusC lives in the Denver Colorado area. Colorado was once a red state that has now turned mostly blue. Especially Denver.
Sue S says:
I was very unhappy living in Florida, found I wasn't able to get pass the politics. People would throw in nasty comments even if we just just been discussing baseball. Conversation became impossible. Colorado is my ultimate destination.
Sally says:
I have lived in a lot of states and wish there were more purple states. I may not be happy with the results of an election, but at least my voice was heard. Totally red or totally blue states only serve one party.
Tabitha says:
I am back to looking overseas due to our current political climate. Planning a trip to Spain in the fall.
SusC says:
Kudos RAF-You guessed it-Boulder County, CO. Like many states, as people move here in droves-so goes the political climate. The influx of people from the West coast has driven up the price of real estate and affected the political climate. Hence, many people are moving to Memphis, Nashville TN, Alabama, Arkansas, Ohio and TX for the affordability. It used to be that retirees could actually down size in their local area and be better off selling the large family home. Now, if you can find a ranch home, it costs as much if not more than the large family home. So I expect most people I know will actually age in place in their Large family homes- and put up with the politics. I try not to have political discussions anymore as I try to engage with people on all of the other important things in life that most people have in common. All of us are affected by Inflation and Taxes and crime issues. I do believe the grass is not always greener on the other side, though maybe for a little while.
Yolande says:
PE: keep looking. If you're uncomfortable then you should keep looking. Find what works for you and your lifestyle.
Daryl says:
Our neighborhood is almost evenly split between red and blue, and except for one offensive BIG yard sign, you’d never know. I see it here and there as I go about my business, some areas worse than others, and it ruins your mood to have it shoved in your face daily. I would never move to a neighborhood indulging in sign wars and I hope it doesn’t devolve to that where I live currently. It only takes one idiot to start the ball rolling downhill.
Joe says:
My wife and I moved from the North East to North Carolina 20 years ago and plan to retire to SC in 2 years. We are moderate Democrats/Independents and have not let politics decide where we will live. Folks that have completely ruled out Red States without even visiting them are doing themselves a disservice. If you spend your life watching either Fox News or CNN all the time it gives you a distorted sense of reality. People are people wherever you go and you will find good and bad in any state/town/neighborhood/street. We never talk politics with neighbors and really don't care about their leanings. We have loved our time in NC and have visited the town in SC we will be retiring to many times and have no concerns about getting along with people
Rufus says:
Hey there SusC, speaking of songs from days gone by, I'm really loving "YMCA" as of late regardless of who's singing it ( or dancing to it ). By the way to everyone else, pretty much every state has some blue pockets you could move to if you really want to live in a certain state with a few exceptions, like Oklahoma etc.
Larry says:
You will almost always find those “blue pockets” in red states where major universities are located. Even in deeply red SC, for example, citizens who live in the state capital of Columbia, routinely vote Dem in national elections. Ditto for Durham, NC (Duke), Chapell Hill (UNC), Atlanta (Emory and others) and Charlottesville (UVA).
Patricia Reynolds says:
That's why I'm in Tucson for right now. .