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Oct 1 Deadline Approaching: Ready for REAL ID?

Category: Travel

February 19, 2020 -- This could happen to you next fall: you hand your license to airport security and she hands it back. Sorry sir, this is not REAL ID - you cannot board the plane. That's right, starting October 1, 2020, every air traveler will need a REAL ID-compliant license or another acceptable form of identification (such as a US Passport, US Passport Card, US military card, or a DHS Trusted Traveller Card) for domestic air travel.  The Real ID Act of 2005 sets forth requirements for state driver licenses and ID cards to be accepted by the federal government for "official purposes", which are activities defined as boarding commercially operated airline flights, and entering federal buildings and nuclear power plants.


Published on February 19, 2020
Comments 14

10 Best of the Best Places to Retire for 2020

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

February 18, 2020 -- Every year we have fun rendering our opinion on the very "Best Places to Retire". To start that process, late last year we featured the 20 Best Retirement Towns in three major U.S. retirement regions. In today's installment we are going to winnow those lists down into our top 10 overall picks. For 2020's best places to retire our overriding criteria: how interesting it is to live there, recreation and culture, climate, taxes, economic situation, location, transportation, walkability, healthcare, and to a minor extent - cost of living. We also wanted to mix it up a little bit, offer diversity and some new faces. Popularity on this site, as measured by online visits by our Members, is also very important. Here, in our opinion, are the best of the best places to retire in all of the U.S.


Published on February 18, 2020
Comments 44

So You Want to Change Your State Residency: Be Wary!

Category: Financial and taxes in retirement

February 11, 2020 -- More and more baby boomers in high tax states are tempted by the notion of retiring to greener pastures. The urge to move to a low tax, less expensive, and possibly warmer state has grown even stronger recently, because of the $10,000 limit on state and local tax deductions. But before you make the leap - make sure you do it right! A domicile is where an individual maintains his or her permanent abode, and where that person intends to return from any absence. You can only have one domicile at a time. In "How to Become a Florida Resident" we outlined the basic steps you need to change your domicile and become a resident of a new state. Follow those and you are on a good path, but not necessarily free of all trouble. Snowbirds who continue to maintain a residence in their old state are particularly at risk. Here are some of the most basic steps to take:


Published on February 10, 2020
Comments 3

Southwest State Retirement Comparison Updated

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

February 8, 2020 — Our popular series comparing different regions of the country for retirement has a new update. The Southwest, featuring comparisons of Arizona, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah has all new data and a fresh look. You’ll find up to date information on housing prices, taxes, climate, and…


Published on February 8, 2020
Comments 0

The Best Golf Cart Communities in America

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

February 5, 2020 -- For many retirees, getting to where you want to go in a golf cart is just about heaven. For those living in one of the best golf cart communities, they can forget the car; a golf cart (or low speed vehicle) is all they need to get there and enjoy the surroundings in the open air. Most active adult communities allow you to keep a golf cart and drive on community roads to golf, pickleball, or the clubhouse. But the real bonus comes with places where you can get to destinations outside of the community like the supermarket, doctor's office, and movie theatre. In this article we'll review some of the best communities and towns in America for golf carts. Best Golf Cart Communities in America Special roads in Peachtree City Peachtree City, Georgia is a huge planned community about 25 miles south of Atlanta, Georgia. Although it is famous for its golf cart oriented transportation system, it is not a 55+ community – it is for people of all ages – the median age is 37.5. You probably can’t walk to too many places nor take public transportation, but you sure can get about anywhere in your golf cart. There are special roads throughout that let you get to shopping, amenities, or different developments. Cresswind Peachtree City is an example of the type of active community within this city.


Published on February 4, 2020
Comments 6

Is South Africa a Great Place to Retire?

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

February 2, 2020 -- For Europeans and residents of the British Commonwealth, the answer to that question might be yes, it is a great choice for an expatriate retirement.  The area around Cape Town at the southern end of the Continent is particularly appealing.  This article, based on our recent trip to the country, will explore what it might be like to retire in South Africa, list some possible retirement towns, and provide the pros and cons of retiring here. Our visit was brief and with the viewpoint of an affluent tourist, so our impressions are not comprehensive. We welcome those with more experience to chime in in the Comments section. South Africa has long had the most prosperous economy in Africa. Much of that wealth came from gold, diamonds, and agriculture. Business is strong as well. Since apartheid was eliminated in 1994 the economy has softened, but still strong. Some people believe the Rand, the National currency, is undervalued by as much as 60%. Nelson Mandela, who was imprisoned for 28 years and then became South Africa's President, was the major force in overcoming the horrible oppression of apartheid (see this link for John Brady's talk about Mandela's inspiring legacy - my talk starts about 16 minutes into the service).


Published on February 1, 2020
Comments 2

Hackers Have a New Target: Your Retirement Accounts

Category: Financial and taxes in retirement

January 28, 2020 — Having tried to cheat you out of your money in dozens of other ways, hackers are now targeting retirement accounts. Unfortunately it can be very easy for them, and even worse than that, you might not get your money back if they steal it. With retirement…


Published on January 27, 2020
Comments 8

Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period ends March 31

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

January, 2020 — One of confusing things about Medicare is that it has two different open enrollment periods. We are currently in the Medicare Advantage Open Enrollment Period, which runs from Jan. 1 through March 31. We have previously written about the Medicare Open Enrollment period and which type…


Published on January 19, 2020
Comments 14

Retirement Happiness Levels High – And Great Advice for Next Generation

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

January 13, 2020 -- Many thanks to the over 400 members who took the time to contribute their valuable insights to last week's "Retirement Happiness" survey, We appreciate your spirit of giving back to this community! As promised, here is a detailed report on the survey. We've included links to hundreds of interesting Member responses to various questions - they are definitely worth reading to get a better understand happiness and retirement. At the end of the article you will find a list of reports to all our previous surveys. BackgroundThis is the first time we have surveyed on your retirement happiness. Here are the highlights from the 18 question poll. Detailed findings the questions are listed below that.


Published on January 12, 2020
Comments 8

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