Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
August 17, 2022 - After reaching record highs, the stock market is down almost 12% this year. Perhaps just as bad, inflation is raging at over 8%. Both of these developments make for a terrible situation for retirees, especially for those just beginning their retirement and worried about outliving their money.
It is far easier to predict how long your savings will last in a stable environment with low inflation and friendly stock and bond markets. Unfortunately, that is definitely not the case now. Our hope is that the tips and suggestions in this article might help people better negotiate these tricky times.
Tried and true - the 4% rule
Although there are many theories on how to take distributions from your retirement portfolio, the most enduring is the 4% rule. Most experts agree you probably won't outlive those savings if you take that much out each year (and some say 5% is also a safe number). But these are only general rules, and unusual circumstances like we are having now can upend them.
Published on August 17, 2022
Comments 11
Category: Travel
August , 2022 -- Airlines can't keep up with demand this summer. Even London's Heathrow Airport told carriers not to schedule any more flights until the fall. Retirees and others are taking cruises, travelling by train, and taking trips in the car. This surge in demand has caused new problems for travelers, not the least from demon Covid, which shows no signs of going away.
This article will explore some of the pros and cons of traveling in the age of Covid. We also hope to get input on your travel plans and experiences. We've also included a few photos for a little armchair experience of our current travels in northern Scotland.
Published on August 11, 2022
Comments 19
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
August 3, 2022 -- Since the pandemic began a housing boom has churned markets across the country. Big cities have lost out, and smaller ones with better quality of life and cheaper housing prices have gained. The Wall Street Journal/ Emerging Housing Markets Index is a list of the top metro areas for a strong local economy, appealing lifestyle amenities, and an appreciating housing market in this year's second quarter. This index comes as home prices have fallen in most parts of the country for the past few months, finally succumbing to higher mortgage rates and an overheated housing market.
Although the study was mostly oriented toward young working people looking for a better lifestyle, an easier commute, and lower real estate prices, many of the markets that came out on top are quite suitable for baby boomers and people of retirement age. That is not only because these housing markets bode well for the future, but mainly because many of them, such as Billings, Montana, offer exceptional outdoor recreational opportunities. The index's top-ranked market for the quarter was Elkhart, IN with its 206,000 people. After that came Burlington, NC; Johnson City, TN; Fort Wayne, IN; and Billings, MT. Indiana had two cities in the top 10, as did North Carolina.
Here are the WSJ's top 10 Emerging Housing Markets:
Published on August 2, 2022
Comments 0
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
July 26, 2020 -- There aren’t too many people who don’t want to feel, act, and look younger. But, as each of our birthdays adds a bigger number, that seems harder and harder.
While there is no real fountain of youth, yet, there are some simple steps anyone can take to delay the effects of aging. Spend a few minutes to take these simple tests. It could lead to feeling better and looking younger.
Caution. Do not undertake any of these exercises without consulting with your doctor, or if you feel discomfort or pain.
Published on July 25, 2022
Comments 1
Category: Downsizing
October 20, 2022 -- Moving at any age is bad enough. But baby boomers have spent decades acquiring all kinds of stuff, adding to the challenges of age. Moving at our age usually means downsizing, when we realize we have 1,000 pounds of stuff (furniture, knicknacks, collections, etc.) that we can't possibly fit into the 600 pound bag our new home represents.
Enter the "senior move manager", a new job that can take so much of the pain out of downsizing and moving. This person can help with every aspect, from helping you sort what to keep, how to get rid of the rest, to planning what will fit in your new home - both size wise and stylistically. They can do it all, down to getting your kitchen equipment into the right cupboard in the new kitchen.
Published on July 21, 2022
Comments 2
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
Note: Were you looking for our "5 Medicare Mistakes You Don't Want to Make" article? Use the link in the previous sentence or go the "Blog" in the navigation at top.
July 19, 2022 -- This is the time of year when life doesn't get much better than living on a lake. With the loons calling, gentle waves lapping at the dock, and the sun setting during dinner on your screened in porch, life is good. Retiring on a lake has so many lifestyle advantages including fishing, boating, and swimming. Not to mention that your kids and grandkids will only be too eager to come for a visit.
Here are 10 great lake towns for retirement. We picked them not only because they are on beautiful lakes, but because many also have an interesting town nearby. We look forward to your suggestions on other "best" lake towns for retirement.
Published on July 19, 2022
Comments 15
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
July 13, 2020 -- Not everyone wants to have a roommate in their retirement, but for many they are a great solution. A PBS Newshour feature this week, "High Costs Spur More Baby Boomers to Find Roommates", highlighted how many homeowners are finding homesharing to be a great solution to high rents and inflation.
The primary motivation for getting a roommate is financial. Several of the women in the feature narrated by Paul Solman found themselves owning too much house with not enough money to maintain it, and unable to keep up with their other expenses. Bringing in someone to share those expenses proved to be a godsend for many of them. But several of those interviewed also reported being surprised by how much they enjoyed having a companion around the house. Friendships developed between very different people, and everyone seemed to benefit.
Published on July 18, 2022
Comments 4
Category: Medicare
July 13, 2022 -- Medicare is a very popular and powerful benefit. Many people look forward to being eligible for it, especially those who are no longer covered by their company but are not yet 65 years of age. It is such an important benefit that you do not want to make any mistakes in signing up for it. We hope this article will be useful, both for people who have not yet signed up for Medicare, as well as those who are already in the program. It is part of our series on Medicare and health care insurance. See the bottom of this page for links to more articles on the topic, which includes a link to our Interactive Quiz: What Is Your Medicare IQ.
Here is the basic background about Medicare:
What is Medicare, and who is eligible?Medicare is health insurance for people 65 years or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, and any age with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig's disease. Medicare has four parts -- Part A, which is hospital insurance, Part B, which is medical insurance, Part C, which is Medicare Advantage Plans, and Part D, which is Prescription Drug Coverage. You are eligible for premium-free Part A if you are age 65 or older and you or your spouse worked and paid Medicare taxes for at least 10 years. Medicare is different from Medicaid, which is a joint Federal and State program that helps pay medical costs for some people, irrespective of age, with limited incomes and resources.
Published on July 11, 2022
Comments 23
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
July 6, 2020 -- A new study focussed on the financial issues that retirees should really be concerned about, and then it measured what they actually worried about. The results are interesting - it seems like many people are downplaying the risks that should concern them, like how long they will live, and instead concentrating on issues that are less worrisome, such as market risk.
In "How Well Do Retirees Assess the Things They Should Worry About", the researchers used a host of data from various sources to measure 5 areas of concern for anyone in retirement. Then they ranked those risks in order:
Actual Financial Risks
Longevity. The worry should be that you will live longer than expected and run out of funds.
Published on July 6, 2022
Comments 4
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 29, 2022 -- More than a few retirees on Social Security turn down work that they would like to do. The concern is that their benefits will be reduced, thus making the effort not worthwhile. To help people understand how work might affect your Social Security benefits, here are the facts to help you decide the best course of action. But the good news first - over the long term, working has no negative impact on your benefits, and might even help.
Reached Full Retirement Age - no problem!
If you have reached your Full Retirement Age (FRA) - 66 if you were born in 1954 or before, gradually reaching 67 for those born in 1960 or later - there is no impact. You can work and earn as much as you want and it will not affect your Social Security benefit in any way.
Published on June 28, 2022
Comments 4