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Retiring with the Good Life in Mexico

Category: Retirement Real Estate

September 6 -- Many people, particularly those living west of the Mississippi, have considered at one time or other retiring in Mexico. After all the cost of living is usually less than half what it is in the U.S. or Canada, the winter climate is warm, and the scenery and adventures are amazing.


Published on September 5, 2007
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Baby Boomers in Retirement: Check Out Your Library

Category: General Retirement Issues

September 4 -- You have probably noticed that many people are hopped up about the marketing opportunities from baby boomers as they enter their next phase of life. Even an article in the prestigious Library Journal recently encouraged librarians to get in the act too. According to the article, designing programs and trying to attract boomers to their doors will be a win-win for libraries and for boomers entering retirement. Libraries get engaged users and volunteers who can contribute enthusiasm, skills, programs - not to mention generous donations from this incredibly wealthy segment. For those of us winding down our primary working career, libraries have a lot to offer too. Obviously the research resources are first rate and the entertainment and education possibilities endless. But engaging oneself as a volunteer can be quite rewarding as well - giving an extra dimension to one's life that won't be found on the golf course.


Published on September 3, 2007
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Condo Market Roiling Under Bad News Assault

Category: Retirement Real Estate

August 28 -- If you have been thinking about buying a retirement condo a recent news item in the Wall Street Journal might give you some pause. It seems that the condo market is now experiencing troubles as speculators default on their mortgages or fail to execute their purchase contracts. As banks and developers are forced to unload properties in a distressed market prices are falling, causing underwriters to lower appraisals and make loans harder to get. Feeding the fire is a rapid growth in newly built units - construction of new condos increased 145% in 2006, the highest level since 1985. It appears that new condo projects and condo/hotel conversions are the properties experiencing the most difficulty. Obviously most of these properties are not being built as retirement condos or in retirement communities - but the bad news in general markets is not without an effect on the active adult retirement market either.


Published on August 27, 2007
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Cooperatives Help Aging at Home Movement Grow

Category: Eldercare

August 25 - More than 9 out of 10 people over 65 would prefer to stay in their own homes as they grow older, according to a survey by the AARP. The desire to live where they feel comfortable amidst familiar surroundings is powerful and understandable. Unfortunately, as medical needs increase and life skills like driving decline, it often becomes more and more difficult to continue living independently. Aging adults face more than their own frailties as well, because their adult children often pressure them to move to a retirement community or Continuing Care Retirement Center (CCRC). More and more people, according to a recent New York Times article, are starting to


Published on August 24, 2007
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10 Most Popular Retirement Towns Announced

Category: Active adult communities

Madison CT -- August 15 -- Topretirements has been curious to see which towns and cities its visitors are most interested in learning more about. The results offer significant insight into what active adults think are the best towns to retire to. The top profile is generally: small town or city, Sunbelt location, vital downtown, usually with a college or university in town.


Published on August 15, 2007
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At Last – A List of Certified Retirement Communities

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

Updated July, 2014 -- So far 7 U.S. states have embarked on programs to identify certified retirement communities as part of their economic development plans. This article will provide a list of the certified retirement communities in those states.These states are all in the south - Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. In total over 85 communities have been certified (in West Virginia they are called "designated", in Tennessee the communities are selected


Published on August 10, 2007
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Cash Rules – Active Adult Community Buyers Paying Cash Dominate

Category: Retirement Real Estate

August 7 -- For most people hoping to buy a home these days the "bad news that's really good news" just got worse. What we mean by that is that the reeling real estate market, which is experiencing lower prices and increased inventories favorable for buyers, is also now under a credit siege. Dozens of mortgage companies have gone out of business so far and the market for even the highest quality mortgages is slowing to a standstill. There might be plenty of homes for sale, but if you need a mortgage you either might have trouble getting it, or you might have to pay more for your loan.


Published on August 7, 2007
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Seriously – Nintendo is Latest Rage in Retirement Communities

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

August 3, 2007 - It couldn't be more ironic for those of us in the baby boomer generation that spent the last 20 years berating our kids to "get off the darn game console and go play outside" (like we used to!). Our kids might smirk to learn that Nintendo's latest marketing coup is paying off - selling its new Wii games to baby boomers and retirement communities. A frequent marketing venue: AARP conventions! By way of background we had better explain Wii. It is basically a device from Nintendo that you wear that allows a virtual experience on your TV - without the equipment and place to play it. So you can bowl a perfect game without a bowling alley, smash Tiger Woods-type 300 yard drives without a course - do just about anything.


Published on August 2, 2007
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AARP Issues “Best Retirement Communities” List

Category: Active adult communities

July 27 -- Every publisher likes to issue "best lists" for the simple reason that all of us like reading them. This week the AARP got in the act, joining Money Magazine and others, with a list of "5 Great Places to Retire". Somewhat surprising was the fact that 4 out of the 5 communities were cities, with the 5th being a suburb of a big city. Making the top 5 were: (if available, the review is linked below):


Published on July 27, 2007
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Comments from Mortgage Lender Sends Wall Street Skidding

Category: Retirement Real Estate

July 29 -- Countrywide Financial advised yesterday that more mortgages from people with good credit were having trouble making payments, news which sent the financial markets into a tailspin. Countrywide is the largest mortgage lender in the country. Hardest hit markets were the some of the strongest and biggest ones - California, Florida, Arizona, and Nevada. Up to now the bad news in mortgages has mostly had to do with so-called sub-prime mortgages, those underwritten to borrowers with lower quality credit. The news that more mainstream borrowers on prime second-liens (a line of credit or second mortgage backed by a primary mortgage) are defaulting hit the stock market hard, sending the S & P 500 index down 2 percent, or just more than 30 points.


Published on July 25, 2007
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