Category: Adventurous retirement
August 1, 2023 – Talk about adventurous retirements – Lucy Burdette transitioned in mid-life from a Clinical Psychologist to published author. And on August 8th, she has 2 new books coming out! Crooked Lane Books is publishing the 13th in Lucy Burdette’s popular Key West food critic mystery series,…
Published on August 1, 2023
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Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
July 25, 2023 — We get this question a lot. When people ask, “Where is the best place to retire,” I have a stock answer: “Retirement is a very personal matter. The best place for you might be a terrible retirement destination for me. Before you can make an informed…
Published on July 24, 2023
Comments 13
Category: Estate Planning
July 20, 2023 -- Just about everyone knows that not having a will is a really bad idea. But still, about 60% of Americans either don't have one or have no estate planning. But almost as bad as not having a formal will is having more than one, or not having it designed by a professional and signed in the presence of witnesses. That is the case in the Aretha Franklin estate case, which was decided by a jury last week.
Franklin's estate was reportedly worth $80 million when she died in 2018. But last week its value was estimated to be about $6 million (plus song royalties, etc.). Where did all that money go - it went to expenses, taxes, and lawyers trying to figure out how the estate should be settled among her 4 sons.
Published on July 19, 2023
Comments 3
Category: Active adult communities
July 18, 2023 — As with everything in life, some companies are better at what they do than others. Tesla makes great electric cars, Titleist is terrific in golf, Gucci’s shoes are amazing, etc. But when it comes to the best 55+ communities, which company does the best job? Since…
Published on July 18, 2023
Comments 27
Category: General Retirement Issues
This interview with the author Lisa Black first appeared on We are reprinting part of it here with permission because her positive take on Florida and retirees is so interesting. Lisa's new book is What Harms You.
Lisa Black
God's Waiting Room - otherwise known as southern Florida
Yes, it's a sarcastic moniker with a degree of not only truth, but pride. And yes, I am surrounded by retirees (and hoping to join their ranks within the next five years), and because of that, I am surrounded by stories. Fascinating, hilarious, sometimes poignant stories, and every day I encounter new ones.
(paid link)
Published on July 9, 2023
Comments 8
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
July 7, 2023 — Leqembi, the first drug shown to slow down Alzheimer’s disease, has been given full approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The new drug has been shown to be effective, slowing declines in memory and thinking by about 27% after 18 months. It…
Published on July 7, 2023
Comments 2
Category: Uncategorized
July 1, 2023 — We would like to thank all of our Members and visitors for their patience while we try to sort out why annoying Google ads appear when people click on Comments links in our Daily Alert. We have tried about everything, including turning off the type of…
Published on June 30, 2023
Comments 9
Category: Adventurous retirement
June 29, 2023 -- While any kind of travel is usually high on many people’s retirement bucket lists, a walking or hiking trip a particularly good idea for those looking for an active experience. Walking tours are the perfect Goldilocks adventure option for people of retirement age. Easier and less risky than bike tours, they provide plenty of action and adventure. They are perfect for folks who crave the outdoors and nature, but don’t want to experience new worlds from a seated position on a bus or boat.
Your editor has just returned from a hiking trip in the Dolomite Mountains of Italy - a fabulous adventure. Much of this mountainous region of northeastern Italy has been made into National parks, and the area has now been declared a World Heritage Site.
Published on June 28, 2023
Comments 8
Category: Retirement Planning
June 23. 2023 — Everywhere you turn these days there is talk about AI, Artificial Intelligence. Many fear that it will take over journalism, the arts, and just about everything else, resulting in millions of people could be out of work. It certainly sounds scary. But other experts think it could be represent the most revolutionary tool since the invention of the personal computer. In just one example, doctors are finding they can use it write reports, saving them time to actually connect with their patients.
So, how much do you know about AI? Can ordinary people use it for something productive, or is it just a menace? And for heaven's sake, how do you use it? To help answer those questions, we have prepared this article.
Lucy Burdette was intrigued enough to get a free AI account. On our behalf, she did a little test to see what would happen if we asked it to answer this simple question for Topretirements:
Published on June 23, 2023
Comments 19
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 14, 2023 - A study on retirement by the World Economic Forum found considerable unease about retirement issues in various age groups. Health and income issues were prevalent among its Pulse Poll respondents. The report was focused on how individuals, companies, and government will respond to longevity and people living longer lives.Here are some of the key findings in the Understanding Longevity Study
Many people, especially women, are worried about having enough money in retirement. Some 55% of women are willing to admit they don’t understand their financial situation.
Health concerns are a big concern as people age. Many are worried they will have to become caregivers.
Men are more likely to be looking forward more to retirement than women.
The "bank of mom and dad" is flipping - in more cases younger people might have to support their parents - instead of the other way around. (Interesting, another study we came across found that many baby boomers are blithely spending money, while younger folks are having to pinch pennies)
Published on June 15, 2023
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