Most Frequently Asked Questions at Topretirements
Category: Retirement Planning
August 15, 2023 — We have been asked a lot of questions over the 16 years Topretirements has been around. Although our website has changed over time, the inquiries tend to be the same – how do I find things on the site, as well as questions related to the best places to retire.
We originally wrote this article 10 years ago, so it seems like a good time for an update.
Here you go with the link to the updated article:
10 Most Frequently Asked Questions at Topretirements
Check it out!

Comments on "Most Frequently Asked Questions at Topretirements"
A. Cohen says:
I find your blog to be very interesting and well researched. I have two questions.
First, I haven't read anything about the city/community of Loma Linda in California. It is a retirement community that also is one of the Blue Zones - meaning people live healthy longer lives.
Second, now that climate change is causing havoc in natural & environmental hazards, is this factoring into livable places. For example, many people from cold climates where winters are extreme relocate to the sun belt but many places are now unlivable (think Phoenix at over 100+ degrees for most of the 2023 summer and some areas are flooded and endure hurricanes. Many places retirees will invest in their properties only to find out they can't get home insurance - and the odds of losing a home to fire, wind, water is a reality.
Best regards.
Jan Cullinane says:
Below is a link to an article I wrote about Blue Zones. Loma Linda is the only Blue Zone in the United States. It's the lifestyle of the large group of Seventh Day Adventists that creates the Blue Zone, not the location. The great news is that we can all create our own "Blue Zones" by adapting their lifestyle.
Jan Cullinane, The New Retirement (Wiley 2022)