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How Would You Fix Medicare?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

The Obama and Romney campaigns are both keeping their plans for fixing Medicare a secret. So here is your chance to tell them how it should be done – if you were in charge how would you fix Medicare so this cherished benefit is there for the next generation?

Take our short survey and let Washington know what you think! Take this quick Medicare Survey and we’ll report back on the results in Part 2, PLUS, random survey respondents will win copies of 1 of 2 books – either Jan Cullinane’s “Single Woman’s Guide to Retirement”, or Lucy Burdette’s “Death in Four Courses”. We will also report back in a future article on your recommended solutions, plus how you and your fellow members are using the various Parts (A, B, C, D) of Medicare , likes and dislikes.

This survey is now closed. See the results: “Topretirements Members to Washington: We Like Medicare, Keep It That Way!”

Meanwhile, don’t miss Part 1 or our new series: Your Guide to Medicare 101

Comments on "How Would You Fix Medicare?"

retirement communities in scottsdale az says:
October 10, 2012

Thank you for sharing this link for the survey! I have taken it and it was very simple only 9 questions. I am glad I have some input into the benefits of the next generation.

Fred Gerken says:
October 11, 2012

Both programs put to much faith in the insurance industry. They are profit modivated. Some guidelines need to be put in place to protect the individal. If an insurance company is not happy with its losses they can increase deductibles, coinsurance and reduce coverage. Here is an example, if someone had a $20,000 proccedure and you take away deductibles, coinsurance and the coverage the insurance company paid out $2,000 leaving and $18,000 for the individual. So the market place needs to regulated so the quality care meets the cost of care.

sheila says:
October 11, 2012

Thanks for opportunity to input. I think all federal politicians should have to avail themselves of it and pay taxes towards it. That way we would ensure its longevity and efficacy!

Iwashere says:
October 11, 2012

I think we to look into the costs of medical ....etc. All of the miscellaneous costa that go into making the costs of medical care in the U.S. so high. Then look at Medicare....and don't leave out dental care costs ..... It's all gotten way out of control. It seems that we are looking at cutting costs in what's offered .. Or paid .. by Medicare but not why does it cost so much more here.

Linda says:
October 11, 2012

Survey wouldn't let me leave a comment--I hit return and it decided I was done.

Ideas for improvement: We need universal health care. We are the only "civilized" country not to have it. We spend twice as much on health care and have worse outcomes than anyone else. Putting profit-minded insurance companies in charge of what medical care we can receive is outrageous. And why are our eyes and teeth not covered? Are they not part of our bodies?

If Congress were required to participate in Medicare and Social Security, things would be fixed pronto. They have a Cadillac health plan and an unbelievable retirement plan. Serve a few years and get a pension for life. Where in the real world does this happen?

Editor's Note: Linda, sorry you had trouble with the survey. We added a clarification to the survey- we are asking you to add your email address AND your suggestions for fixing Medicare in the Q 9 box. But thank you for adding them here!

Gemzee says:
October 11, 2012

Linda, you can add ears to your areas of improvement, as hearing aids are also not covered by Medicare.

LarryS says:
October 12, 2012

Congress and all Federal employees pay the Medicare tax. All new Congress members since 1984 have paid into Social Security. I'm not defending Congress but just want to set the record straight.

sheila says:
October 12, 2012

Thanks for the clarification Larry. I agree with Linda, LWashere andGemzee. Costs are the big thing - they drive those costs up. The other issue is profit... Hoping Obamacare is going to help drive costs down as they are after Medicare fraud in a big way.
JOHN: the issue I had with the survey was that I didn't agree with many of the options offered inthe last question but couldn't delete them had to rank them when in fact I wouldn't have had them on my list in the first place. Therefore I had to rank options I didn't want to see at all. Wanted the option to delete them!

sheila says:
October 12, 2012

oops I meant to say AND they are going after Medicare in a big way. Obamacare may be the great "leveler" when it comes to attempting to be a "national clearinghouse" for information on medical procedures, tests, etc. We may at least have an opportunity through this new program to finally get a grasp on and stop the gouging that goes on around pricing of these healthcare items.

Admin says:
October 12, 2012

Here is a development we just read about. 2 Senators have proposed a fix to Medicare that would give seniors the option to enroll in FEHBP, the same health care program currently used by members of Congress and federal employees. But not everyone thinks it is a great idea.

John says:
November 8, 2012

Medicare should be eliminated entirely (as it has no Constitutional basis for existence) and replaced by personal responsibility.

fred says:
November 9, 2012

I think that the inspection of commercial aircraft should be eliminated and air traffic controllers should be hired by the same people that prepare the in flight meals, preferably at the minimum wage. Aircraft are not mentioned in the Constitution, and since I don't fly, I don't want to pay for them.

Morris says:
November 9, 2012

Haha..thanks, Fred. I agree with you and John. Anything unmentioned by the founding fathers should be shunned. Was anything mentioned in the Constitution about automobiles and roads? I don't drive much and don't think we should be compelled to pay taxes for new roads or bridges either. An individual's transportation should really be a personal responsibility just like it was in the 18th century.

Ginger says:
November 9, 2012

Boy, I think this personal responsibility thing is a great idea! My mom tried to do that...she spent years and years paying for a long-term care policy. Then she got Alzheimer's and had to move to a nursing home. The LTC paid for awhile (although not the full amount). When her savings were depleted from paying the difference, the LTC ran out. She lived longer than her coverage. By that time her Alzheimer's was advanced. Now the terrible Medicare system and the wasteful welfare system are continuing to pay for her care in her nursing home. She's 92 now, and although she doesn't know me anymore, quite jolly and enjoys her little life. Really she should just be placed in front of a firing squad now, since she no longer has the ability to pay.

Jennifer says:
November 9, 2012

Ginger, you really shocked me by your post, Alzeheimes is awful, no one would contest that reality, however if YOU also get it you will then things may appear to you in a different light. Even though Alzheimers patients often appear to have "left the buildlng" as it were--they may also have an awareness we are not aware of. It is expensive and exhausting to take care of these patients and they do take a lot of resources, but a firing squad seems a bit extreme to me. I am a registered nurse by the way.

Lefty omalley says:
November 9, 2012

Jennifer, I believe Ginger was using a bit of sarcasm in her comment. I do agree with John and Fred that as time moves on not everything will be covered in the Constitution. I also hope that John has more then his misunderstanding of the Constitution to help him through his senior years.

Ginger says:
November 10, 2012

Jennifer, I love my mother and would never consider that her life is anything less than the highest value. I was trying to illustrate a point. My mother did her best to be responsible and provide for herself and her future health care needs, but she never expected to live as long as she has. Based on other comments made on this forum, she should not be entitled to care from government sources. I was trying to illustrate how ridiculous that is.

Iwashere says:
November 10, 2012

Ginger....I so get your mother is in the same situation. Both of my parents took personal responsibility for everything all their lives..worked hard...paid taxes...saved, but sometimes no matter how much you plan and do right ... Life happens. My father passed away twenty years ago and my mother is on Medicaid at 91...with altheimers/dementia living in an assisted living facility. So thankful to have this help. John .... Not sure what to say to you...evidently you and your family have not experienced such hardships. What do you tell the disabled...the elderly..the mentally ill need to take personal responsibility? Cost are so high that most Americans would not be able to take personal responsibility or two major operations/illnesses could ruin you financially for life. Open your eyes man.

Jennifer says:
November 11, 2012

I truly worry about those patients who have no children or relaitves to advocate for them as they reach old age. Thank God Ginger and Iwashere are there for their parents. Even in a Nursing home or an assisted living facility the presence of a family member or two can make a great deal of difference in the level of care received by the patient. Medicare and Medicaid seem to be the only alternatives. Long term care insurance is VERY expensive and hey often find reasons not to pay for the care that the policy was purchased for in the first place.


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