Dueling Retirement States: The Pacific Northwest (OR vs. WA)
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
— This article continues our Dueling Retirement States series. See Further Reading at end for links to the other regions compared in the series —
Updated July, 2020 – Original article February 16, 2015 — The Pacific Northwest has continued to experience amazing population growth since the end of World War II. Oregon’s population, for example, grew by 400,000 between 2000 and 2010, and almost 2/3 of that was net in-migration. Many of the area’s new residents are 20 and 30 somethings who have come for jobs and the great out of doors. But another demographic segment flocking to the region for its beauty, outdoor recreation, and in many cases, to be near their adult children, is the huge baby boomer group. In this article we will compare and contrast these 2 vital states, Oregon and Washington. Population and income data is from U.S. Census Bureau.
A Few Facts
Washington is the more populous of the 2 states. Its 1990 population of just under 4.9 million climbed to 7.5 million in 2020 – a 53% increase in 30 years. Oregon’s population was 2.8 million in 1990, and grew to just under 4.2 million in 2020 – a 50% increase over that span. Washington has a younger makeup than Oregon – 15.4% of its population is 65+, compared to 17.6% of Oregon’s (the total U.S. % is 16.0%).
Economics and Home Prices.
Home prices in both states are very high and appeared to have increased in most markets by almost 50% since 2015. Zillow’s Home Value Index for Oregon homes was $372,868 in 2020, up 3.5% over the previous year. The highest priced Oregon Metro is Portland at $467,621 and the lowest was Salem at $295,188. By comparison, the Home Value Index for the entire USA is $248,857.
Meanwhile over in Washington the Home Value Index was a bit higher at $428,896 up 6.6% vs. the previous year. The State’s lowest price real estate metro is Tacoma at $354,019, Seattle at $767,906, and Bellevue the highest at $987,665.
The Washington median household income is $74,073 vs. Oregon’s $63,426.

Cost of Living
The Numbeo.com Cost of Living + Rent Index is 64.54 for Portland (OR) and 76.31 for Seattle. Since the Index for New York City is 100, that means both cities are less expensive than the Big Apple, with it being cheaper to live in Portland.
Being close to the same latitude, Washington and Oregon tend to have similar climates. The actual biggest differences are the very wet coastal sections of these states with their desert-like eastern reaches. In Washington the western side of the Olympic Peninsula receives as much as 160 inches of precipitation annually, making it the wettest area of the 48 lower states and a temperate rainforest. However in the rain shadow created east of the Cascades that area receives as little as 6″ of rain annually. Mountain ranges include the Olympics in the west and then the Cascades, with the Selkirks in the northeast. The northeast part of the state tends to have temperature extremes; hot in summer and cold in winter. In Seattle the temperature is quite moderate – the average high is 46 in January and 76 in August.
In Oregon the situation is much the same. The western portion is very wet in winter and spring, dry in summer. The eastern two thirds of Oregon have cold, snowy winters and very dry summers; much of it is semiarid to arid. Most of the population lives in the Willamette Valley, which is considered a mild climate for its latitude.
Tax Environment Comparison
Both states have reason to be considered tax friendly. Washington is one of the few states not to have an income tax. The sales tax is 6.5% statewide and 9.5% in Seattle and some other cities. In Oregon the reverse is true: a 0% sales tax but a stiff income tax in its place. The top marginal rate is a very high 9.9%, which kicks in over $250,000 for a couple. Although the tax rate starts at 5%, a couple earning just over $17,800 would pay 9%. Oregon exempts social security and some pension income from state income tax. Oregon seems to treat capital gains as regular income.
Both states offer senior property tax exemptions to those with lower incomes. The data below is from the Tax Foundation and Tax-Rates.org. For more detail about taxation and other information about each state see our mini State Retirement Guides.
Tax Burden Ranking
State Inc Tax
5% – 9.9%
State Sales Tax*
Med Prop Tax Rate**
*Localities may add additional sales taxes
** On appraised market value
Taxation of Social Security
Taxation of Pensions
Yes, in-state & milit. exempt
Inheritance/Estate Tax
Yes – Estate tax on over $1 million
Yes – Estate tax on over $2.193 million
Where to Live by State
Oregon State Guide
Both states are renowned for their outdoor recreational possibilities, with outstanding hiking, biking, skiing, fishing, and kayaking – among other activities. They also each have a vibrant big city and some appealing smaller towns as well.
Topretirements has reviews of 24 Oregon towns and 90 active communities. The Portland and the north central area has just under half of the state population, and many of these people are retirees. Some live in prosperous suburbs like Beaverton. But there are plenty of other towns spread around the state where baby boomers can enjoy retirement. Some retirees like the idea of living in a college town like Eugene, a bit to the south of Portland.
Coastal Oregon
There are some small towns along the Oregon coast that make beautiful places to retire. Tiny Depoe Bay is one of them, and Bandon (with its incredible golf courses) is another.

To the east
Folks looking for a smaller town with a tremendous reputation among outdoor oriented people might look into Bend, which is more to the east.
Down south
Some of the nicest towns in the state are located to the south, sometimes close to the California border. Ashland, which hosts one of the largest Shakespeare Festivals on earth, is one of them. Famous for fruit growing, Medford, in the south central region in the Rogue Valley is especially nice for retirees. Tiny Jacksonville is a former gold mining town near Medford that is quite charming. Nearby towns like Klamath Falls and Grants Pass are retirement spots with pluses that will attract some people (lower cost of living and the outdoors) and minuses (not as prosperous).
Washington State
Washington State Guide
Eastern Washington, courtesy of Wikipedia and JGkatz. Licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0/
Washington has a number of different areas to consider for retirement, all with different climates and types of towns. At Topretirements we have reviews of 35 WA towns and over 100 active adult/55 communities. Here we will consider some of the state’s best retirement areas.
Olympic Peninsula
Much of this area is rainforest, characteristic by tremendous precipitation from the wet air of the Pacific hitting the coastal mountains. There are a few terrific towns on the edges of this area include Olympia (the state capitol) to the south, Port Angeles, the especially charming Port Townsend, and the “Blue Hole”, Sequim.
Seattle area
In addition to the major city of Seattle and all of its interesting neighborhoods, there are appealing suburbs that you might live in like affluent Redmond. Going north there are the beautiful San Juan Islands (which might be a good, but expensive second home site) and highly rated Bellingham, which has unbelievable natural scenery from Puget Sound on the west and Mount Baker to the east. Anacortes is another beautiful and low key city on the water.
Eastern region
Located more in the center of the state is the fruit growing area around Yakima, which is less expensive. Further to the east is the college town and wine region of Walla Walla, and then tucked in the corner is Spokane.

Going south along the coast towards Oregon you run into the delightful community of Ocean Shores. See the extensive report on that town by one of our Members, Rich: It is Rocket Science, How a Space Engineer Found His Best Place to Retire.
Comparisons and Observations
– Both Oregon and Washington have many wonderful places to retire. In each you can choose from a youthful big city (Portland or Seattle), college towns, or small towns. You can be near mountains or water – sometimes both.
– Oregon is slightly cheaper in terms of real estate, but the median home price is higher than the national median in both.
– From a tax standpoint if you don’t want an income tax Washington would be the choice, but if your Achilles heel for taxes is the sales tax, pick Oregon.
Looking for pickleball supplies – check out this link at Amazon.
For further reference:
State Retirement Guides
Gulf Coast Retirement: Sun, Tax-friendly, and a Lower Coast of Living
Retirement 101 Mid-Atlantic States: MD, DE, VA, NJ
Florida Retirement 101
Dueling Carolinas: NC vs. SC
Dueling States: Arizona vs. Florida
California Retirement 101
Retirement in the Southwest: AZ, NM, and Utah
The Mountain States: CO, ID, MT, NV, UT, WY
Dueling States Mid-South: TN, GA, KY, AL
Comments? We and all your fellow members love to know what you are thinking. Please share your thoughts about retirement in these 2 states in the Comments section below.
Comments on "Dueling Retirement States: The Pacific Northwest (OR vs. WA)"
John says:
Living in Portland since 1962, I've seen a lot of growth but it's controlled. What the Portland metro area has over Seattle metro is a great light rail system as well as a lot less traffic.75 minutes from the coast, an hour from Timberline on Mt. Hood and three hours from high desert in central Oregon, with Bend being the absolute best area for golf, hiking, fly fishing....anything out doors. It's a great state to retire in. Best bet....come stay for two weeks in Fall-Winter and then do the same in Spring-Summer. Awesome area.
Andrea says:
Don't know about WA, but I've lived in Depoe Bay, and currently am living in Salem. Unless you are wealthy, or a healthy pioneer planning to die chopping your own wood, Oregon is not a good place for middle to low income elderly. There are next to no services available when health fails or disabilities occur, unless you are on Medicaid or can afford private-pay. And while you say Salem's housing price average is around $168,000, you wouldn't want to live in it. For that price you will get a) high crime neighborhood, b) flood plain, c) house built before 1940 with aging septic tank, or d) 2 or more of the above. Salem taxes are extremely high because of the tremendous number of government buildings (federal, stake, county, city--including 3 prisons), none of which pay property taxes. On the coast, it's beautiful--but very little quality medical care, which means for serious illness you will be making a 3-4 hour round trip drive over the mountains to inland doctors. Oregon's great if you're healthy and outdoor activities are your interests. But, in our experience, that's about it.
Joanne says:
I must agree with Andrea. I will soon be widowed and plan on retiring alone. As green and beautiful as the summers are in the Pacific Northwest, one pays a high price during the bleak and rainy winters. I have explored Salem, Oregon and a decent home costs plenty. The taxes are less than here on the East Coast, but not much less. Medical care is an important consideration when planning to retire. We may be healthy now, but that could change overnight, as is what is happening with my 64 year old husband. I attended college at UVA and am now exploring Waynesboro, VA with views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, as well as areas southwest of Charleston, SC. Arizona is too dry and Florida is too humid. Because I cannot afford the 6 and 6 lifestyle, I have to find my retirement in a place that is tolerable year-round as well as affordable and safe. I have not been able to find anywhere in either Oregon or Washington that meets these criteria. I would appreciate any suggestions from others in my situation. I love to golf, ride my bike and exercise. On the other hand, I like to sit on my deck and breathe in clean air, read and listen to music. I am having a very difficult time making a decision.
Chris says:
Seniors are leaving everywhere in the U.S. for everywhere else in the U.S. in an attempt to find an area where they have the amenities which mean the most to them as well as an affordable, clean, safe living environment with the most necessary services readily available.
I have lived all over this country throughout my lifetime and I can tell you for a fact that, unless you are very wealthy (and even then you will make some compromises) no such place exists in America.
Oh, it could. Plenty of such places once did and certainly could, but unless there is a concerted effort to create them, these near-perfect retirement homes, especially for low to middle income retirees, simply dont exist. Like our dream jobs, our dream retirement homes are mostly imaginary.
First of all, be realistic. Baby boomers are a gross commodity as they have been throughout their lives. And businesses will go after their after tax dollars as they always have done. Know this and plan accordingly. Senior retirement areas not slated for assisted living or luxury living are not a top priority as the elderly are not a top priority. Many senior retirement apts/houses are old buildings with problems inherent in old bldgs including maintanance and roaches. Cities may provide the services you need, certainly medical choices and the like, but know that walking around the neighborhood may not be a reality as seniors are major targets of the high crime areas in which many city retirement areas are nestled. If you have any doubt, talk to a volunteer at the "Senior vs Crime" program of the Florida Attorney Generals office.
Be wise. Dont be conned. We dont have many decades left, most of us, dont waste it spending forever looking for that perfect retirement home. Choose what matters most to you, if you find anything else, consider yourself very, very lucky indeed. Perhaps the best way to look at retirement places is to choose what you cannot bear to live without then delight in whatever new discoveries you find there.
Robert says:
For us and I would imagine many other Seniors it is not really a question of where we want to live - it is a fact of life as to where we can afford to live out the rest of our lives in hopefully a comfortable environment and have the finances to enjoy at least the basics of life.
JB says:
I could not agree more with Chris about the alleged "shangrila" of retirement places in this once great nation.I too have lived in many places from Alaska to Arkansas to California and in between and have yet to find that mysterious "best place" to squat.My advice to all is go with the flow and stop chasing rainbows since the money grubbers will be hot on your trail for every nickel and dime they can steal from you. We are all on this rock for a short time so make the best of what you have and stop living in a make believe world.
elaine says:
Has anyone lived in Spokane WA? I understand the weather is good and was curious about other pros and cons of that area of the pacific NW. I am reasonably sure I will end up in the southeast, but love to read about potential areas elsewhere and hope to get the thread back on track
JB says:
Elaine,I lived in the Spokane area several times over the years.The area has cold winters and hot summers,a true 4 season place.In the summers the downtown area can get smoggy,so they used to have emissions testing for cars,not sure if they still do.I lived in Cheney so was exempt then.A lot of Californians moved into the area in the 1980's and still are I assume,driving up real estate prices in the Spokane/Courdelene area.Northern Idaho has become a mecca for summertime tourists,and since it is right next door to Spokane,the entire area is affected.Not a bad thing I guess if you have a tourist business.Used to be the wages were low in Spokane,again,I don't know anymore since I am retired.Personally,I think there are better places in the NW to live and visit.Just my 2 cents.
Garyf says:
Spokane, I grew up in Spokane. I vist regulary to visit family. Other than more people the City has changed very little in the last 50 years. Housing costs are low for a mid to large size city in the west. Hot summers, not really, you might hit the 90s for a week or so but mostly 80's. And with no humidity May through Sept are very comfortable. The winters cold! But with many more sunny days annually than the Portland or Seattle areas. There are 30 lakes within 30 miles of Spokane, a very serviceable airport, moderate traffic in the city center a very relaxed environment, excellent medical care, three unciversitiies including Gonzaga, Eastern Washington, and Whitworth.It's a pretty ice spot. Livng in St. George Utah considering the move to Spokane as that's where the grandkids are. Actually laughed out loud, rare for me, when I read Chri's comment about leaving everywhere to go everywhere. Spot on!
Jim says:
The weather can be very different in Washington and Oregon depending on which side of the mountains you live. Spokane is in the extreme eastern part of the state which is much dryer and has a wider range of temperatures. The coastal areas on the western side of the mountains are much wetter but you don't have the temperature extremes like the eastern side.
TJ says:
Have you thought about Idaho. We live 3 hours south of Spokane and 1 Hour east of Lewiston Idaho, we are 1 1/2 hours from Lolo Montana. Very SAFE area. low low crime .affordable living.
We have 5 acres along the Clearwater River in the town of Kooskia. Idaho. We are considering selling lots to park an RV or build your own home. Lots 50 feet by 100 feet can be purchased for 20,000.00 and you can purchase as many as you want. Many sites include river frontage.
elaine says:
Thanks for info on Spokane and surrounding areas...I hope to get to visit and keep in the back of my mind for retirement. The south east if more probable for me....and lately seems to provide me with more than enough ice and snow and cold.
Shumidog says:
I'm looking for information on Walla Walla, WA. I know it's a wine area and there's a college there but that's about it. Does anyone know any more? Thanks
Ted says:
I am from the mid-west (St. Louis, MO), though I had lived in Denver, San Francisco, Eureka & Vancouver WA about 40 to 30 years ago. I have been looking at Washington State and with the high cost of Seattle, I have been looking at Olympia. Does anyone who moved to Olympia WA have any perspective to share?
Jim C says:
We have kicked around the idea of retiring to the Seattle area. My wife liked Seattle when we were there back in the early 90's. I am not a city person so am more interested in the Port Townsend/Squiem area. I like the fact that the area appears to be a little dryer than Seattle due to the rain shadow effect from Mt Olympus.
Vickie says:
Any comments on Ocean Sores, WA for retiring.
Jeanne says:
Your comments are appreciated, especially as I just spent most of my free time the past week reading everything I could on North and South Carolina and Washington, where I now live... I agree with the 'no eutopia' view but that there has to be something we think we'd prefer... I moved to WA after college from the east coast and although, yes, beautiful scenery, the best nature- like in many places- has to offer, but personally found, although many disagree, (still after all these decades) a lack of like-mindedness that I have as soon as speaking to anyone from the east coast, which makes friendships much easier - (google "the Seattle freeze") so as I've heard lots of people from NJ/NY retire to the Carolinas, I'm researching that and would appreciate all input and be happy to answer anything about the NW corner of WA state.
Donna says:
What can anyone tell me about the Tri Cities area of Washington (Kennewick, Richland and Pasco)?
Cecil says:
I too am debating where to retire. I know for me safety is priority number one. I want to be able to walk the dog even at night and not worry about being attacked. Weather is next in importance, no snow and not too rainy but not looking for desert heat. I'm okay with colder temps but if it snows I would prefer it be gone by bedtime. Although taxes and cost of living are important I know those factors change on a daily basis and having spent a lifeime of non-stop budgetting I assume I'll be doing that as long as physically able. I would love some suggestions Right now I am considering Ashland Oregon West Linn Oregon Seattle Washington and Bainbridge Island Washington
art bonds says:
Go to City-Data.com and look up each city. There you will find your crime data. I am originally from Tacoma (relatives out towards Elma, son in Sammamish), and personally I would stay out of Seattle. Very high crime, and you will pay half a million for an average place to live. Tacoma is worse for crime, by you'll only pay a quarter mill.
Bainbridge Island in my opinion would be great, very low crime and educated. Don't know about Oregon.
Ro says:
I currently live in Surprise, AZ, am retired, and find a reasonably comfortable standard of living can be achieved on a relatively low income here. Good healthcare is plentiful for seniors as this is a retirement mecca, and crime is very low. My major complaint with AZ is the political atmosphere. It is swathed in ridiculously ultra conservative/right wing extremism in every aspect of life, which is mentally debilitating if you are of a liberal/progressive bent. But if you hate the current administration, are a subscriber to conspiracy theories, want to take your gun into college classrooms and the grocery store, have your christian god involved in everything from education to healthcare, and fear Muslim extremists lurking around every corner, then you'll love it here. I'm looking for someplace, anyplace, I can afford where I'll be surrounded by the exact opposite point of view. Both Washington and Oregon appear to score high in that regard, but weather and affordability may be deal breakers.
Debi W says:
I have been researching both WA vs OR and the deuling Carolinas for my "Utopia" in retirement, although I've been on SSD for 10 years due to failed back surgery. I've lived my life mostly in horrific NJ ( with a break of 5 years in southern Califirnia in the early 80's) and if it weren't for my elderly father (I'm his laast surviving child) and my spouse, I'd be long gone. I'm so tired of the snowy winters and very hot summers and crounds, even though I live in the "burbs:. I crave milder weather, greener surroundings and quitude where I don't hhear the neighbors partying in their yards at night if I want to sleep with the windows open. I'm tempted to get a tiny house or RV and roam the country in search of my utopia, but again, am stuck here with my father and spouse. Reading these blogs only adds to my dispondence.
Steve S. says:
Does anyone have suggestions on who to contact to show the various housing options in Bend, OR? I see it coming up over and over as best place to retire and want to take a look with a little guidance. I'm interested in independent living but would also consider an Active 55+ Community but I don't like being forced in to socializing. : ) Thank you.
Peter Callanan says:
My wife and I are considering the Portland, OR. metro area for retirement. I spent some time on the North end earlier this summer and was very comfortable. We would hope to land in a more urban area and I'd be interested in any feedback regarding the most affordable parts of the metro region....The transit system was very efficient and affordable
Elaine C. says:
Ro, if you like AZ, try Tucson. We're pretty much blue down here. Yes, we're affected by the red state legislature and governor, but I believe the state is turning purple with more young people coming of voting age. The problem, as I see it, is that many snowbirds come down in time to register to vote, vote conservative and against taxes for education, then go home in the spring. I'm not anti-snowbirds, but I wish they would understand that they are part-timers here, and those of us who live here year-round have year-round issues, like being sure everyone gets a quality education in this state. Anyway, Tucson is more open-minded - although guns on hips at McDonald's are still a part of the scenery.
Shauna says:
Peter - I have been living in the Portland area for the past 25 years, albeit in the 'burbs of Beaverton on the west side of town. What do you consider "affordable" and what specically are you looking for in a urban locale? Northeast and Southeast Portland and Gresham are probably the most affordable of urban type areas, but they also seem to be higher in crime. There are some nicer neighborhoods (Laurelhurst, Alameda, Hawthorne, Mississippi) but they are very spendy with fierce buying competition. Southeast has a more bohemian vibe. Northwest nighborhoods of the Pearl and Nob Hill are really fun urban areas, but the prices are astronomical. The west side suburbs are nice (yeah, I am biased), and a ranch house will go for about $275-325K, although most housing around here seem to be two stories. Here it is more the chain restaurants and stores, so if you are looking for food carts, upscale cuisine or authentic ethnic cuisine, then go downtown or to the east side. Between the MAX lightrail, the Portland Street car and the bus, public transit is pretty easy to navigate all over the city. Keep in mind that anywhere in Multnomah County will have higher property taxes than Clackamas or Washington counties because they cover the lion's share of public services for Portland. I hope this helped.
Bill bradley says:
I have lived and owned property in washington for almost 50 years
It is attracting lots of new people in Seattle and suburbs. ALL the dot Com are here and building large campuses both in and out of Seattle. Boeing is in a boom and young people are drawn from around the country to its mountains. Prices for housing expensive and many educated Asians are relocating for opportunity and love this weather.
Tried cities on dry side of state is a great place and nice single story rambles are 150k in nice area.
Anyone wanting info on Northwest feel free to email me. billbradley92@gmail.com. We boomers are in it together and communicating is our greatest asset.
I can no longer live here because of OA Arthritis. Damp and cloudy most the year.
Ann says:
This is for Donna.... I was actually surprised that Tri-Cities wasn't mentioned at all. The combo 3 cities (Richland, Kennewick, Pasco) and 3 rivers, (Columbia, Yakima, Snake) make this area of arid, eastern Washington very attractive as far as low cost of living, lots of outdoors activities (golf, hiking, fishing), vineyards and wineries everywhere, and low crime in Richland and Kennewick. And sunshine? Over 300 days a year of sunshine with no humidity. Snowfall is minimal to rare, and we may get a week or two of below 20 degrees F for the high in the winter, but it's mostly low to mid 40s. Spring and fall here are fantastic. There are high paying government contract jobs that help to support public services, good healthcare, local sports, restaurants, and shopping.
Ed Lee says:
I have lived in Oregon for the past 26 years. The first 10 yrs in Bend and we now have lived in Corvallis for 16 yrs. Bend was a nice place to live, with lots of outdoor activities, but some winters can be brutal. Sub-zero temps and lots of snow, one winter we had about 3-4 foot of snow piled on our roof. Our front yard had about 8-10 foot snow banks where the plows would push the snow. And way too many mornings , even in summer months, I would have to scrap ice off of my windshield. Now it is very crowded and much traffic congestion. Corvallis has a nice university, and a nice downtown. Not nearly as much shopping as Bend, but we don't get all of the Californians moving here (sorry). But we do get a lot of rain in the winter and fog. So it can get depressing if that bothers you. But everything is nice and green almost year around. Anything will grow here. The spring, summer, and fall can be beautiful. And only 1 hour drive to the coast. We do like it here, but are thinking of moving up around Seattle as that is where our daughter now lives and we want to be closer to them after we retire. Hope this helps a little for someone.
Pam says:
Just read the Tri-Cities (Richland, etc.) have a contamination issue due to a nuclear power plant in their vicinity. Any factual information available?
Anthony Gaudioso says:
Hi Ed Lee ,
I have visited Oregon twice and really liked it. We are considering Ashland but it looks like the homes are pretty expensive. Can you give me your opinion of Rogue River area.
MaryJane says:
I want to retire to Ashland as well. I probably would have to rent or purchase a Manufactured home because of the home prices. Medford which is only 10 miles away is less expensive.
gary jacquot says:
I lived there for more than 16 years. winter is ashland is fairly miild . summers can be hot, but not too hot for some. mt ashland is not far to ski at if you desire. temperature inversions take place in the winter, socking in talent, phoenix and medford while ashland stays sunny and bright. tourist season (summer) the place is a zoo. very crowded with folks from out of town. ashland is the most expensive of the areas to live but you have a lively town (college town) with amenities such as the shakespearean theaters, and all that a college can offer in classes that you would like to take
Carol says:
I've been researching moving to Western WA for a couple of years now, a place to retire eventually. I scour real estate listings, study towns, trying to find the "best fit", or at least a good list of places to scope out *in person*. My husband and I want some space...like at least 2 - 5 acres so we can have animals again. Ideally we do not want to even be able to see another home. We both like to be not too far from water (ocean, lakes, rivers), and The Great Outdoors is big on our list! We both feel compelled to live in/near trees. We mountain bike and hike a lot. I've been focused mainly in the Kitsap Peninsula, Seabeck, Silverdale areas - as well as up through Sequim/Port Angeles areas. We are aware that living in this type of scenario can carry it's own risks - rural can mean wild animals, rough wind storms that knock out power lines (frequently in places like Seabeck), and washed out or flooded roads in winter rains. Our plan is to definitely have a generator (for both house and for a water well, if needed) and be prepared to stay put for awhile if services are disrupted. The goal is to live rural but not more than 15-20 minutes from town for things we need an decent medical care, if needed. I *think* the areas mentioned will serve our goal...however strangely enough, the biggest drawback I'm finding is - supposedly limited or non-reliable high speed internet connectivity! Some forested areas are protected from having fiber networks brought in, and others are really spotty. I have a homebased website business I plan to continue while retired, and internet is the center of that. Most real estate agents assure me internet is "no problem" up there...yet to visit many city data type forums, I hear a different story form actual residents. This really could be a deal-breaker for me. Can any of you tell me anything about internet reliability in Western WA and what areas are definitely unreliable? Also curious about restrictions on # of animals allowed in different areas. I hear some say there are very specific restrictions in certain counties, not in others. And again, I get mixed stories for real estate agents. At most, we'd want 2 horses, some chickens, maybe an alpaca or two (for fiber, I'm a hand-spinner), and our usual house cat or two and our two dogs. Any help/insight appreciated...thank you!
Karen says:
Looking for comments/recommendations about Western Nevada: Lake Tahoe. Carson City, etc. Am a single woman with a small dog looking for a place with seasons and thought this area might be an option. Have lived om Chicago for the last 40 years so this might be culture shock too! I love to ride my bike and be outdoors. Thanks!
Sharon Alexander says:
Carol, I could give you some information on other areas in Western Washington as I live in Olympia. There are lots of areas around us that are what you are looking for. Please feel free to e/mail me directly at Sreda244@aol.com.
Harriette Fisher says:
I have gotten a good laugh reading these posts! Rule #1 don't believe what anyone who is trying to sell you some thing tells you.
I was born in Washington, educated in Oregon and worked in and retired from California. I like to forget the 11 months I survived in Detroit.
I say I have been drifting south all my life. I need to be with in driving distance of the sea. Only the rich can afford beach front in California and I couldn't stand everyone living in fear and hatred. I discovered Belize before Wheel-Of-Fortune did and retired in 2002 and moved here full time in 2003.
This is an English speaking country and fully integrated. If you are a bigot don't come.
I overlook the Caribbean Sea and live on half my retirement. I could never again live in the USA.
Good luck to everyone. Just remember - nothing is perfect - not even you. Smile!
Art Bonds says:
Hi Harriette, I have heard about Belize before and did a little research. From somebody that has 'boots on the ground' there, can you comment on if Belize has 'mañana' syndrome? Not 'mañana' as in 'tomorrow morning', but mañana as in 'not now but later'... sometimes much later, as in no contractor/business/government body is in a hurry to get anything done, and having to wait for a long time to get something done. Like put in telephone service, contractors that take forever to do anything, that sort of stuff?
Also we have read here in this blog of US citizens being fair game for crime in places like Mexico, with the local constabulary basically turning a blind eye to property crime committed against them under the theory that US citizens can 'afford it'. Any issues like that in Belize?
Thanks for a report from on-site.
MaryNB says:
Harriett, I am glad that you found the right place for you. How is the medical care in Belize if you had a serious condition? I have had friends who left the USA and had to return to this country for treatment and endedmup having to pay cash because they did not have health insurance.
Liz says:
Harriet - I'm with the rest - please share more information!
Is it safe?
Do you recommend investing in property or renting?
Is your SS taxed if you live there?
And last but not least - are there lots of snakes and bugs???? LOL
Jim C says:
Anyone have any comments about the Port Townsend, WA area? The area has much less rain than Seattle and appears to have a lower cost of living as well.
Kathy says:
I am considering Washington State as well. I have researched and have looked into the rain shaddow. The rain fall is said to be less than Seattle. Is this true? I am considering Brinnon and surrounding areas. Can anyone tell me about the area or any other areas to consider. I am looking for water views and a certain amount of seclusion. I will be purchasing an RV and touring around until I decide on where to land. Of course the people and community are important too as I would love to volunteer and be involved. I think it is such a beautiful state. Thank you for any information. It is greatly appreciated. I'm looking forward to a new adventure.
Art Bonds says:
Kathy, Brinnon is NOT in the Olympic rain shadow. Brinnon gets considerably more rain than Seattle.
mike says:
Depending on what areas in the State of Washington you look at can
have a great variance in the 'rain factor'. Some areas can be dry.
Sequim (a nice retirement area) get 16" rain vs. 37" for Seattle area.
Kennewick gets 7", Wenatchee gets 9".
So there is places you can land to avoid the gloom of gray skies
(Seattle has approx. 147 days of precipitation.
Jim C says:
Have been following the daily weather reports for Port Townsend and Squiem this summer. Lots of sunny days and temps barely hitting 70 degrees. These two towns are in the rain shadow. I'm sure winter has more overcast days but with only 18" of rain annually it would at least be dry most of the time.
BeckyN. says:
I would check out both Port Townsend and Port Angeles. Each has a different feel. Both being on the Olympia Peninsula make them near the only rain forest in North America but they are considered to be in the shadow. I did not live in either but visited often, particularly Port Townsend when I lived in the Seattle area for 4 years. It was very artsy - lots of galleries and interesting shopped. There is a lot of info on the internet describing the towns and what there is to do there. Both are on the water and offer good access to the nearby islands, whale watching and Victoria, Canada - all good day trips.
As far as rain - western Washington is rainy and cloudy but the rain is often a mist not even requiring an umbrella. Cloudiness is what you need to deal with and it is not for everyone. If I could afford it, I would spend every summer near the Puget Sound, especially if like cooler summer weather. We did not have or need a/c in our home. However, with the current climate changes that might different right now.
Check the stats on the rainfall and cloudy days (city-datacom). Also the population if that matters to you.
JoannC says:
I know people who have retired to the Olympic Peninsula and love it for the weather. On the other hand, if you need serious medical care beyond what the local hospital/medical providers can handle, it's a long haul to Seattle where you will have to be for top medical care. Even though I'm healthy now, proximity to medical care is one of the top items on my checklist.
Gary Knoke says:
I visited Port Angeles many years ago and loved it. But I see that Port Angeles, Sequim, and Port Townsend all get an 'F' in crime on the website I turn to first for a snapshot of a community. Just sayin'.
Kathy says:
Thank you for all the information. It is so difficult to relocate. So much to consider. I have done tons of research on line however it doesn't take the place of scouting around in person. Full time rving has its pluses and minuses too but I think it is the only way to really find out where to finally settle.
Again thank you, Kathy
Admin says:
We move this comment from Evan because it fits better here:
Can you tell me about retirement in the Port Angeles-Sequim-Port Townsend area of Washington state? We were there recently and my wife noticed many people who were our (retirement) age.
Thank you.
Rich says:
Since the discussion is right in the area, I'd like to add a tip about taking the ferry over to Canada. We visited Port Angeles by car and wanted to make an overnight to Victoria. Great trip and beautiful city, but after the fact we realized that we should have left our car in Port Angeles. Take the ferry as a pedestrian -- it is far less expensive. You will likely save enough to pay for your hotel. You can get a bus or taxi to wherever you like and this is a city that begs to be walked, In addition, you may avoid a long ferry line. We happened to pick the return day that was the Canadian equivalent of the 4th of July. The early morning ferry was full long before we got there and the first ticket we could get was for 3:00pm. Long, unexpected wait to fill -- in our case with two dogs and car packed to the max. If we had been walking, it would be walk on and go.
If you are going on into Canada after Victoria, this may not apply, but it's well worth considering being a walking tourist over being a motorist if you don't really need to have a car.
Ml says:
Hi! My husband and I are currently living/retired in Phoenix, Arizona. We have been here many years and now the ozone, bad air quality days are increasing constantly. You have to drive everywhere and the politics here are way too conservative for us. People are not too friendly anymore and guns, violence and drug gangs are rampant and very bad.
So, we have decided you move/retire to Portland, Oregon next spring. We can't wait!. The public transportation is incredibly amazing, great foodie restaurants, food trucks, picturesque views of rivers, one hour to the ocean, great medical care, amazing beer and wine country, farmers markets galore and so much more!!!. Not to mention very liberal, the nicest people on the planet, amazing ? flowers, hiking, biking and the best coffee on the planet. Also, a great music and arts scene, the great Portland Saturday market under Burnside bridge, the best donuts in the world, great fishing, canoeing, kayaking and fabulous at museums. Yes, it gets cloudy and rainy in the winter... But it's fun in the fall and up to Christmas as it's fun to huddle around the fire and dream of Xmas dreams. Then, we plan to vacation to Arizona, California or Florida in the winter. Please research Portland.... It's amazing!!!!!
Ml says:
Also, the Phoenix area is getting hotter every year. We have more triple digit days than we ever have before. Really, Portland, Oregon is your ticket to happiness. Of course, I think you can also just decide to be happy, and then you will be, no matter what, no matter where you live. :)
Good luck!
JoannL says:
Rich - We visited the Olympic National Park and Cape Flattery two years ago. I want to go back and revisit! We could only do 6 days and covered Sequim, Port Angeles and Port Townsend too. Next trip, I hope to do a ferry to Victoria as you described and maybe visit Whidbey Island too. We are off to northern CA next month for a week and will fly into Medford OR then stay in Trinidad CA. I'm trying to plan day trips from there and we will visit Ashland OR. We did the OR coast last year starting in Portland and visited Astoria down through Florence. Stayed in Newport and Cannon Beach. WA and OR and stunningly beautiful states! Love PNW!
Mary11 says:
I lived in Portland for 8 years back in the late 90s and loved it. Things have changed though....prices of homes and apts have skyrocketed. You are right about the people, they are very down to earth and very friendly. That's where I met my husband and eventually moved back to SanDiego for family reasons but plan on retiring back to the coast of oregon. It's a lot cheaper especially for people on a fixed budget. Sure it rains more but that's why it's so beautiful..... just can't decide which coastal town to retire to because there are so many to choose from! Lol
MaryNB says:
I have posted about Portland, Oregon before. I was thinking of moving there too. I just got back from my fourth visit to Portland and spent 3 weeks there. Things have gotten progressively worse there with the homeless problem. It is very, very bad there right now. There are homeless people( mostly men with mental health issues) living all over the streets. Apparently, the passed a new law, the Safe Sleep Act, which allows people to live on any public property, sidewalks, parks, street, highways, etc. I am not exaggerating when I say it is the worst situation that I have ever seen in any city in my life. I really suggest a long visit to the area you are thinking of before you make your plans. I left there this summer, thinking that it is just not safe for me and I may never go back again.
Bubbajog says:
Homeless encampments are springing up all over the United States. This is very much in conjunction with the horrific and epidemic level of opioid addiction we are suffering from as a country. As a nation, we are making very little progress at getting this socialtal epidemic under control. Unfortunately, far too many seniors are part of this epidemic cycle due to their severe addiction to opioid pain medications.
Mary11 says:
So, why are people still moving to Portland? I used to only pay $650 for a 2 bedroom apt in the early 2000s and now it's doubled in price .
Art Bonds says:
Regarding Portland OR Safe Sleep Act.
In my opinion: Nobody should have carte blanche to just sleep or encamp anywhere on public property. It creates a possible unsafe environment. Would you want your wife and young daughter, while hiking on a public trail, to walk past an encampment like the one pictured in the article, knowing it may be occupied by (as MaryNB states so eloquently) "homeless people( mostly men with mental health issues)"? Not only that it is an eyesore and detracts from the public's enjoyment of the scenery.
Instead, again IMO, they need to take an area and dedicate it to servicing the homeless population, a place where you can group the necessary support facilities... social services like mental health counselors, sanitation, food, job training, etc.
Laney says:
I moved to Portland a year ago to be near family but I've just about decided that family isn't enough. I live in a suburb and almost never go into downtown because I find it so unpleasant. My conclusions, after a year's observation as an outsider with no emotional or long term ties to the place: Portland has good "bones" but is way behind the eight ball in coping with the problems brought on by extremely rapid growth. City government seems well meaning but inept and powerless; the Portland school district administration is in a shambles. The most creative thinking about how to deal with the homeless is coming from wealthy developers. According to "Portland Monthly" magazine, most new arrivals are mid-level management folksattracted by the booming economy. They are the 20-30 somethings with big checkbooks but small inclination to get involved in the nitty gritty of running their new home. So, my observation is that there is a huge gap between the older, "native" population who dream of how things were back in the 90s and these new arrivals looking for a good time.
Having said all that, the real reason I'm thinking of leaving is the weather. Well, weather combined with the extremely high cost of housing. I've discovered that I need lots of light and sun. Having lived almost all of my life in sunny places so rarely having been without it, I had no idea how much I depend on it to avoid depression. The part of me that really loves my life here, keeps thinking that there must be an affordable, sunny living space just waiting out there for me to find it. But if it's out there, it isn't appearing on Craigslist or any of the other popular rental listing sites. Again it's the collision of high demand and lack of supply. And I'd add long-time lack of creative design thinking. For all Oregonians' love of the outdoors and environment, I've yet to find an a multi-unit complex oriented towards the sun's path for passive heating/light. Only the newest (& therefore the most expensive) complexes have air conditioning and most don't even have windows that allow cross ventilation. It's really hard to deal with high 90's outside (forecasted for Thurs-Sunday this week) with no relief inside my apartment!
One last negative: traffic! If you like LA style slow-and-go driving, Portland is your place. If you like planning your life around traffic, come here.
Sorry to sound so negative. Portland does have much to recommend it and even I haven't fully committed to moving on. The folks for whom it would work best, in my opinion, are: from northern latitudes or similar climates or know that they are not effected by 9 months of cloudiness; have more than average income; don't mind either traffic or using public transportation. I can imagine urban folks from the NE who are sick of snow and cold will find Portland a heaven of exciting urban life with no need for more winter protection than an umbrella.
Bubbajog says:
In the city of Los Angeles, unsheltered homelessness has increased 21% over last year. If you travel 6th St. in downtown Los Angeles, you will experience an incredibly large encampment of tents, cardboard boxes, and other creative fixtures; full of homeless people in very crowded conditions. This is an environment of predominantly males with serious mental health issues and drug addictions. Because this is Los Angles, with the best climatic conditions, you have the epicenter of homelessness in the United States. I do believe the Left Coast with superior climatic conditions from the Mexican border and northward; has become a haven for the homeless.
Ml says:
I guess I'm still the dreamer and view Portland as a European oasis. I know about the people that are homeless, yet I don't judge them....on the other hand, I see that as an opportunity to share my gifts. As a musician, I plan to bring my keyboard downtown and play songs for anyone and to crochet scarves and hand them out randomly. I will even bake cookies, wrap them with pretty bows, write a poem and hand them out as I see fit. :). I think we have just about lost our humanity and compassion if we can turn away from those in need.
Can't wait to move to Portland and I remain an optimist both now and always. :)
SandySW says:
MI - you will be an asset to Portland. You do not keep your head in the sand, even in retirement. No Whining, Worrying , or Wallowing allowed at your house !!
June says:
I had considered Portland, OR several times as my retirement place. Once I went to look for housing and was faced with day upon day of no sunshine. I knew then that I could not live without an adequate amount of sunshine.
Laney says:
Here's a positive picture of life with Portland's homeless. My sister and I went dowtown on Tuesday to see the "Native Fashion Now" exhibit at the Portland Museum of Art. Excellent exhibit in an excellent museum! Afterwards we lunched at The Carts, joining lots of PDX's office workers and tourists. Like those who didn't have to rush back to a desk, we took our lunches to Pioneer Park and ate, sitting on a bench. The scene was SO Portland: "Bespoke Bikes" busy creating fruit smoothies by pedal power, a violinist providing lovely music and a good selection of Portland types to watch. They included quite a few men who looked, acted and talked as tho' they are homeless. They were not pan handling, just sitting in groups on benches talking among themselves. There was one guy sitting near the trash receptables. We watched him pull a container out as soon as it was thrown away, open it, and start eating - lunch #1. I only wanted about 1/2 of my lunch so, to save him the trouble of digging it out of the trash, I offered it to him directly and was thanked - lunch #2. No sooner than he'd finished it, than someone threw a container into the trash. He grabbed it and started eating lunch #3! Just think of how ecologically friendly he was being in saving 3 lunches from going to the landfill.
Ml says:
Laney, loved your story!!
Laney says:
Here's a question for the tax focused: Washington does not have an income tax; Oregon doesn't have a sales tax. My question is: as a retiree who doesn't buy much any more except groceries, gas and the occasional piece of clothing, how can I figure out whether I'm saving more by living in the no-sales-tax state (and paying Oregon's high income tax) or would I be better off moving to the no-income-tax state? In fact many retirees do move to WA but continue to shop in OR to take advantage of both tax free offerings. There are the costs of moving to consider as well as the "costs" of dealing with the traffic clogged bridges and freeways across the river separating the two states.
mike says:
Why not live in/near Vancouver, WA (across border from Portland)
and live in a non-income state and cross the border to a non-sales tax state?
Mary11 says:
I also was looking into this question and came out with saving approximately $30 month on sales taxes without buying large purchase items. I won't be working so income taxes isn't a concern, and if you have less than $25000 per year you don't need to even file any taxes either. Now property taxes in Washington is good, if you are over 65 you have an option of not having to pay your yearly taxes, if you qualify according to income. Oregon also allows you to delay paying until you pass away too. So, I have chosen oregon incase of large purchases being made at some point in the future.
Bob says:
The comments by Chris back in Feb are still the best. No place is perfect year round. Not just in the USA but worldwide. I have traveled the world my whole life, and in the 10 years since I've retired I have been, like many, a snowbird. Summers one place, winters another. Why, because there is no perfect year round place. Anywhere along the Gulf coast is nice in winter. Would have to pay me a million to stay there is summer. Northern states are good in summer. Don't want to freeze and shovel snow in winter. That is why the rich have home in many places. Not being rich I just rent. That works for me because I am not a fussbudget when it comes to housing. Clean and in a decent neighborhood is all I require. It doesn't have to be big and fancy as I'm not trying to impress anyone. I don't own it so don't have to spend and time or money on maintenance. IMO retirees make things harder on themselves by not being able to let go of the whole home ownership mentality. Renting also makes it a lot easier to move again if you find out you don't really like the place after all.
Rich says:
Bob, you are absolutely right. It does completely depend on the person. Some have few real requirements out of life (and that's just fine -- for them), others have clear views on what they want. When we were having the house built that we designed and have now lived in happily for 24 years (13 in retirement), we had very specific requirements and made sure they were met. The guy I worked for at the time was totally different. He basically told his builder, here's the lot, here's the money, let me know when I can move in -- and then just forgot about it. (I have no idea what the long term outcome was.)
It sounds like you've found what makes you happy. We have too, but the two choices are very different. All anyone can hope for is to have their retirement choices make them happy -- and good luck to all.
MaryNB says:
Art Bonds, thank you for posting the article about Portland, Oregon's mayor ending the
Safe Sleep policy. I don't know what will happen there, but it is going to take time and a great deal of effort to make the streets safe again. I don't judge the homeless, but the situation was not safe at all for a woman who likes to take walks alone. The apartment that I was staying in was in an expensive part of town, and had homeless men camped out beneath the windows and they drank and screamed at passerbys all night. It was terrifying just to step out the door and I didn't get much sleep. In the morning there were broken bottles and human waste on the sidewalks next to their sleeping bodies. It was awful no matter where I went. I know that the last 7 years have been very bad for cities in this country and it is most evident in Portland.
Katherine says:
Thanks, all, for your experiential comments which are extremely helpful for my ongoing evaluation of a possible move to the Pacific NW and, in keeping with the article, to learning more about OR v. WA. I'm already retired, but widowed about two years ago and wanting a total change. This is probably the wrong thread to mention some experiences about East Coast retirement and living, although I've seen a few comments about the consideration of East Coast alternatives to the NW. If useful, I have some substantive experience to offer about living in the SE, and spent 10 years in FL.
Kathe says:
I have lived in Southern Oregon both as a child and an adult, am currently living in SoCal where I cannot afford to retire and to be honest don't want to, tired of the endless summer (for those of you looking for that and can afford the cost of living this may be the place for you) but for me intend to return to Southern Oregon the Medford/Grants Pass area, I look forward to 4 seasons and rain. The Rogue River provides lots of activities the location of So Oregon allows for day trips or 2 day trips to the coast, Portland area, California there is lots of out door activities, cultural activities, great access to fresh veggies and fruits and the people are really great. A manufactured home close to the river is calling my name.
Mary11 says:
Kathe, you sound like a twin. I lived in Portland, where I met my husband and now living in Sandiego, but plan to move to southern oregon. Just can't decide between the coast or Ashland area. Can't afford and don't want to retire in california. I've lived in all 4 corners of the US and you can't beat the weather but looking forward to moving back to oregon. ....
Dick Pierson says:
Mary11....... Please do more research on the property taxes, I think you will find that you in fact do have to pay property taxes although there is a senior exception in my county but it only lowers your tax base it does not eliminate it. I know of nowhere in Washington State that you don't have to pay property taxes. FYI........I have lived in Washington since 83 and have loved it. I am a senior, (69 this year) semi returned and sell real estate in the Olympia area when I am there during the summer months. My wife and I snowbird to AZ during the winter months in our RV and love our lifestyle. Washington State is no different from another, same political issues, same homeless issues, lousy weather (unless you enjoy the rain in the spring and fall and cold winters with occasional snow) but beautiful and unbeatable in the summer months with mild temps and fabulous environment. Probably one of the prettiest places in the US during the months of May through September. Of course I am partial to the Olympia area as I have lived here many years, moved here from the North Seattle area and would never go back there. If you were to choose Olympia as your landing place, your are 60 to 90 minutes to Seattle, a huge city with everything you could ever need. Outstanding medical facilities with the UofW, etc. one of the top rated cancer research facilities in the country, Fred Hutch Research Center, and wonderful heart, etc. facilities in surrounding hospitals. Trust me on that one, I've have occasion to use both in the last few years ! The Olympia area still has good reasonably priced housing, outstanding environment, almost no traffic, surrounded by the Puget Sound so tons of water sports if you like that sort of thing, an hours drive to the ocean, a hour and half to some of the best winter sports in the world, etc. etc. However, as many have stated, there is no perfect place but if you are like us and can pack up and head out when the weather gets to a point that you feel "all coupled up" then this is the place for you. If you, or anyone else on this blog, has questions regarding the Thurston County area of Washington State (Olympia, Lacey, Tumwater and surrounding area) feel free to reply here.
Admin says:
This comment came in from Deborah:
While we live on the East Coast our children live in the
Bay Area and Seattle.
We are currently looking at Port Ludlow Wa. If anyone
has anything to say about the area I would love feedback.
PLEASE! I know about the coming "big one". We are
not looking at waterfront and limiting the search to at
least 50 feet above seal level.
We know no one in the area. Is it hard to make friends?
We are Christians, who love to hike, kayak, and drink
wine! We thoroughly enjoy all aspects of food, cooking
and trying new restaurants. Access to a gym is important,
although we are not gym rats---could lose some weight!
I would love to hear anything about the area!
Thank YOU!
booch221 says:
We just got back from a month in Portland. It's a great city, with lots to do, and many fabulous restaurants. But the traffic is terrible. I hate to think what it would be like without the MAX light rail system. It's still worth it, and we bought a home across the Columbia River, in Vancouver WA. We will have to time our trips into Portland carefully, to avoid the traffic.
Admin says:
This Comment from Mary was originally posted to a Medicare article so we moved it here where it fits better:
Help! Where is the best place to retire around the Tacoma WA area? We are retired military and would like to enjoy a close knit community near the water possibly? WE are traveling there in early December — only have 2 days to explore….any recommendations? Thank you!!
Jim C says:
Can anyone comment on the Port Townsend/Sequim area of Washington? Trying to get an idea of the overall cost of living including real estate taxes.
Diane S. says:
A LOT of reading here but until I can make my way through all of it, can anyone give me input? I'm interested in a townhouse or apartment in the Pacific N/W with access to public transportation. I currently live in S/E Texas and hope to sell my property for enough to move away from the Armpit of the Southeast. I'm nearly 70 and in good health. I am on Social Security only but an adequate income. Are there any small towns that would make for a good fit? Any intel is welcome.
areti11 says:
DIANE S, you need to check out craigslist to give you an idea of prices in different towns. On the coast of oregon you can purchase a condo on the ocean in the low $100,000s or a Mfg home for less. Rentals start at $600.
Jennifer says:
Diane make sure your considered home is not in an area that could easily flood. If you want a coastal property, consider one with a view of the ocean, but not right on the beach as it could be more expensive and the weather does wear down the construction of a home. A garage is also helpful to protect one's car from the elements. Many people on the coast are also seasonal home owners and rent out their homes and condos in the summer--happens here on the east coast as well. Does that bother you at all? If so, be careful where you choose to live on the coast. Also be sure there is a clear path out of the coastal area in case of a tsunami...it is predicted to happen in the future and you might as well be prepared.
Laney says:
Diane, small and coastal can be very pretty but those towns, especially the ones you can afford, are very isolated. They don't have great medical services or much to do that isn't sea related. Some are great tourist spots. They offer more but they are more expensive. The bigger urban areas in OR and WA have great public transport. Having lived in the Portland area for over a year, I do not recommend Oregon as a place for people of limited income. There is a huge divide between the urban areas which offer a lot of services but are very expensive and getting worse and the rural areas which are very rural and conservative and aren't really designed for newcomers. Personally, I think there are other places where you'd get more value for your money than the NW.
Admin says:
These posts were made to another topic where they didnt belong. So we moved them here where they do fit nicely!
Lynette, if you are open to moving to the Pacific Northwest you should check out southern and coastal Oregon. There is a change of seasons and it’s very beautiful. You can purchase a home or condo with lower HOA’s starting at $100000. I currently live in southern California and have plans on retiring there because of the lower cost of living.
by mary11 — July 5, 2017
Lynette, It might be helpful if you define what a decent size home means to you – how many square feet? What do you call affordable? By community, do you mean 55+ or a city or town? There are probably many places that will have what you’re looking for.
by Tessa — July 6, 2017 |
What areas of southern or coastal Oregon do you suggest?
by Sandy — July 6, 2017
there are many towns in southern oregon. My favorites are Florence, a retirement community that offers everything you might need and also provides shopping discounts for all of their retirees. They have a great old town situated on the river and the beach 5 min away. There’s a beautiful mfg home park by the river where you can own your own land too. Coos bay is a quaint seaside village and the best on your budget. Brookings is a coastal town where you can purchase a cabin style mfg home starting at $45000 overlooking the sea. Going inland Ashland is a beautiful town surrounded by a large park in the downtown area where they are well known for their Shakespeare festivals. If you prefer a larger city there is Eugene, which offers a college town atmosphere and more job options. I am having a hard time deciding on which town to choose so will be checking out many of them before I purchase my retirement home.
by mary11 — July 7, 2017
Admin says:
Senior Centers in Oregon: These comments were moved here from a different, unrelated Blog post:
mary11. what kind of senior centers did you find in Oregon since you will be retiring there? My brother lives in Portland and has a second home in Lincoln City. He has lived there 35 years (in Oregon) and absolutely loves it. I think that they are a green yet progressive state. I have only visited, but I can see why many people want to retire there. by Jennifer
Jennifer. …every town on the southern part of Oregon has a senior center. The larger ones are in Eugene, Florence and Lincolncity. They offer more activities. When my parents first moved to oceanside, CA they didn’t know anyone and my mother joined a club and made many new friends. They even provide free food for the seniors and free transportation to take them shopping and to lunch. I never knew of any on the east coast but perhaps they have some now. I am originally from the east coast but find its better on finances in the Pacific Northwest.
by Mary 11
William DeyErmand says:
Sometimes I wonder if people even think about volcano's or if they are just pushed to the back of the mind like earthquakes. Making retirement plans sure is about what you can live with or not!! Sure has been a population growth with legalizing marijuana. Still neither State is a place of lower end retirement, or those living on just Social Security benefits.
Jennifer says:
William DeyErmand:
I assure you that there are people living in Oregon and in fact in many states, with only Social Security Benefits to live on. It can be done according to these posts, but it certainly cannot be easy. It depends on the cost of living in any given state or city.
mary11 says:
William.....which states specifically are you referencing to?? As I have mentioned before Oregon provides much assistance to retirees on a limited income. They have many retirement communities that you only pay 30% of your income for the monthly rent, food assistance and great health benefits. And the legalization of MJ will become nationwide very soon so that's here nor there on that point.....Everyone has an option on where they can save money if they're low income....from downsizing of their home to eliminating expensive cable and cell phone costs. People are just used to a certain standard of living but you can change if you really want to. I'd rather live in a studio apt than do without other things in my retirement!! Volcanoes....well I've lived in all 4 cornersoftheUS and there's no perfect place....you'll always have to deal with something.
William DeyErmand says:
Ladies, ladies... just my thought wave on Volcanoes and earthquakes, sure no place is perfect.. ...Was wondering with the legalization of marijuana if the cost of living has increased as I do know many medically moved to obtain treatment? I have many friends and families members living in Oregon, but retiring else where due to cost of living. I have researched and found it comparable or higher than Ohio in many ways,,,. Sure anyone can change their standards of living. With Social Security benefits based on Net pay, it is only 40% of what we were earning. Cost of living doesn't remain the same...so what are your suggestions on downsizing the cost of living?
Jay kastel says:
Deborah: We lived in Port Ludlow 12 years, in the South Bay. There is a lot of turn over as people age and need to be closer to medical facilities and stores. From P.L. You have to drive everywhere..closest grocery store is 20 minutes, Port Townsend 40 minutes, same with Silverdale. The main activities are golf and boating. People can be friendly, but Seattle is a ferry ride away for the best medical care...we were spending over $200.00 a month on fares 12 years ago. It's much sunnier than Seattle, but rather isolated, and worrisome as one ages. There's still a snobbish differential between North .Bay, and South Bay, although it's much improved. I'd never go back, and now live in Lexington, my, which has the best of all worlds, and people here are very friendly.
William DeyErmand says:
Mary11. I think we agree Oregon is a nice place. I could NEVER live in Washington. So many live on only Social Security benefits and can not maintain their homes anymore. But what things would you not cut out when downsizing your expenses? And how much does the "great health benefits" cost? That is my main concern, you know, health costs. Thx
Florence says:
Help me out please--
What are the benefits then of living in WA? I know there is no state income tax. What would the down side be compared to OR?
mary11 says:
Florence, one thing I like about OR is there is no sales tax....
Laney Humphrey says:
Here's my thinking on sales tax: I no longer buy much besides food. Sure, it's tax free in OR, but it's also tax free in WA. In other words, I don't spend enough on taxable purchases for my OR sales tax free savings to equal what I would save in an income tax free state. No sales tax sounds really appealing until you do the numbers. Laney
mary11 says:
I figured we would save on an average about 30-40$ per month with no sales tax. It's better than nothing.
Mary11 says:
If you are low income health Care is free in Oregon.
bruce says:
Just read an article on the top 7 states with the highest income tax. Oregon is home to one of the country's highest income tax brackets with a 9.9% top rate on taxable income of 125k - 250k, respectively for single and joint filers. In fact, the states lowest tax bracket of 5% would be considered a high rate in many parts of the country.
It did state that that no sales tax was a benefit and property tax was reasonable. I guess they need to get revenue form some source.
Andrea says:
Regarding property taxes in Oregon--it all depends upon the county. Some have low taxes, but also very few services, including police. Others, like Marion County, have extremely high property taxes--around $4K/year for a $300K house. This is because Salem, the capitol, is in this county. All federal, state, county and city properties are tax-exempt, laying the burden on home owners only. We, too, have few services. The city even passed a law stating home owners are legally responsible for the upkeep of the city sidewalk that runs past their houses. Fortunately (?), it cannot be enforced until the city brings the sidewalks up to code, and they haven't the money to do so. Bus service is only 5 days/week, with no evening hours. One of the poorer counties even told its residents it hadn't the money or manpower to protect them from people violating restraining orders, and if you were in that situation, it might be best to move. One town on the coast does not have any law enforcement, but it does have a police car. They park it along the highway in hopes the sight of it will slow down drivers.
Mary11 says:
I lived and worked in Portland Oregon in the mid 90s. I agree the income taxes are higher. We won't have to be concerned because 1, I won't be working in my retirement and 2, our combined income will be less than $20000 per year. So we plan to move to smaller cities compared to Portland, such as Eugene, Medford or Ashland....where you will be provided better County services and transportation. FYI, in Eugene if you are over 65 you can ride the busses for free....
We moved these comments from a different Blog for a better fit:
Greentrees is in Florence, Oregon on the coast. Mary11 advocates for the Oregon Coast often. I hope we hear from her and see her progress towards her retirement goals.?by Jennifer — March 3, 2018
Ladies, my retirement goals have now changed from sooner than later now. I was caregiver to my mother for the past 5 years and she passed away last week. So now I have to think more seriously about the next step for our final retirement location. Will be going thru probate this year and listing my parents condo and making the trek to Oregon. Anyone interested Greentrees has a great website that offers you all the info you’d need including newsletters,park policies, monthly calendar with activities. FYI, THERE HAVE BEEN sitings of bears at times lurking around patio areas so that kind of puts me off a little…lol. but I feel that park provides everything that I’d need including a view of the river, bountiful daily activities, on a busline that will take you to a casino and old town Florence which is on the waterfront. And they offer many festivals. Florence in general is a retirement town that offers many discounts to you if you’re over 55. No home delivery of groceries though. You would need to move to Eugene or Salem if that’s top of your list. I’m having a problem deciding which town to choose but because Greentrees allows 3 pets that’s at the top of my list so far. Hope that helps a little…..?by Mary11 — March 4, 2018
JoannL sent in this comment:
Coastal Oregon is beautiful! My one reservation would be access to competent healthcare such as a sizable hospital - medical center. 21 bed hospital in Florence appears more like a clinic to me. I would question their status and ability to handle a serious patient event (stroke, heart attack, etc.) but that is just my opinion. Eugene is 60 miles away and about 1.5 hour drive for larger medical center. Of course, these situations are just part of life and can / do occur anytime or anywhere...
Tomi Huntley says:
Oregon coast is beautiful. But homes are soooooo expensive. I have lived in the PNW for over 50 yrs. Moving to Green Valley AZ or NM. Need sunshine!!!
Admin says:
Tomi – Can you tell me more about Vancouver? I’ve thought about it from time to time because of its location (in
WA but across the river from OR and therefore close to a major airport and cultural offerings), but I’ve been concerned about the crime rate. Are there any areas of Vancouver that are safer than others? Any gated communities? (I may lock the house up and travel for extended periods of time and this offers an extra level of security.) Do you have any general comments on the demographics of the city’s residents?
Admin says:
These comments were moved from a different Blog article for a better fit:
Tomi – is your reason for wanting to leave the Pacific Northwest just weather? I’ve been considering Vancouver, WA if only because it’s in WA (no state income tax) but across the river from Oregon (no state sales tax and a large airport). But on the other hand, I know nothing about Vancouver so need to visit. Are there other things about the PNW that you would warn people about?
by JoannC — April 9, 2018
Joanne I live in Vancouver. It’s really not a place of you don’t like to drive because mass transit isn’t a priority here. It’s very spread out. We downsized from Hillsboro OR and built out home to retire in. Then we had the epiphany that we don’t want to depend on family for help. And our winter sports days are over. We want sun and a golf cart. Plus homes in AZ and NM are 1/2 the cost. The big plus for PNW is that its absolutely beautiful. Beaches,lakes, mountains, desert, green trees, rolling hills etc
by Tomi — April 9, 2018
Good news for Vancouver WA regarding oil depo. Otherwise, it might look like Newark NJ – maybe smell like it too.
by JoannL — April 10, 2018
Seattle also has big homeless problem. This is a big problem in all larger cities that have a more temperate climate than East Coast cities where it gets to 20 below with 3 ft of snow on the ground. There are various reasons for the homelessness; mental illness, those who can’t afford to live in the city they want to be in after maybe losing a job, and some who want to be homeless. Believe it or not, there are those. The way around it is don’t live in the city but rather the suburbs. Homeless stay in the city because that is where the services are.
By Sharon
JoannC says:
Tomi - thanks for your comments on Vancouver. I will need to do more research. I don't mind rain and gray skies some of the year provided it isn't year round. I'm in SoCal now and sometimes the ho-hum another-day-in-paradise wethar gets to me. I really want seasons, but the lack of mass transit as I get older is going to be an issue. Thanks again for your input. Food for thought.
JoannC says:
JoannL - thanks for the link on the oil terminal issue. I can't even begin to imagine how horrible it would be to live near something like that.
Mary11 says:
Ladies, I have found the Movoto.com website very helpful with providing info on homes to buy and where all the shopping and entertainment areas are situated from the home. I also am looking for a home walkable to grocery stores. I LIVED IN Portland for 8 years across the street from a grocer and loved the convenience. Now living in CA I use instacart or Safeway to have my groceries delivered. Portland has a very good mass transit system as well.
Tomi says:
It really depends on budget too. Portland Metro area and outer areas are very expensive. Vancouver is less. The new "retirement" home we built,and will sell is in an area with no transit. I love my views but I will trade for Sun more days of the year
Admin says:
This discussion of Seattle and Portland were moved from a different Blog:
omi – Your comments about Portland are interesting because that’s one of the places I’m considering. While craziness is in the eye of the beholder, can you explain what you mean by the crazies in Portland??by Joann C — September 30, 2018
Joanne C, hmmmm. Explain Portland craziness. Well it’s motto is “keep Portland weird”. It really depends on where you are looking at. City of Portland or the outer areas? You can email me with specific questions if you want.by Tomi — September 30, 2018
Speaking of Portland, I can’t wait to get out. I moved here in 1992 and used to love it, but the “Keep Portland Weird” theme has attracted a lot of people to this area. Californians have moved up here because property is cheaper and “Portlandia” attracted a lot of hipsters. The city’s complexion has changed and it ain’t pretty. Traffic is terrible, real estate prices are going through the roof because of the conflux of new residents from other places, and building is going crazy. The city has appropriated a lot of street lanes to make bicycle lanes, and bikes and scooters are all over the place. I may be turning into an old fuss budget, but I just don’t like it here any more. Waiting for my husband to retire so we can get out of here!?by Barbara J Baltz — October 3, 2018
Just visited Portland OR for the first time in August on a Road Scholar trip. I’d always heard how great it is, but the homeless problem was the worst I’ve ever seen. One night, I waited to catch the light rail a block from Pioneer Square and realized there were 2 people sleeping on my side of the street & 3 more across the street with a pup tent. Most seem to be young white people who can’t find a job. After spending all of my adult work life in major cities, mainly DC & Baltimore, I moved back to my small hometown in Wisconsin after retirement. I have the advantages such as a very low crime rate & being close to family in WI and MN, but I’m also close to Madison and Milwaukee & all they have to offer. With the lower expenses here, I can afford to go to Ft Myers in January & Sedona in February.
by Jean — October 5, 2018
Jean, I have not visited Portland in a year, but I used to go every summer for the past 6 years. I too was horrified vy the extent of the homeless problem in Portland. I love Portland, but the last time I was there, I was followed and verbally attacked my a homeless man, who appeared to be mentally ill. Every park was filled with homeless people sleeping or nodding out all over the ground. It was truly a very big problem and scary as heck. I has thought of moving there, but the last visit made me realize that the homelessness issue was the worst I had ever seen and I was too old to protect myself. Sad, sad situation.by Maimi — October 6, 2018
OK, so it looks like Portland is out of the question so how about Seattle, WA ? How’s life there? by Dan — October 6, 2018
Seattle also has big homeless problem. This is a big problem in all larger cities that have a more temperate climate than East Coast cities where it gets to 20 below with 3 ft of snow on the ground. There are various reasons for the homelessness; mental illness, those who can’t afford to live in the city they want to be in after maybe losing a job, and some who want to be homeless. Believe it or not, there are those. The way around it is don’t live in the city but rather the suburbs. Homeless stay in the city because that is where the services are.by Sharon Alexander — October 6, 2018
Another big minus for Portland, and it’s suburbs: the horrendous traffic! It used to be bad but it got much, much worse this summer and hasn’t let up. by Laney Humphrey — October 6, 2018
Joann C says:
For those who have lived in or visited Portland and find it (much) less than perfect - would your comments also go for some of the communities outside of Portland, e.g., Beaverton, Tigard or Lake Oswego? I'm not particularly concerned about traffic going into Portland because I wouldn't expect to go into the city on a regular basis, but I would like to avoid a community where there is a lot of either homelessness or crime. After that, my primary concerns are being within reasonable distance of an international airport, excellent medical care, and top-notch veterinary care. I also need to check into walk scores but that will come later. Thoughts, anyone?
Steve says:
Joann C,
We just spent 3 months in the Portland area visiting family and friends. We stayed in Wilsonville, but visited all throughout metropolitan area. We did try to avoid the rush hour times, but overall, we were not greatly inconvenienced by the traffic. The suburbs you mentioned, plus Tualatin, West Linn and Wilsonville are all relatively low crime areas. We were able to walk a 3-4 mile route daily, using the city sidewalks and park with little or no traffic interference. We could take mass transit throughout the metropolitan area including the airport. As senior citizens, we afforded a discount rate for doing so. We didn’t require any medical facilities while visiting, but I believe that high quality care is available throughout the Portland metropolitan area. We did have a large medical facility nearby us in Tualatin.
We truly enjoyed the mild summer climate with the low humidity levels and the abundance of beautiful scenery that the area offers.
Jennifer says:
Joann C,
My brother used to live in Portland (Lake Oswego), then moved to Wilsonville and seemed to like it a lot, ultimately he moved to Beaver Creek near Mulino in Clackamas County on 15 acres in a large log home. He loves this location and rarely goes into Portland these days unless it is for business or one day of recreation. He abhors the Sanctuary City mentality. The homeless live in tents on the sidewalks in Portland proper. The city brings In " people washers" to provide showers and laundry services. The homeless actually move up and down the west coast. In the winter they migrate to areas of California like San Diego and San Francisco. They know where the best services are and where they will be treated the best. The problem is that the numbers are too large for the city to cope with. He loves the laid back lifestyle, but where he is now located is not walkable because it is situated among Christmas Tree Farms. His wife works for the Canby Utility and when she retires in a few years they are selling and moving fulltime to Lincoln City where they have a lovely home within view of the beach . Traffic is relative and Beaverton has traffic to the Nike Plant and other areas. It still is not as bad as Washington, DC or Los Angeles, of that I am sure. What is traffic to me, may not seem like traffic to you. Tualatin has a great hospital and my brother got great care there one and one half years ago with a health issue. They typically get a lot of cloudy days and lots of rain (not this past summer, however). I think that the Northwest has a lot of great things going for it. The mentality of the people is different from the mid-atlantic and northeast where I live now.
Tomi says:
I am a lifetime Oregonian/Washingtonian.. I can answer lots of question. We plan on moving when my husband retires in 4 yrs. Lived in the city and suburbs and now Vancouver WA. Oregon& Washington are still seeing huge increases. Our home has gone up over $100,000 in 2 yrs. Oregon is even higher. We would love to move to Bend Oregon but we are priced out. So we plan on moving to the SW in 4 yrs when my husband retires. We want a more conservative state and ones that don't kill you with taxes.
Joann C says:
Thanks to everyone for your comments on Oregon and for adding some additional cities to the list. I'm planning to go the Portland in January to visit different cities and neighborhoods and to interview veterinarians. The ability to find a good veterinary neurologist (I have a dog with meningitis) will be a deciding factor, but it looks likes there's a specialty hospital in Clackamas, so that may be the answer. I was happy to read Steve's comment that there is mass transit to the airport! Since leaving the SF bay area, I've missed the convenience of hopping on BART and going out to SFO. I'm curious about Jennifer's comment regarding the mentality of the people being different - can you elaborate, Jennifer? I'm from California but spent 5 years in the Seattle area and didn't really notice much difference between the mentality here and that in Seattle, but Portland could be very different. If I move there, it will be on my own without knowing a soul, and having a culture/mentality that's consistent or at least compatible with what I'm accustomed to is important to feeling at home. Wherever I go next, it is going to be my last move and I need to be sure it's the right one. I would love to go back to the bay area, but housing prices have shot up so much since I left that returning is probably not realistic.
Jennifer says:
I need to rephrase my comment on the mentality of people in Portland. It was not meant to be a negative comment, just different. We are not as laid back as they are in the Northwest. They tend to speak their minds and I am sometimes taken aback by their candor. They also tend to be free thinkers. They are much more casual in their approach to life which would be a good thing for us here in the east.
Laney Humphrey says:
Joann C, if I were you, I'd make a list of what is really important to you before you even come to Oregon. I movedto suburban PDX from the Monterey Bay area of CA. Portlanders are way more relaxed, less stressed, friendlier than the Californians I knew. Politically, Clackamas county is less progressive than either Multnomah or Washington county but the inner suburbs are definitely blue. It's only when you get out to the more rural areas that things turn red. Since you won't know anyone when you move here, I'd locate places you'll go to make friends (church, hobby, etc) plus shopping (grocery stores!), docs, a vet for your dog, Hopefully they will not be too scattered and hopefully public transport can get you where you want to go! The "keep Portland weird" mentality, as far as I can tell, stays in inner Portland. I never go there so it doesn't really affect me. I will say that from I do see, Oregonians are great at talking the talk about helping and preserving the environment but not as good about actually doing it as Californians are. As I'm sure you know, Oregon State University's vet school & hospital is in Corvallis, maybe 2 hours away from PDX. Maybe they can recommend PDX area vets for you.
Partagas says:
I posted a comment a couple weeks ago about Portland, but Admin apparently deleted it for some reason. I have contacted admin twice asking that the comments be reposted, or at least an explanation given as to why it was deleted. So far, neither has occurred. I know my comments were initially posted because there were responses to it that remained up, but likely didn’t make a lot of sense to readers since my remarks were gone. I will attempt again to provide the same info. I tried to cite sources to back up what I am posting, so there can’t be any confusion on admin’s part that I am providing anything other than a factual recitation of info, but when I attempted to post, it said the post seemed to be “spammy”. So I took out the actual websites, but left parentheses where I had sources.
My wife and I have lived in Portland for the last 20 years continuously, plus another 1.5 years in the mid 90’s when I was doing a post doc. The reason for my initial posting was to respond to a comment made by an individual that he had a hard time adapting to the Southeast U. S. because, despite its beauty, as a political liberal and religious non-believer it was a challenge for him to related the culture there. I posted that I had the perfect antidote for him in Portland, OR since it is an area that matches him well. First, it is part of the “unchurched belt” of the northwest US (). That same site notes that “....a 2009 Gallup poll ranked Oregon as the state with the highest percentage of residents identifying as “no religion, atheist, or agnostic at 24.6%”. Another website () noted that Portland is in the top 20 “unchurched” cities in the country. So if you are a secular non-believer, Portland fits the bill as one of the least religious cities, in the least religious state, in the least religious section of the entire country.
As to the political liberalism, examples abound, although probably not needed since Oregon is renowned for being one of the most liberal states in the country, and deservedly so. It is interesting though, because Oregon is a microcosm of the USA in that 2/3 of the counties are “red” ie have more registered Republicans than democrats (). However, those red counties are in the more rural areas, and so the politics are dominated by the liberal urban/academic I-5 corridor between Eugene and Portland. Some examples of Oregon’s leftward politics: legalized marijuana, legalized assisted suicide, third highest state marginal income tax rate in the country (9.9% after California and Hawaii, (). Multnomah County (the county that Portland is in) instituted its own county income tax for several years in the years leading up to the real estate bust (). We are one of only two states in the country who can’t pump our own gas, ostensibly for public safety. I sincerely doubt residents of 48 states are less safe than we are because they pump their own gas, but it certainly has an adverse impact on gas prices (we have the fourth highest gas prices in the country, behind only California. Alaska and Hawaii () and convenience since it is not uncommon to have to wait 10 mins or longer to fill up while waiting for an understaffed gas station attendant to get to you. Multnomah County also increased its county gas tax from 0.03 cents per gallon to 10.03 cents per gallon (). Oregon hasn’t elected a Republican governor since 1978, has voted for the democrat presidential candidate every election since 1988, both senators and 5/6 representatives are democrats, both the state senate and house are controlled by democrats, and all statewide elected offices except one are held by democrats.
To each his own, and Portland may be a perfect choice for folks who want to live in a secular, non-religious, hard left city and state. When my wife and I retire in the near future, we will be looking to locate to the southeast for the warmer and sunnier weather, lower taxes and cost of living, and more conservative political and religious culture.
Admin says:
OK, thanks. I think we have heard from those who don't like Portland.
Beebs V says:
I have lived in Seattle all my life. I am retiring next year and moving out of the state. We can't afford to live here anymore and the traffic is unbearable. Homeless/crime everywhere. It used to be a nice place to live but not anymore.
City/State is constantly trying to suck money out of your pocket ever time you turn around. Also the weather suck 90% of the time.
Joann C says:
Jennifer - your comment on the mentality of people in Oregon was not taken to be negative. Given that I'm from California, laid back is perfect. I think I'd have a hard time in a place that isn't. :-)
Laney - it's great to get input on Oregon from someone who moved from California. Your comments remind me that I have more things to check out. It's not likely that I'd live in "inner Portland" (whatever that is) but more likely in the suburbs because I need a yard for my three dogs. I've spent 80% of my life in California and my politics reflect that so I'll also be looking for communities where the politics match my Berkeley values. The only disappointment is that they don't walk the walk on the environment. I suppose no place is perfect but I've learned I can be fairly flexible because I've loved living in almost all of the various places I've lived (Bay Area, LA, Canada, Orange County, Seattle, Moscow) with only Houston as a place I made my peace with but never learned to love. Thank you again for your comments and suggestions.
Kate O says:
Just a note about Vancouver, Washington: it is across the Columbia River from Portland. It is close yet very far away because of the bridges. There are two main bridges from Portland to Vancouver and they get endless backups. We need 10 bridges, not 2. If you intend to to work in Oregon and live in Washington beware of this.
Tomi Huntley says:
Partagas as a lifelong PNWer I agree 100%. We are headed to Nevada. Kate O we live in Vancouver and my husband works in Portland. So traffic is never going to get better unless they build that bridge.
Mary11 says:
Well....We were hoping to move back to Oregon, but after further research have decided to stay in SAN Diego. The apt and home prices in Oregon are not much different from where we live. We decided to stay in our rental retirement community that provides everything that you would need for a nice retirement. Plus you cant beat the weather or community services that the state provides. So...unless the housing market changes we will continue enjoying our life in sunny CA!!
Abe H says:
I'm actually wanting to move out of Oregon, this used to be a nice place but the cost of living is far too high and I'm not rich enough to live here. Throngs of progressives and hipsters have actually made it far worse, sky high taxes, drug riddled homeless everywhere, traffic nightmares, mobs and riots....not a good place for small businesses...and no, you actually cant have a free opinion here despite what others say. You have to keep your head low if you think differently than the populace. To top it off, 80% of the weather stinks. Cant wait to leave after 43 years.
Jennifer says:
My Brother lives south west of Portland in Beavercreek, Oregon and he agrees that many people from California have moved to the state, and brought their political beliefs with them. However, not all of Oregon is expensive. The small towns and areas away from Portland are very affordable. Where are you located and have you considered moving to a smaller town? Now about politics, my brother is Republican which is what many of the rural Oregonians are, but in Portland itself they are far left Democrats. He has lived in Oregon since 1975 and has seen many changes, still he loves it there and the laid back way that people live. Finding a place where there is balance and give and take on political beliefs would be a place where many would thrive, but no one state has that climate that I am aware of.
Clyde says:
Abe H’s comment is a good example of how the politics and government of a place can affect you in retirement. If you’re the type of person who doesn’t want to be politically in the the minority of a place during your golden years, then it’s important to check that factor out. Search how the place has voted for president and check to see if most of the local office holders are of one political party or another; what are the registration percentages of the various political parties? For some, being in political disagreement with most of the people you live around can make a big negative difference as to your enjoyment of retirement.