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Dueling Retirement States: Grand Canyon vs. Sunshine

Category: Best Retirement Towns and States

February 15, 2021 — By far the two most popular states for retirement are Arizona and Florida. Choosing between them can be hard, there are so many factors to consider. Both have warm winters in most of the state, but beyond that the field is open. Many people in the western half of the U.S. choose the Grand Canyon State for retirement, while in the East Florida is the more convenient choice. But there thousands of exceptions to that, for multiple reasons.

We have just updated our ever-popular Dueling Retirement States article comparing Arizona to Florida. Here in one place you can analyze and compare which one might be more appealing to your retirement situation. Best of all, you can enjoy and learn from the 220 (and growing) Comments made by our Members and visitors.

Here is the link to the updated article:

Dueling Retirement States: Arizona vs. Florida

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