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Don’t Let a Stroke Ruin Your Retirement

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

May 2, 2023 — May is National Stroke Awareness Month, so this is a good time to think about what you can do to prevent one from happening to you. After all, you have worked hard to get ready for the retirement you deserve, don’t let a stroke rob you of your reward.

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel that carries oxygen and nutrients to the brain is either blocked by a clot or bursts (or ruptures). It is the number 5 cause of death in the U.S. (#3 for women) and the leading cause of disability. The good news is that many strokes may be prevented through blood pressure control, a healthy diet, regular physical activity and smoking cessation. Each plays a big part in decreasing your risk for stroke, disability or even death.

Medical causes of stroke

Atrial fibrillation, diabetes, high blood pressure, and Atherosclerosis (fatty buildup in the arteries) are some of the major medical causes of strokes. If a blood clot or plaque from the arteries breaks off it can cut off blood flow to part of the brain, causing rapid death of brain cells that control important brain functions. Likewise if a blood vessel ruptures it can have the same effect. Prior strokes, TIAs, or a heart attack increase your chances of having a stroke.

What to watch out for – F.A.S.T.

Source: American Stroke Association

When it comes to spotting stroke and getting help, the faster the better. That’s because prompt treatment may make the difference between life and death — or the difference between a full recovery and long-term disability. The American Stroke Association uses the acronym F.A.S.T to teach about the warning signs of a stroke. Make sure you know and recognize them so you can get help quickly (see the F.A.S.T video).

F – Drooping face

A – Arm weakness

S – Speech difficulty

T – Time to call 911 !

Treatment – time is of the essence

If you think you or someone around you is having a stroke, don’t wait. Call 911 – the faster they get medical treatment the better the chances major damage can be prevented. The New York Times has an excellent article on endovascular thrombectomy, a promising new treatment for strokes, or EVT.

Follow your doctor’s advice

If your health care provider has put you on a blood thinner (to prevent blood clots) or a statin (to reduce plaque), take them as directed. Likewise if you are a diabetic or have high blood pressure, follow their instructions.

Strokes can mean the end of your retirement dream

Sometimes strokes aren’t that serious or you can recover from them. But in far too many cases it means people lose motor function, speech loss, diminished mental faculties, even death. A stroke can mean you need a caretaker, or if it happens to a loved one, you might become the caretaker. Not all strokes are preventable, but you can improve your odds of avoiding one. So try not to let one ruin your retirement dream.

For further reading:
NIH – Basics of Preventing Strokes

Comments on "Don’t Let a Stroke Ruin Your Retirement"

Scott Lucado says:
May 3, 2023

A stroke certainly put me into an early retirement.

Well, sort of. I went from having a profession to getting a new career -- a full-time job recovering from a disabling stroke.

It's been a challenge ever since Christmas Eve, 2018.
I'm better, but have a long way to go (for example, I'm typing this one-handed).

People have found my story inspirational. I was recently interviewed about it. It's five minutes long:

I have also recently started a series of five-minute videos about my stroke experiences:

Please have a look.

Admin says:
May 4, 2023

So sorry about your stroke. Inspiring to learn of your efforts in overcoming the problems associated with it. Will check out your videos! Let's hope they can help others as well as preventing others from getting a stroke.


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