Category: Retirement Planning
By Betty Fitterman
Note: This is Part 1 in series. Here is the link to Part 2: "Living on a Dime, Or So It Would Seem".
When we retired in July of 2008, we thought we were set for retirement. After all, we had over a million dollars in the bank, had just sold both house and condo, furniture and cars, and we’d settled in for a wonderful ride across the country in our new home, a classy motor coach with all the bells and whistles anybody could ask for. Little did we know.
If you want all the details of our three-year odyssey, you can see them all on my blog, but for now I want to talk to you about the money. And where it went. And went. And went.
First of all,
Published on February 1, 2012
Comments 8
Category: Retirement Planning
January 24, 2012 -- Retirement, like so many important parts of life, is a process. It is a project that requires planning, and occasionally a bit of trial and error. Last week we wrote about 7 things you need to do - right now - if you are going to successfully retire this year. This article will focus on some of the common misconceptions we think many people have about retirement. Many of the misconceptions turn out to be downers; we offer them in the hope that you can use them to avoid problems in your own retirement. For more on this topic we recommend Emily Brandon's US News & World Report article, "7 Misconceptions about Retirement", which provides some different perspectives.
1. I will retire later than I originally planned. Although according to the EBRI more than half of the workers interviewed said they would retire after 65, the actual trend is
Published on January 23, 2012
Comments 8
Category: Retirement Planning
January 17, 2012 -- First, congratulations. You have worked hard and deserve a great retirement. We encourage you to follow the advice in this article to help you do just that. Links to additional resources are provided as well.
1. Figure out how much you are spending. Most financial advisors would agree that their clients tend to underestimate their spending and overestimate their incomes. The only way to be safe is to start recording your spending. Only then can you get a clear picture of what you are spending and where it is going. If out of line with your income, you have a chance to do something about it.
2. Analyze when to start taking Social Security. Even though you can
Published on January 17, 2012
Comments 5