Category: Retirement Planning
September 3, 2013 -- So many people would rather stay in their homes than spend their old age in an independent living or assisted living facility. Just ask your baby boomer friends who can't convince their aging parents to move into one of these places - even when they are beyond caring for themselves. PBS had a nice segment recently on the Retirement Village concept, where by pooling resources older folks can get the support they need to safely and comfortably stay in their homes longer. Here is where you can watch the segment, "There is No Place Like Home".
The Village to Village Network also has a list of village neighborhoods across the country, plus more
Published on September 3, 2013
Comments 5
Category: Retirement Planning
Update August, 2017 - We ran a new version of this survey this year. Here is a link to the results, which are similar but show even more interest in moving.
August 5, 2013 -- Members at Topretirements are not fuzzy about their retirement plans. Instead, they are busy getting the old homestead ready for sale and packing the wagons for the move to an exciting new (and possibly very different) home. Both the response to the survey (with 1300 responses) and the quality of your insights into our questions on selling your home, what you are looking for in the next, downsizing, and moving were amazing. In this article we will summarize the results for each question. Just as important, since so many people shared their opinions on these important questions, we have provided you with summary document where you can read all of the responses to Question 11, where 830 folks were kind enough to share their concerns and thoughts about selling, finding a new home, moving and downsizing. We urge you to read them - these real world experiences have some wonderful insights and great pieces of wisdom!
Survey results show Topretirements members are much more mobile than typical retirees
In the survey we ran last week 48% of respondents "definitely" plan on moving to a different home for retirement. Asked about their intentions about selling the home they live in now, 68% have either already sold it or are definitely putting in the market. There was strong interest in moving
Published on August 5, 2013
Comments 65
Category: Retirement Planning
July 29,2014 – One of the top requests in our recent member survey was for more information about member experiences and expectations with selling their home, downsizing, and moving. Lots of folks are looking to learn from what you think. So please, take just a couple of minutes to fill…
Published on July 29, 2013
Comments 68
Category: Retirement Planning
July 16, 2013 -- Note: This is a 3 part series. Part 1 on the "Top 10 Retirement Mistakes" generated a lot (34) of comments. Part 3: Avoid These 6 Retirement-Wrecking Mistakes" was published in 2014.
Since it is so important that you seize the opportunity retirement represents - in essence it's a partial do-over on life - we thought it would be worth revisiting the topic from a fresh perspective. In today's article we first present a revised "10 worst" list, followed by a summary of our member's comments to the original article. We are particularly interested in your new comments - please add them at the end of this article.
10 Retirement Mistakes You Don't Want to Make
1. Start planning your retirement the day after you retire. That's too late. A smart
Published on July 16, 2013
Comments 106
Category: Downsizing
June 5, 2013 -- We surveyed our members last week, asking them for future article and survey ideas. It wasn't much of a surprise to see downsizing and moving right up there near the top of the list, since we've noticed baby boomers love to share their downsizing travails and experiences. To answer that need we've prepared this article, which will be a companion piece to "12 Steps to Successful Downsizing", which we also just wrote. This article will report on the experiences of 3 baby boomers who just went through the downsizing process.
A Really Big Move for Sandy -
Newly retired Sandy and his wife had had just about enough
Published on June 4, 2013
Comments 34
Category: Downsizing
This is Module 10 of our Retirement 101 Online Preparation Course. (See end for list of other Modules in the course).
June 4, 2013, updated March 2021 -- Almost everybody talks about downsizing, but not that many folks ever get around to it. But those that do go through the wrenching process of downsizing tend to be very glad they did it. This article, one of the top reader-suggested poll topics from last week's survey, will explore the downsizing process along with 12 tips for doing it painlessly. We'll also visit some of the pluses
Published on June 3, 2013
Comments 49
Category: Retirement Planning
April 6, 2013 — We have just updated our April 2011 “How Ready Are You for Retirement Quiz” article. There are 20 questions and if you keep track of your Yes and No questions, we’ll give you a score at the end. Take the Quiz, it will be fun!…
Published on April 6, 2013
Comments 0
Category: Retirement Planning
April 2, 2013 -- Congratulations, you are getting ready to retire. You've done the hard part - spent a life time getting out of bed and getting into work, took care of your family, and saved for this day. But have you thought about what happens if retirement turns out to be too easy for you (as in, not enough to do)? This article is designed to stimulate your thinking and get you started planning now, so that when your retirement finally comes you are set up for a happy transition from the working life.
In our experience the busiest people are usually the happiest. Call us old-fashioned, but we think human beings are hard-wired for some kind of purpose. Your job probably gave you that, and now it is history. We strongly recommend not retiring without a clear idea of what you are going to do to stay busy and engaged with life. Perhaps some people can manage a fulfilling retirement with only an idea "to do some projects" or "take a few trips", but this approach doesn't work for many. Without some kind of structure to your days you run the risk of becoming bored (or boring), depressed, or worse - turning into a grumpy
Published on April 2, 2013
Comments 78
Category: Retirement Planning
December 26, 2012 -- The new year is almost upon us, and many of us in the older crop of baby boomers are just a few days away from starting our retirements. If that includes you, here are 10 things you should think about in the coming days. At the end of the article we've included a list with some of our best retirement preparation articles.
1. Work out your at-home lifestyle. This is particularly important if you are in a relationship where one person is already at home most of the day. That person already has their routine and their spaces - and you the newly retired person are the intruder. So think out and negotiate where you are going to hang
Published on December 26, 2012
Comments 4
Category: Retirement Planning
Nov 2 — Our thoughts and prayers are with all our members in the Notheast who have been affected by Subtropical Cyclone Sandy. The pictures of the devastation are horrible but do not do justice to the tragedy and hardship many of you are suffering. As of this date the…
Published on November 1, 2012
Comments 5