Retirement Planning 101 – Module 1: An Online Retirement Training Course
Category: Retirement 101 Course
Updated February 25, 2021 (Originally January, 2019) — We’ve heard it said that new parents shouldn’t have their new babies released to them until they have passed a child rearing class. Something similar might be said for retirees - retirement is far too important a project to undertake without some preparation and planning. To that end we have created a multipart online training class on retirement preparation - and this is the first Module. As we imagine it, people can take the course years before they actually pull the retirement trigger. It can also be used as refresher training for those who are already enjoying their retirements.
At this point the course has 10 modules (see list at bottom), but we are not stopping there. Our members have suggested the themes for several of the modules (see Comments section below), and we will continue to add more in the years to come.