Category: Medicare
March 26, 2022 -- Signing up for Medicare presents a lot of anxiety for most people. When do you have to apply, how do you do that, what does it cost, what is covered, and what's with all those different parts (Parts A, B, C, D, and more)? But one of the most vexing questions comes for people who hit age 65 and are still employed. What happens if they have health insurance from either their job or a spouse's employer? We will try to explain how to negotiate these questions in this article.
The easiest way to explain it is by looking at coverage by the various Medicare Parts.
Published on March 26, 2022
Comments 20
Category: Medicare
November 18, 2021 — Who knows if it will ever pass a fractured congress, or even what would be in such a bill if it were ever signed into law. But as the Build Back Better bill stands today, there is a lot for older Americans to like. The…
Published on November 18, 2021
Comments 0
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
November 14, 2021 -- Gasoline and groceries aren't the only items seeing hefty prices increases coming out of the pandemic. Medicare just announced that Part B premiums will increase 14.5% next year, resulting in the heftiest dollar increase ever, $21.60/month for the majority of people receiving the benefit. The base charge for the Part B benefit will be $170.10 per month next year, as opposed to $148.50 this year. Individuals with higher incomes will pay more, as seen in the chart below. At the top end, those making $500,000 or more will pay $578.30.
Published on November 14, 2021
Comments 3
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
October 20, 2021 - As we pointed out last week we are now in the Medicare Open Enrollment Period, which ends December 7. This is the time to re-evaluate your plan and change it if your circumstances have evolved, or you are unhappy with the plan you have. To help out with that process, we going to give a brief summary of some key points from an excellent article that came out last week in the Wall Street Journal, "8 Things to Know When Choosing a Medicare Plan".
Neal Templin wrote this helpful article and we recommend reading it for more detail (we hope the link above will allow you to access it without being a subscriber). Templin says that when it comes to Medicare you have three choices: Regular Medicare (Parts A, B, and D), Medicare plus a private supplemental plan (some people call it Medigap or traditional Medicare), and Medicare Advantage (Part C). The decision for which one to pick is complicated and depends on your own personal situation.
Published on October 19, 2021
Comments 53
Category: Health and Wellness Issues
October 13, 2021 – The Open Enrollment Period for Medicare starts this week on October 15 and ends December. 7. It is an important event for eligible people not currently enrolled in the plan, or who want to change plans or some component of their current plan. During…
Published on October 12, 2021
Comments 12