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Mean Girls (and Guys) Can Ruin Retirement

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

It seems like the biggest story about retirement this week was the sad tale of Doris Lor, a 76 year old resident of Solera, an active adult community in Chandler, AZ. According to numerous news reports, Ms. Lor was repeatedly bullied by women in the community, who refused to let her sit at their table or join in community card games. Apparently it is not just mean girls, either, as some men


Published on January 4, 2011
Comments 5

You’re Retired in Your New Home – But Are You Safe from Fire?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

You are finallly retired, you've chosen a great community, and now you are living in your new home - whew! But before you relax completely, make sure you get to enjoy your new lifestyle for a long time by taking some basic safety precautions. Every year, more than 3,000 people die in home fires in the United States; most of whom are in homes without a working smoke alarm. To prevent these deaths, the U.S. Fire Administration (USFA), a division of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is sponsoring a nationwide Install. Inspect. Protect. Campaign designed to raise


Published on March 1, 2010
Comments 0

Is Medical Tourism in Your Retirement Future?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

February 16, 2009. At first blush it's a little hard to see what medical tourism - where you travel to a foreign country for a medical procedure or operation - is all about. After all, if you have any kind of medical insurance, why would you travel to a new country to have an operation when you you could have it done in the USA? The fact is however, with health care costs increasing at six percent per year for the next decade, and medical tourism offering savings of up to 70 percent after travel expenses, there are plenty of reasons to travel. The Deloitte Center for Health Solutions announced in its new study, “Medical Tourism: Update and Implications,” that 750,000 Americans traveled abroad for


Published on February 15, 2010
Comments 14

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