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Life Lessons: How Older People Can Show Us How to Stay Young

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

December 15, 2015 -- Hopefully at this point your children have been raised, your career is behind you, and you have amassed enough money to start enjoying a comfortable retirement. Now you have a new job: a happy and fulfilling retirement. But what is the best way to do that, and avoid wasting what are supposed to be your golden years? One really good place to start is to examine the attitudes and behaviors toward retirement and aging of the people who have gone before us. You most likely know or remember some people who you admire for the way they lived their lives. This article will examine some of the life lessons we have seen firsthand or read about in famous


Published on December 15, 2015
Comments 4

Many Reasons to Act Now: Open Enrollment for Medicare and Obamacare Is Here

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

November 12 Update: Final Medicare Part B Premiums and Deductibles Announced October 27, 2015 -- This is the open enrollment period for both Medicare and Obamacare. If you are retired and need health care before age 65, or you are 65 or over and eligible for Medicare, you need to pay attention, as these are, with some exceptions, the only times you can enroll or change your coverage. And there are many good reasons why you might want to change it. Two different enrollment periods Which open enrollment period you need to worry about depends on whether you are talking about Medicare or the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Medicare enrollment started on October 15 and runs through December 7. If you are 65 or over you need to enroll/make your changes by then or wait until next year (with some exceptions). The changes you make go into effect on Jan. 1, 2016. Affordable Care Act enrollment for those not eligible for Medicare goes from November 1 to December 15 (much less time than last year). Changes go into effect Jan. 1, 2016. What is an Open Enrollment Period An open enrollment period is the time during which you can sign up for coverage for the upcoming year if you don't have it now. You can also change


Published on October 26, 2015
Comments 74

Don’t Make These 5 Costly Medicare Mistakes

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

July 28, 2015 -- There is at least one good thing about getting to the ripe old age of 65 - you are eligible for Medicare! It pretty much removes the worry of finding health and drug insurance coverage, and you get this benefit at a very low cost. But if you make some of these common mistakes, you might not be eligible for it when you want it, or it might cost you more money than it should. We think this article will be useful for people who have not yet signed up for Medicare as well as those who are already in the program. It is part of our series on Medicare and health care insurance. See the bottom of this page for links to the rest of the series. But before we launch into the worst Medicare mistakes, here is a tiny background about Medicare: What is Medicare, and who is eligible? Medicare is health insurance for people 65 years or older, under age 65 with certain disabilities, and any age with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) or Lou Gehrig's disease. Medicare has four parts -- Part A, which is hospital insurance, Part B, which is medical insurance, Part C, which is Medicare Advantage Plans, and Part D, which


Published on July 27, 2015
Comments 93

Community in a Pickle – Over Pickleball!

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

June 3, 2015 -- It is one of America's fastest growing sports, attracting legions of new players from baby boomer ranks. Compared to tennis it is easy to pick up, doesn't require as much stamina or range of motion, and is fun from the get-go. Yet all is not perfect in the state of pickleball. Symptoms of the fallout occured in the Santa Rosa Press Democrat recently, which recounted issues concerning expansion of pickleball facilities at the large (3000 unit) Oakmont active adult community there. The article, "Oakmont in a Pickle over Pickleball", chronicles the troubles that occurred as the


Published on June 2, 2015
Comments 17

How to Get Your 140 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise – For People Who Hate to Exercise

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

Updated October, 2016 -- So you have saved all the money you need for a comfortable retirement, scoured the world and found the best to place to retire - great. Unfortunately, all that great planning means nothing unless you have the good health to enjoy your retirement. To keep yourself healthy enough to enjoy your retirement the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that all adults age 18-64 get at least 140 minutes of moderate aerobic exercise a week. That seems like a lot of time, certainly more than the average person is willing to put in. Fortunately there are a lot of great ways to get that exercise without having to become a gym rat. Some of the ideas in the book by psychologist Elizabeth Lombardo, "A Happy You: Your Ultimate Prescription for Happiness" are pretty interesting and relatively painless. They make it easy because they incorporate a little bit of exercise into ordinary daily activities. Such as: Brushing your teeth - why not do some squats. Talking on the phone,


Published on April 14, 2015
Comments 3

How to Prevent Slips and Falls from Tripping Up Your Retirement

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

Editor's note: In our recent article, "Is A Money Pit Going to Ruin Your Retirement", we reported on that most baby boomers want to continue to live where they do now. To that end, many are undertaking home improvement projects to make their homes more livable. This guest article gives you some valuable input on where your home improvement priorities should be. Hope you find it useful. By Michael Chotiner When I look at the statistics for injuries related to bathroom falls—which is frequently, since I'm often asked to write about design strategies and building products that can prevent them—I've noticed something surprising. No, I'm not shocked by the Center for Disease Control's report that more than 235,000 Americans aged 15 and older suffer some type of injury in the bathroom that resulted in a trip to a hospital emergency room, nor that four out of five of those ER visits result from "slip-and-fall accidents." What surprises me is that the total number of falls in bathrooms seems to increase each year. Why? Is it better reporting? The growing ranks of aged Baby Boomers? Inadequate building standards? I don't know, but I do know that there are a lot of ways to avoid being counted in the unfortunate statistics through improving the bath fixtures, accessories and flooring in your home. Breaking out the stats, we learn that: - Two-thirds of emergency-room visits result from falls in or near


Published on January 17, 2015
Comments 6

It’s Open Enrollment Season for Medicare and Obamacare: Not Paying Attention Could Cost You Money

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

Note: This is the 4th article in our series on health care insurance and Medicare for baby boomers. Earlier articles explained Medicare, what to do if you are too young or ineligible for Medicare, and how our members feel about Medicare (find links to those articles and more at bottom). Part 4 will explain why open enrollment season is so important, what you need to do about it, plus the issues you should be looking at. November 25, 2014 -- This is the open enrollment period for both Medicare and Obamacare. If you are not getting health insurance from your employer you probably need to use this period to make sure that you are getting the coverages you need at the most affordable price. Changes are everywhere, especially in the new Obamacare arena, so you need to be on top of them. Two different enrollment periods Which open enrollment period you need to worry about depends on whether you are talking about Medicare or the Affordable Care Act (Obamacare). Medicare enrollment started on October 15 and runs through December 7. In other words, it's almost over! Affordable Care Act enrollment goes from November 15 to February 15 (half the time it was in 2014). What is an Open Enrollment Period An open enrollment period is the time during which you can sign up for coverage for the upcoming year if you don't have it now. You can also change


Published on November 24, 2014
Comments 10

How to Solve the Health Care Puzzle if You Retire Before Age 65

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

September 30, 2014 and Updated Feb. 18, 2017 - Note: A lot has happened in the health insurance world since this article was written the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare). With the new Trump Administration in place and its promise to repeal Obamacare, much of what is written in this article is completely up in the air. What is not up for grabs is the need for baby boomers to be able to have some kind of quality and affordable health care! This is Part 3 in our Health Care Insurance series - see links to Parts 1 and 2 in Further Reading below Congratulations on your retirement before the age of 65. Now, what the heck are you going to do about health insurance? Millions of baby boomers are finding themselves retired before the traditional retirement age of 65. Whether your retirement is the fulfillment of a dream or an unwanted outcome, it usually comes with a huge question - what to do about health insurance? This article will help you understand your options, particularly if you find yourself retired before Medicare takes care of most of


Published on September 30, 2014
Comments 99

Quiz: Is Your Memory Slipping?

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

June 17, 2014 -- The Wexner Medical Center at The Ohio State University is making available a free diagnostic test, SAGE, to help assess cognitive, thinking, and memory impairments. It is a simple exam you can give yourself in just a few minutes. Although it might be scary to realize that perhaps you might be prone to


Published on June 17, 2014
Comments 0

Don’t Want Your Car Keys Confiscated Someday – Start These Exercises Now

Category: Health and Wellness Issues

December 28, 2013 -- We don't think any self-respecting baby boomer is ready for this news item: People over 65 years old accounted for 17 percent of the crash fatalities in 2012 but only 13 percent of the U.S. population. In other words, as we age we become less capable drivers than the general population. Most of us have had parents or aging friends who continue to drive at great risk to themselves and others. But no boomer wants to think about the day out in the future when our car keys are the ones being confiscated. Perhaps more irritating than this news were the headlines that came with it, like: "Keeping Grandma


Published on December 28, 2013
Comments 1

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