Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
We are always on the lookout for interesting retirements. So when a mutual friend told us about Betty Fitterman (, we got pretty excited. Betty and her husband shucked off their expensive home and 3 of their 4 cars, and bought a 4 year old luxury RV. It’s…
Published on October 6, 2008
Comments 20
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
July 15 - Retirees are coveted by states and towns because of their economic value. They buy homes, usually don't need jobs, and bring with them pensions, social security checks, not to mention tax dollars. A report from the N.C. Center for Creative Retirement: Institute for the Future of Retirement at UNC Asheville finds that some states are doing better at attracting retirees, and they are not all the usual suspects.
The Center relied upon 2005 data from the Census Bureau's American Community Surveys (ACS) to compile their findings. The biggest news reported is that Florida, although still receiving the biggest share of 60+ individuals, continues to lose market share to other states, particularly Texas.
Published on July 15, 2008
Comments 1
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
For a lot of people the dream of retirement includes golf - and plenty of it. We've seen lists of the top 10 golf communities from other sources in the past, but frankly, they were less than satisfying. Nice list, no passion. That inspired us to a project we could really get into the swing of - the list of top 10 golfing towns for retirees. Our criteria: the ready availability of great golf, relatively low cost, and other redeeming (non-golf) features, where possible.
Compiling a list like this by a self-described golf nut is a
Published on July 8, 2008
Comments 7
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
While some might think this list is primarily for eggheads, consider for a moment the popularity of college towns for retirement. Increasingly retirees want to retire to a place where they can keep their brain engaged. This list from U.S. News & Word Report gives you some "brainy" places to consider.
Here are U.S. News' brainiest places to retire:
* Ann Arbor, MI
Published on June 10, 2008
Comments 2
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
If you have been hankering to retire to a place where the great out of doors is, well, right out your door, there is a new book you might want to pick up. "Best Outdoor Towns" by Sarah Tuff & Greg Melville. The authors researched the best outdoor towns by looking at access to state and national parks; pristine outdoor areas; lakes and rivers; plus recreational activities like windsurfing, hiking, snowboarding, cross country skiing, fishing, and more. Just to make sure that these are outstanding communities from other viewpoints, they also factored in
Published on December 3, 2007
Comments 16
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
Authors Recommend Their Favorite Stores and Towns --
Baby boomers have begun the search for their ideal retirement communities. For many of them, the quality of the town's bookstore is a key selection criterion.
Goldengrain, a member at, put it this way: “I need bookstores, colleges, lectures, discussion (and) a good active library We feel the same way - communities without good book stores are ghost towns. This article will review some of the top retirement towns in America - based on the quality of their bookstores.
The most fun part of this article is that we were able to enlist a helpful group of top authors to write about their favorite bookstore towns. Here is the list (and feel free to post blog entries to cover the ones we've missed):
Published on November 25, 2007
Comments 7
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
Updated July, 2014 -- So far 7 U.S. states have embarked on programs to identify certified retirement communities as part of their economic development plans. This article will provide a list of the certified retirement communities in those states.These states are all in the south - Mississippi, Louisiana, North Carolina, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee, and West Virginia. In total over 85 communities have been certified (in West Virginia they are called "designated", in Tennessee the communities are selected
Published on August 10, 2007
Comments 6
Category: Best Retirement Towns and States
Welcome to our newly redesigned Home page. Our goals were to add a “News” element (which you will see in this space, updated several times a week with news about retirement communities), as well as to try to keep our most popular features higher up on the page for greater…
Published on April 24, 2007
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