Category: General Retirement Issues
July 6, 2010 -- Whether you stay where you live now or move to a new town, choosing a retirement town or active adult community is a life-altering experience. If you choose well, you will be able to live comfortably on your resources, enjoy activities you like, and savor relationships with friends and family. Choose poorly, and you might be living in near poverty, not be able to participate in fun activities, and be bored and lonely. This article is designed to help you understand some of the best reasons we have heard of for choosing a particular retirement town or community.
Let us reiterate one thing before we provide the list - staying where you
Published on July 6, 2010
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Category: General Retirement Issues
We’ve posted a new article in our Tips and Picks section on the “Worst mistakes you can make in retirement”. Our hope is that you can examine them vs. your own situation and at least avoid the most serious of them. Post your worst retirement mistakes here. And…
Published on March 8, 2010
Comments 6
Category: General Retirement Issues
The conversion of the Topretirements weekly Best Places to Retire eNewsletter to a new email provider is now complete. Our new service should provide greater reliability and graphics - IF - you confirm your subscription. That's because our new provider (aweber) requires that every name from our subscription list confirm that they really intended to subscribe.
Published on December 21, 2008
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Category: General Retirement Issues
Thought our Topretirements visitors might be interested in a blog post published today on Murderati - an very popular murder mystery blog. The angle is that my wife, Roberta Isleib, just published her 8th mystery last week. So she is not only on the tour promoting it, but she dragged me and Topretirements in on the fun. Here is an excerpt (full story at Murderati)
John: Tip #1 -- Find a way to be interactive with your audience. My team at BLR came up with the idea of an interactive quiz for Human Resource professionals, the HR Challenge, which tested their knowledge about different HR questions. We all knew it would be a good idea, but were blown away when the website got so much traffic it overwhelmed the server. We ended up having to shut it down for 6 months and rebuild the site so it could handle the traffic. Think about questions or contests that get people involved in your story.
Published on September 15, 2008
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Category: General Retirement Issues
April 21 - You know there is a movement afoot when both the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times offer up features on retirement communities during the same weekend.
The Journal's article was excerpted from a book by Andrew Blechman called "Leisureville: Adventures in America's Retirement Utopias". In it Mr. Blechman wonders why a couple that he is friends with have decided to move to The Villages, the giant active adult community of 75,000 souls near Ocala, Florida. He describes in great detail what The Villages is all about - endless activity at a reasonable price in pretty good weather. In our opinion
Published on April 21, 2008
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Category: General Retirement Issues
March 11 - They've dreamed about it, and they have talked about it. Many have actually planned for it. But the one thing they have in common is this - just about everybody is worried about it. The "it" being retirement, which is drawing nearer and nearer for tens of millions of U.S. baby boomers.
Conversations on various discussion retirement forums on this site and at other baby boomer communities such as reveal another side to the current retirement community diaspora that it is about to happen. That side of retirement and retirement communities is an anxious one, showing a depth
Published on March 11, 2008
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Category: General Retirement Issues
One of the benefits of retirement is it opens up new possibilities for gifts. Whether it is for yourself, a friend, or a loved one; here are some ideas for holiday gifts that are fun and appropriate for the retiree's new station in life. In fact, in case you get asked to make a retirement speech, your friend might like the present better than your speech.
Golf - Lots of people get more serious about golf in retirement. Check out these ideas:
- Medicus swing trainer. If you have a perfect swing this tool stays in one piece. If you are like me, it breaks in 2 pieces at the end of the backswing. Get it to stay in one piece and you have trained the perfect swing.
Published on December 10, 2007
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Category: General Retirement Issues
October 22 -- If you have been looking for a way to take more college courses - either offered in a nearby community college or in your active adult community - you might be interested in a new grant from the The American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). The $3.2 million grant was created by The Atlantic Philanthropies to create or expand programs to serve 50-plus Americans at select community colleges around the nation. The colleges, which will be selected through a competitive process, will help to identify and promote best practices in serving the "older adult learner".
Published on October 22, 2007
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Category: General Retirement Issues
September 4 -- You have probably noticed that many people are hopped up about the marketing opportunities from baby boomers as they enter their next phase of life. Even an article in the prestigious Library Journal recently encouraged librarians to get in the act too.
According to the article, designing programs and trying to attract boomers to their doors will be a win-win for libraries and for boomers entering retirement. Libraries get engaged users and volunteers who can contribute enthusiasm, skills, programs - not to mention generous donations from this incredibly wealthy segment. For those of us winding down our primary working career, libraries have a lot to offer too. Obviously the research resources are first rate and the entertainment and education possibilities endless. But engaging oneself as a volunteer can be quite rewarding as well - giving an extra dimension to one's life that won't be found on the golf course.
Published on September 3, 2007
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