Category: General Retirement Issues
Editor's note: Since we developed this one we have added another Quiz, Part 2. It is more financially oriented than this one. Take it and see how you do!
Revised April 6, 2013 -- So you are getting ready to retire - either very soon or in the distant future. It's good that you are thinking about it now, because planning equals success when it comes to retirement. Find out how ready you are with this short quiz. Take it now and get your score at the end.
A few tips about this quiz: Keep track of your "Yes" and "No" answers as you go along (or print it out and write down your answers). We have provided links both within the quiz and at the end for more information about specific parts
Published on April 11, 2011
Comments 6
Category: General Retirement Issues
March 14, 2011 -- If you are like most Topretirements members, you are a baby boomer or just slightly ahead of that demographic. Chances are you are either about to retire or have just done so. During one of our workshops on creative ways to enjoy retirement, several participants shared their enthusiasm for unique hobbies and activities, including exploring sweeps casinos as a low-risk way to engage in gaming while enjoying a social pastime. This article can serve as your Retirement 101 crash course – start off by reading our 26 best -- and worst -- ideas for you as a newly retired person.
But FirstThe most important thing for the newly retired person to realize is that retirement is going to be very different from what you are doing now. To make the best of it you....
Published on March 14, 2011
Comments 11
Category: General Retirement Issues
March 1, 2011 -- We've received so many good retirement links recently that we just don't have room for them in our weekly newsletter. So rather than let them go to waste, we've included them all in this Blog roundup. Hope you find them useful.
Universal Design Video - Every baby boomer should be thinking about universal design, which is simply the idea of designing products and homes so that can be used by anyone, no matter what their physical condition. Think door handles instead of knobs, so you can open that door when carrying in the groceries. WSJ MarketWatch has a nice video on Universal Design - don't miss it.
U.S. News Top 10 Bargain Spots - U.S. News Money has reported on 10 towns where housing prices have been falling the most. While that not be the most perfect selection device, these are very nice towns and cities where...
Published on February 28, 2011
Comments 2
Category: General Retirement Issues
Just like in every other sphere of life, the articles we post at Topretirements have their share of winners - and the not so successful. This year’s big, big winner was “Sunbelt Shines on the 100 Most Popular Retirement Towns”; it was read 267,000 times. It was pretty easy to predict that topic would be a success, but sometimes there are surprises going the other way. “Dueling States: Arizona vs. Florida for Retirement” is a good example of a feature that was not nearly
Published on December 27, 2010
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Category: Bucket Lists
Editor's Note: In August 2012 we asked our visitors and members to tell us what is on their bucket lists. See the fascinating result in this article: "Wow - Your Bucket Lists Are Amazing!"
December 20, 2010 -- Maybe you've seen the movie "The Bucket List". It stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, both of whom have less than a year to live in the movie. The plot unfolds from there, as this odd duo goes on a road trip together trying to accomplish as much as possible in the days remaining before they "kick the bucket". We confess we haven't seen the movie, but it sounds kind of fun. The premise is so applicable to those of us who are starting out in retirement. Although we are luckier than Nicholson and Morgan in that we have more than 1 year to accomplish our list, that also carries the danger that we have so much time left that we feel like we don't have to
Published on December 20, 2010
Comments 11
Category: General Retirement Issues
December 13, 2010 -- Remember when you took that college psychology class and you (or maybe your buddies) noticed how nicely you fit into some of the more interesting disorder diagnoses? Along those same lines, Allianz Financial has come up with a way to classify retirees. They have found 5 types: read on to see which one fits you.
Worse than Death
Their study, "Reclaiming the Future", also had two other very interesting observations:
- Most people in the study fear running out of money more than they fear death
- They also appreciate that the financial meltdown has created a retirement "crisis".
It is a little hard to imagine in advance how an insurance company might
Published on December 13, 2010
Comments 2
Category: General Retirement Issues
You thought maybe you would be spending a lot of time on the golf course or tennis court once you retired. But you might just be surprised about that, as our faithful correspondent Len discovered after he moved to The Villages, Florida. As he told us recently: "Pickleball has supplanted golf as my primary outdoor activity since I moved to The Villages. It's good exercise and is somewhat addictive!"
Len is not alone - pickleball has caught active adult communities by storm. Many developments are converting tennis courts to
Published on October 26, 2010
Comments 14
Category: General Retirement Issues
By Roberta Isleib, Ph.D
Neither my husband (Mr. Topretirements) nor I are likely to forget the days after he retired from his regular job and moved home to start his website. I am a psychologist/writer who had grown accustomed to lots of space—and peace. On that first day, he clattered up from the garage with boxes of papers and junk from his previous office, which he proceeded to unload in the dining room. I caught him spreading his computer and piles of other miscellany out on the dining room table, plainly visible to every visitor to our home.
“Oh no you don’t,” I said. “You can’t set up your office there!”
“It has to be somewhere,” he said. “And don’t think I’m going to be eating lunch with you everyday, either.”
After some heated discussion, we agreed that he might enjoy
Published on September 16, 2010
Comments 2
Category: General Retirement Issues
September 5, 2010 - We recently had this thought-provoking question from one of our members: "Boomers are usually really close to their children So if you move to a different town or a different part of the country, how do you stay in touch? How do you accommodate your children when they visit? What do people do who move away from where everyone else lives? Thanks, Eileen".
We wrote back to Eileen and asked if she had any ideas about how to
Published on September 5, 2010
Comments 8
Category: General Retirement Issues
August 30 -- We are very pleased to announce 5 new mini-sites to help provide extra information and resources on some of the hottest retirement issues and best places to retire. These sites are especially useful because they gather a great deal of useful and relevant information in one easy to use resource. - Find out more not only about where the affordable places are, but how to plan for and achieve an affordable lifestyle as well. A special feature of this site is a list of 50 affordable places to retire - locations that also happen to have above average
Published on August 30, 2010
Comments 1