Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
There were no big surprises in the 2010 Trustees Report for the Social Security system that finally emerged in early August. Once again and for the 3rd year running, the report was not signed by any public trustees. The report finds that a social security deficit is looming out there in the future, as payments to retiring baby boomers outmatch contributions from younger workers. And most important for the millions of retirees who are already collecting social security, it appears that for the second year in a row it is very unlikely that there will be any cost of living increase (COLA) paid for 2011. According to the way the COLA's are calculated, the cost
Published on September 16, 2010
Comments 36
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
Millions of baby boomers are going to be looking for an affordable retirement in the next few years. In most cases they haven't save enough for retirement, although sometimes bad luck or some type of emergency might keep them from having enough money to maintain the standard of living they have become accustomed to. Whatever your situation, retirement age will come. The options are to get creative and make the best of it, or to accept a reduced lifestyle and blame someone else for it. Assuming Topretirements readers are positive people, this article will provide some ideas on how you can overcome your lack of funds and achieve an affordable, but quality retirement lifestyle. We will also list some places where you can live in style and on a budget.
With some good planning and dose of creativity it is very possible to find a retirement lifestyle that is exciting, fulfilling - and affordable. The best way to find that lifestyle is to start
Published on July 27, 2010
Comments 6
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
We get a kick out of the ING TV commercial, the one where one baby boomer asks another, "What's your number"? The response, "a Gazillion", always gets a laugh. But more importantly, the company makes a solid point - most people don't have any idea how much they are going to need in retirement. It is a very important issue, because starting the day you retire, your life changes. You no longer have a salary that will pay the bills. Now you are on your own - you have to know if what you have saved and will receive from other sources will be enough to live on. If the "number" you have accumulated is too small, you might outlive your money. This article will try to help you get a better idea of how to calculate your number.
What is the Magic "Number
Published on June 22, 2010
Comments 7
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
May 25, 2010 -- Social Security recipients born in certain years have been notched before - notably those born in 1917-1921. Those unlucky souls didn't receive social security benefits quite as generous as those born in 1916 and before. Individuals in both groups, however, if they lived long enough, probably received far more in benefits than they ever paid into the system.
Now, according to the Boston College Center for Retirement Research, a new notch has been created - one affecting people born in 1947. The Center calculates that
Published on May 25, 2010
Comments 4
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
This is the second of a multi-part article on retirement confidence and the ability of retirees to have a comfortable retirement. The first article was called "Retirement Confidence Hits Rock Bottom".
A new study from the Boston College Center for Retirement Research shows that 6 out of 10 retirees (61%) are at risk of not having enough retirement income to maintain their pre-retirement living standard. Those who choose to use a reverse mortgage to increase their retirement income can reduce their risk to 51%. For many reasons, however, only
Published on March 30, 2010
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Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
March 20, 2010 -- According to a new study from the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI), worker confidence about their retirement has hit rock bottom. The 2010 Retirement Confidence Study found that the percentage of workers who are very confident about having enough money for a comfortable retirement has stabilized at 16 percent, statistically equivalent to the record low 13% reported in 2009. Among workers who are already retired, the confidence index is slightly better at 19%.
These numbers paint a very discouraging picture about retirement - only 1 in 5
Published on March 21, 2010
Comments 5
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
March 15, 2010 and updated October, 2020 -- Notes: First,this article was prompted by an excellent suggestion from one of our visitors, Gerry. Second, since this article was written there have been two increases in the per person estate tax exemption. Currently it is $11.4 million (indexed to inflation), which means that only a tiny sliver of people will ever pay any estate tax.
It's not the cheeriest topic, but what critics call the "death tax" is on the minds of many people.
A complex subjectLet's start by saying that estate and inheritance taxes are a complex subject, one where you should have a competent professional helping you. If your estate is worth less than $11.4 million, at least you don't have to worry about that problem - your estate will not be taxed by the federal government under current laws. Some definitions - an "estate tax" is levied on the net value of what you are worth when you die, an "inheritance tax" is levied on your heirs from what what they collect from the estate. The estate tax is more common. Your spouse will not pay inheritance taxes from your estate, but your children and other heirs might in some states.
Published on March 15, 2010
Comments 13
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
As we have said before, if your retirement fund isn't what you hoped it would be, it's time to get creative. One of the most interesting ways to stretch your budget was profiled in a New York Times article last week, "Retirees Trade Work for Rent at Cash-Strapped Parks". The article profiles the experiences of several retirees as they travel around the country and help keep state and national parks ticking under the serious budget constraints these institutions now face.
As Sharon Smith points out in the article, there are 3 simple reasons why she and her husband Bill want to work in these parks: “We’re here for three reasons,” she said.... “No. 1, we like to travel. No. 2, we like
Published on February 23, 2010
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Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
February 15, 2009 - You have probably read about the problems Greece is having with its unmanageable debt these days. Well if you thought that sort of problem couldn't effect you as a retiree in the good old USA, think again. A recent article, These 7 States are Headed for Something Worse, by Gregor Macdonald at Seeking Alpha makes a good case with 4 different reasons why 7 U.S. states are NOT the best place to retire. His conclusions are quite similar to what Topretirements reported on back
Published on February 15, 2010
Comments 64
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
Let's just say that Plan A for your retirement didn't quite work out the way it was supposed to do. Whatever the reasons, the fact is you are a 60-something baby boomer looking to retire on a lot less money than you thought you would have. Luckily for gritty you, sulking is not an option. Here are 10 of our best ideas on what you can do to retire in style - and on a budget.
1. Move, now. Most people about to retire are living in a lot more house than they really need. So downsizing, the sooner the better, is the smart
Published on January 4, 2010
Comments 13