Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
October 19, 2011 -- It was announced today that starting in January 2012 some 55 million Social Security beneficiaries will receive their first cost of living adjustment (COLA) in almost 3 years. The increase will be 3.6%, or about $516 year for the average recipient. Some seniors are upset that the increase doesn't match the corresponding health care cost increases they have been paying, and they might have a point, since they are heavy consumers of that service. However, the government calculates the COLA based on a range of costs, some of which do not typically
Published on October 19, 2011
Comments 5
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
October 17, 2011 -- Bulletin: Today (October 19) it was announced that Social Security benefits will increase 3.6% starting in January, 2012. It is the first such increase in almost 3 years, amounting to about $516 per year per beneficiary. See our article on the 2012 Social Security increase for more, as well as What You Think You Know About Social Security Might Hurt You.
If you are a baby boomer or just slightly older (born before 1946), social security is about to become a big part of your financial life. Getting ready to take advantage of that benefit is therefore a critical step in your financial future. Here are some of the top questions asked by visitors to the Social Security and AARP websites, along with the answers everyone needs to know.
1. When can I start taking my benefits?
The earliest you can get your first check is the first full month after your 62nd birthday. But before you rush to sign up, just be aware that there might be significant benefits to holding off (see question 7 below).
2. When Can I apply?
You can apply 3 months before you turn 62. You can sign up for Medicare
Published on October 17, 2011
Comments 11
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 19, 2011 -- Imagine for a moment that you just purchased an annuity at age 62 and a half. If you decide to start taking payments on it today, you can. But if are willing to wait 7 and 1/2 years, you could increase your monthly payments by at least 75%, maybe more. Which option would you take?
From our headline you have probably guessed we are talking about social security, which at its most basic is an annuity - a guaranteed payment for as long as you and/or your spouse lives. It is clearly one of the best annuities available. You and your employer paid for it. And the money is virtually guaranteed (unless
Published on July 19, 2011
Comments 22
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 25 -- Seems like there is no end of articles about folks delaying retirement. Millions of boomers are planning to work longer than they had intended. But just how long should you delay: how good are your reasons, and even if you don't retire - should you hold onto your current home? We will explore these questions in this short article.
There are several main reasons for delaying retirement - most, but not all of them, have to do with money.
- Haven't saved enough - need more money...
Published on June 25, 2011
Comments 14
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
Updated February 2018 -- The first article in this series, "Five Reasons Why You Should Retire in Another State", explored the major reasons why it might be a really good idea for you to move from the Midwest or the Northeast to a different state. In this related article we have had the good fortune to interview Barton Smith Esq., a Florida attorney who, in addition to focusing in the areas of real estate, land use and civil litigation, has helped many clients establish legal residency in the Sunshine State. While this article specifically refers to becoming a Florida resident, most if not all of the steps are similar to moving your residency to another state.
TR: Bart, thanks for taking the time to talk with us. We understand you are not giving legal advice here, but have agreed to provide some helpful overview information for Topretirements members. First off, could you tell us if there are any advantages to becoming a legal resident in Florida?
BSmith: There are obvious advantages to becoming a Florida resident. The first, and most well known, is...
Published on June 21, 2011
Comments 38
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 14, 2011 -- So you've been thinking about your impending retirement. We'll bet you are wondering where in the heck you should retire to, even if you are pretty sure you will end up in the group of 70% of retirees that never move more than a few miles from home in retirement. This article will give even you some powerful reasons to consider moving a lot farther away, in fact all the way to another state. Most, but not all, of the reasons have to do with money. Part 2 of this series, "Becoming a Florida Resident", will provide the nuts and bolts of how to...
Published on June 13, 2011
Comments 105
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
June 7, 2011 -- Before you answer that question, consider this situation. Assume for a moment that you are age 65 and could have two retirement choices. In the first you get a portfolio that, conservatively managed, would generate $4,000 per month until it runs out of money at age 85, or $3,000/mo. until you run out of money at age 100. If you die before the age in each scenario, your heirs get whatever is left. With the second choice you get the same amount of money invested in an annuity that would also produce $4,000/mo. - except that you would get that income for as...
Published on June 7, 2011
Comments 7
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
April 26, 2010 -- Most of us find it hard to admit the truth: when it comes to skills that require any degree of expertise, like financial advice, we are amateurs. Just like our skills in plumbing, electricity, architecture, medicine, software programming, or teach golf; it's best to have an expert doing the work for us. This article will explain why hiring a competent financial advisor to help plan for your retirement is a smart move. After all, if you don't have enough money, it's going to be hard to have the retirement you deserve. We'll provide some basic tips on how to find a good investment advisor. At the end of the article we have listed some helpful resources that explore more dimensions on how to make a smart choice.
One of the biggest advantages that financial advisors offer is...
Published on April 25, 2011
Comments 18
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
April 19, 2011 -- It is almost a certainty that as a retiree, housing is going to be the most important item in your budget. Unfortunately, many people will make serious mistakes regarding their housing choices and the way they are financed. We recently were referred to an excellent and helpful guide, Housing and Mortgages for Seniors. It is definitely recommended reading, and here are some of its key points:
Housing Problems
The report details the most common housing/financial problems that people over
Published on April 19, 2011
Comments 2
Category: Financial and taxes in retirement
April 5, 2011 -- Our friend Robert Powell over at WSJ MarketWatch never fails to publish a useful and interesting article about retirement planning. His latest, "Five Retirement Plan Tax Mistakes to Avoid", is well worth the read. Here are the 5 mistakes:
1. Fund your 2010 Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) from your IRAs. If you haven't done it already, he tells you how to mitigate....
Published on April 5, 2011
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