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Fans Can Now Have a Last Goodbye from Mickey

Category: Family and Retirement

August 26, 2020 - Do you know someone completed devoted to Walt Disney characters or Disneyland/Disneyworld? MagicalPassings can arrange for loved ones to say goodbye with the help of Disney characters and themes. According to their website, the company "specializes in customized and themed end of life experiences for you and your loved ones... (with) Disney funerals." You can have character visits, a kiss goodbye from Mickey, listen to favorite melodies, or even have Captain Jack send them off to Davy Jones Locker.


Published on August 26, 2020
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Pets, Retirement, and the Pandemic: A Good Mix?

Category: Family and Retirement

August 19, 2020 -- If you are like a lot of the people we know, the pandemic might have led you into thinking about adding a pet to the family. Across the country and maybe the world, animal shelters and rescue operations have slimmer pickings, and breeders are not returning phone calls. So this seems like as good a time as any to revisit "Pets and Retirement". Topretirements has two very popular articles on this topic, "Are Pets and Retirement a Good Mix?", and "Pets, the X Factor in Retirement". Between the two they generated almost 100 reader comments, so we know this is a topic that resonates among retirees, who have different needs and lifestyles than working families. If you are tempted to add some type of pet to your family, these articles are a good place to help organize your thoughts and plans.


Published on August 18, 2020
Comments 4

Husband just retired three months ago: How do I handle this character now?

Category: Family and Retirement

By Ed LaFreniere of November 23, 2019 -- Q: My husband retired three months ago. We took a two-week trip right afterwards, and then the frustrations began. He claims he’s joking when he criticizes me if I miss a spot with the vacuum or the kitchen mop, but it’s getting annoying. He complains that I’m buying the wrong peanut butter for his lunches. He turns on the TV at 7 a.m. and sits around watching cartoons and soap operas. When I go out for the day and I ask him to do the laundry, he mixes the colors with the whites and leaves them dripping wet in the washer all day, so that they smell as if they’ve just come out of the New England Patriots locker room. I have to push him to get up and do anything. He says he’s just taking some well-earned time off after 45 years of working. How do I deal with the love of my life now that he has morphed into this freeloader? ....Frustrated in Frostproof, Florida    Dear Frustrated: Ah, the age-old problem that affects tens of millions of households eventually: A husband or a wife retires and sits around the house as if he or she owns the place! You need to take this by the horns and indoctrinate your better quarter in the new reality – the updated rules of loving togetherness!    First, though, please keep in mind that both of you should be prepared for an adjustment period – and show sympathy for each other’s psychological and emotional well-being, changing identities, and new needs for self-fulfillment and self-esteem.


Published on November 23, 2019
Comments 4

Home Together All Day—Heaven or….?

Category: Family and Retirement

By S. W. Hubbard November 20, 2019 -- Last year, my husband Kevin was counting the days to his retirement. He had planned the financial aspects thoroughly. On January 1 he would leave behind his demanding job as an operations executive who traveled worldwide and would spend all his days at home. With me.  Great, right? As a novelist and part-time English professor at a community college, I worked at home three days a week and was on campus two days during the academic year. Although Kevin has plenty of interests and hobbies, I was concerned that the aspect of work he’d miss the most was managing events and people. Once he retired, he’d have no one to manage.  Except me. Uh-oh.


Published on November 19, 2019
Comments 20

Retire Close to Family… Or Not Too Close!

Category: Family and Retirement

September 4, 2019 -- A constant question that comes up about retirement, and one that produces hundreds of comments, is "Is it a good idea to retire near my family"? Whether family means parents, children, grandchildren, or siblings - the question has many complex and potentially conflicting elements. In this article we will go over some of the pros and cons, as well as a short checklist to help you determine if retiring near family should be in your future. We also look forward to your comments on this topic about your preferences and experiences. A happy family getogether Pros of Retiring Near Family– Ability to help new parents as they juggle careers and child-rearing– The chance to see your family members often– Be part of the lives of your grandchildren as they grow up– Support for your parents or siblings as they age or need help– Support for adult children who need it– Support and companionship for you as you age - Built in social network MORE Blog articles like this


Published on September 3, 2019
Comments 9

8 Things Your Elderly Pet Can Teach You About Retirement

Category: Family and Retirement

November 13, 2018 -- Having an elderly pet can be a challenge; in some ways it is similar to caring for an older family member. But looking on the bright side, there are any number of lessons that Felix or Fido can offer to improve the enjoyment of your retirement. We'll explore some of these here. - Stretching is a good thing. Cats, and to some extent dogs too, naturally stop and stretch to get the kinks out - and so should we. Daily stretching is one of the best things you can do to avoid injuries as well as


Published on November 12, 2018
Comments 8

DNA Testing – A Mixed Bag But Fun Thing to Do in Your Retirement

Category: Family and Retirement

October 2, 2018 -- Your Editor's children gave him a very thoughtful gift for Fathers Day this year - DNA testing from This article will explore why genetic testing might be useful, its pros and cons, a list of the various providers of these services, and some comments from a Facebook post on the topic. We also hope that all of you with experience on the subject will chip in on the Comments section, so we can all learn from one another. Like most every family, mine is interested in and proud of our ethnic heritage. We know from our parents that we are largely Scotch-Irish, have quite a bit of German/Sudetenland, along with a dash of Native American blood. Our relatives from that line were part of the infamous Trail of Tears into Oklahoma. We looked forward to confirmation of all of that heritage. The test Common DNA tests cost about $99, but there are many different levels of plans, along with occasional deals. To give the company your genetic makeup you usually put a tiny amount of your saliva into a small vial, or swab your cheek. Then you


Published on October 1, 2018
Comments 5

The X Factor in Retirement: Your Pets

Category: Family and Retirement

January 30, 2018 -- When you are planning your retirement there is one factor you might have overlooked - how your pet(s) fits into your plans. Retirement often means big changes in lifestyles that can affect our furry friends. For example many of us might want to move to an active community, where there might be restrictions on the breed, size, and number of pets we can own. We might be traveling more, either on long delayed bucket list trips or visiting grandchildren, and that means more periods when you need to find someone to care for Flossie. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association 36% of American households own a dog and 30% have a cat. Surprisingly, cats outnumber dogs - 86 million to 76 million - because people tend to own more cats per household. Pet owning households are very passionate about their pets, usually viewing them as members of the family. This comment


Published on January 29, 2018
Comments 38

Be Careful in That Golf Cart

Category: Family and Retirement

March 28, 2017 -- Golf carts are an increasingly popular way to get around. They are inexpensive, easy to park, generally environmentally friendly, and fun too. But just because they are cute doesn't mean you can't get hurt in one. In communities like The Villages in Central Florida the golf cart is THE transportation mode of choice - with 65,000 carts in residents (1 for every 2 residents!) Many have been customized to look like a Rolls Royce or other exotic car. The Villages has 42 miles of paths which golf carts share with pedestrians and bicyclists. Peachtree City near Atlanta is another community where


Published on March 28, 2017
Comments 5

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