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A Tale of 3 Downsizings

Category: Downsizing

June 5, 2013 -- We surveyed our members last week, asking them for future article and survey ideas. It wasn't much of a surprise to see downsizing and moving right up there near the top of the list, since we've noticed baby boomers love to share their downsizing travails and experiences. To answer that need we've prepared this article, which will be a companion piece to "12 Steps to Successful Downsizing", which we also just wrote. This article will report on the experiences of 3 baby boomers who just went through the downsizing process. A Really Big Move for Sandy - Newly retired Sandy and his wife had had just about enough


Published on June 4, 2013
Comments 34

12 Steps to Downsizing Success

Category: Downsizing

This is Module 10 of our Retirement 101 Online Preparation Course. (See end for list of other Modules in the course). June 4, 2013, updated March 2021 -- Almost everybody talks about downsizing, but not that many folks ever get around to it. But those that do go through the wrenching process of downsizing tend to be very glad they did it. This article, one of the top reader-suggested poll topics from last week's survey, will explore the downsizing process along with 12 tips for doing it painlessly. We'll also visit some of the pluses


Published on June 3, 2013
Comments 49

How to Downsize in Retirement: Checklist and Tips

Category: Downsizing

August 27, 2012 -- Downsizing from your big house in the suburbs could be one the smartest retirement decisions you make. Assuming your children are grown and out of the house, there is usually not much logic in having all of those extra bedrooms to heat, maintain, clean, insure, and pay taxes on. Generally you can sell that big home and use the proceeds to buy an easily maintained and energy efficient smaller home or condo, and still have a considerable sum left over to add to your retirement income. Not to mention


Published on August 27, 2012
Comments 82

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