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Retirement Bucket Lists: Bagging the National Parks

Category: Adventurous retirement

August 25, 2013 -- Visiting the National Parks is high on most baby boomer bucket lists - at least that's what we've learned from our previous surveys (see Further Reading at end). So when your editor rolled into Yellowstone National Park two weeks ago, he not only ticked off a bucket list item, but he also experienced another great thing about getting old enough to retire. As we arrived at the gate in we noticed a sign that said Interagency Senior Pass. Asking about it, we were astonished to find that for a mere $10 anyone who is at least 62 years can enter any National Park or Natural Wildlife Refuge (more than 2,000 sites in all) for the rest of your life. And that's just not you the pass owner who is covered, it's everybody in the car, regardless of age. Discounts on amenities like camping fees are also usually available. (See end of article for how to get one, along with many other resources to help plan your trip). Now that you are retired you finally have the time to visit the parks. You also have an unbelievably cheap


Published on August 26, 2013
Comments 12

Antarctic Adventure Bucket List – Check!

Category: Adventurous retirement

February 12, 2013 -- The whale spout erupted in the distance, framed against bluish icebergs and towering white peaks. On the Zodiac boat our guide changed direction slightly and cut the engine to drift into the vicinity. Then, just 30' away the whale surfaced with a deep "poomph", his warm breath shooting skyward. With a distinctive hump near the spout, this was clearly a humpback whale, about 45' long and weighing many tons. The young whale repeatedly dove, then surfaced suddenly to blow and breathe. As time went on his displays became more and more lavish. Slowly a realization began to dawn on us - we were in the presence of a social being with a brain, using its intelligence to attempt to communicate with us. As in, "Heh funny looking black thing with all the yellow jackets on top, look at me! I can roll, dive, smack my tail flukes, show my tummy, coil and uncoil, swim under you - why are you sitting there like a dumb log in the ocean? What can you do?" The fun lasted at least 45 minutes, until our camera's memory cards were full and batteries


Published on February 12, 2013
Comments 7

Wow – Your Bucket Lists Are Amazing!

Category: Adventurous retirement

August 21, 2012 -- You name the activity - from skydiving to learning how to play chess - there is somebody from the community who wants to do it in their retirement. Ditto for travel - From cruising to Antarctica to taking a train ride across Canada or Europe. The results are in from last week's poll, with 215 people taking the time to share part or all of their bucket lists with us. We are so excited about your plans - what you folks are planning on doing couldn't be more interesting! Here in this article we will share


Published on August 21, 2012
Comments 16

What’s on Your Retirement Bucket List

Category: Bucket Lists

Editor's Note: In August 2012 we asked our visitors and members to tell us what is on their bucket lists. See the fascinating result in this article: "Wow - Your Bucket Lists Are Amazing!" December 20, 2010 -- Maybe you've seen the movie "The Bucket List". It stars Jack Nicholson and Morgan Freeman, both of whom have less than a year to live in the movie. The plot unfolds from there, as this odd duo goes on a road trip together trying to accomplish as much as possible in the days remaining before they "kick the bucket". We confess we haven't seen the movie, but it sounds kind of fun. The premise is so applicable to those of us who are starting out in retirement. Although we are luckier than Nicholson and Morgan in that we have more than 1 year to accomplish our list, that also carries the danger that we have so much time left that we feel like we don't have to


Published on December 20, 2010
Comments 11

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