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Top 10 Baby Boomer Retirement Community Trends for 2008

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

Note: This article has been updated with the top 2011 active communities trends. With many baby boomers expecting their first social security checks in the mail soon, the next obvious question is.... where will all of these boomers live in retirement? Indeed, a favorite baby boomer cocktail party conversational gambit these days is "Where are you thinking about living in retirement?" With big events like this afoot, we thought we would try our hand at predicting 2008's top 10 trends for baby boomer retirement communities. One thing is certain - baby boomers are so diverse that just about every retirement will be different. Here goes:


Published on January 7, 2008
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Baby Boomers to Builders: We Don’t Want Our Fathers’ Retirement Communities

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

October 15 -- Ask 10 baby boomers what they are looking for in retirement communities and you are likely to come up with dozens of different answers. Baby boomers are used to marching to their own drummers, and there is no reason that their choices in retirement communities will be any different. This article draws from a number of different sources and is intended to provide a representative sample of different opinions. Golf attracts many to active adult communities Amenities. Here are some of the top amenities found in a survey done in 2000 by the National Association of Home Builders:


Published on October 15, 2007
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Hawaii is Number 1 Preferred State Among Baby Boomers

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

October 1 — A new Harris Poll on state living preferences found that baby boomers (aged 43 – 61) would prefer to live in Hawaii over all other states. In this regard they differ from the rest of the U.S. population, which would choose California. Although it was not…


Published on October 1, 2007
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Seriously – Nintendo is Latest Rage in Retirement Communities

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

August 3, 2007 - It couldn't be more ironic for those of us in the baby boomer generation that spent the last 20 years berating our kids to "get off the darn game console and go play outside" (like we used to!). Our kids might smirk to learn that Nintendo's latest marketing coup is paying off - selling its new Wii games to baby boomers and retirement communities. A frequent marketing venue: AARP conventions! By way of background we had better explain Wii. It is basically a device from Nintendo that you wear that allows a virtual experience on your TV - without the equipment and place to play it. So you can bowl a perfect game without a bowling alley, smash Tiger Woods-type 300 yard drives without a course - do just about anything.


Published on August 2, 2007
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Life Care Communities Target Baby Boomers

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

June 22 - Fort Myers, Florida -- The logic is compelling, even though a bit unconventional. Sue Wininger, Marketing Director at Cypress Cove at Health Park Florida, recently stated in an interview with Topretirements the many reasons baby boomers should consider moving directly to a life care facility instead of making an interim downsizing step to a condo. "With our focus on wellness and the amenities that active adults want," Wininger says, "baby boomers can an experience a healthier life, which translates into a longer life." This enthusiastic and personable marketing pro also pointed out how moving directly to a life care facility helps people avoid the hassle of multiple moves and re-establishing new friendships and community ties.


Published on June 22, 2007
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Baby Boomers Invading “Singles” Condos

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

May 14, 2007 - Build them and they will come - but be careful who does come. That was the gist of a May 11 Wall Street Journal article ("Animal House Meets the Empty Nest") on what is happening in some of the new condo developments being built for "swinging singles". It seems that some of these real estate developments are also seen as desirable by empty nesters over 50 - and that has some of the younger residents concerned. After all, they didn't buy into the dream of roof-top hot tubs, on-site bars, and video game parlors to see a baby boomer on the next chaise lounge. There appear to be a few reasons why this generation mismatch is happening. First, developments that are being marketed on the pricey side find that people over 50 are more likely to be able to have the price of admission. Another is that the singles orientation of these places is just as appealing to older singles who want to exit the suburbs as it is to younger folks.


Published on May 13, 2007
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Relive the 1950’s with the “Thunderbolt Kid”

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

It’s a Great Read Baby boomer nostalgia is hot these days, and there is no funnier read on the subject than Bill Bryson’s delightful book – “The Life and Times of the Thunderbolt Kid”. He captures perfectly the times, culture, and the absurd miscellanea of those days – you won’t…


Published on April 30, 2007
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Greenspan to Baby Boomers – Deal Now with Financial Uncertainty

Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues

New York - April 27. Former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan made headlines again this week - this time at a conference on the coming baby boomer retirement crisis. Greenspan warned that the government is going to find it "difficult" to keep all of its financial promises in coming years. He urged baby boomers to deal now with that, and a new complication - their increased longevity. We have to recognize that what we're going through is unique in world history, said Dr. Greenspan. Retirement is a relatively new phenomenon. As a society we've dealt with it successfully in the past few decades but we've never had such a huge group of individuals going into the system at once and then living so long in their retirement years.


Published on April 27, 2007
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