Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
We're the generation that thinks we own the trademark on youth, but now ironically headed for retirement. A lot of experts are trying to figure out how we will impact the multi-billion dollar retirement market when we hit it in force in the next few years.
Many experts agree that a significant portion of baby boomers will thumb our noses at the stereotypical retirements of our parents. To those of us who grew up in the Age of Aquarius, selling the split level and spending our days playing golf and shuffleboard at Leisure Acres is just not very appealing.
Published on April 15, 2009
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Our friend and colleague Michael Pollick has been writing a fascinating series about baby boomer retirements in the Sarasota Herald Tribune. And we are very pleased to have one of our quotes featured in the headline of this week's article: "Arizona, a Fresher Florida?".
Michael has spent a lot of time researching where boomers are retiring and which states are doing the most to attract them. He has found that his own state, Florida, is starting to lose retirement share to upstart states like Texas, Tennessee, the Carolinas, etc.; which have active marketing campaigns to attract retirees (such as certified retirement community programs).
Published on March 17, 2009
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Everybody talks about, and many people even do something about, the two obvious aspects of retirement planning. But almost nobody is attending to the third leg of retirement planning: mental preparation.
Published on March 9, 2009
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
For millions of baby boomers, adult communities and 55+ communities are a great retirement option. For these retirees, having everything pre-packaged; from recreation to housing and even to even friends; has a lot of appeal. But for many other boomers, the active adult community is anathema.
Published on January 26, 2009
Comments 27
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Topretirements is thrilled to announce that our frequent contributor, Betty Fitterman, has agreed to be a guest columnist on this site. Her new column will appear in our Tips and Picks Section under the heading, Betty’s Thoughts on Retirement. As many readers will remember, Betty has already contributed one…
Published on January 15, 2009
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
The deluge of unending bad economic news is enough to make Pollyanna turn downright crabby. Stocks are down, Madoff type pyramid schemes are up, and real estate can barely be given away in some parts of the country. What is worse is that Americans have forgotten their economic history. Lost is the experience we learned the hard way - that lack of confidence fuels the downturn – individuals and businesses continue to feel worse, cutting back more, so more and more people lose their jobs. The bad news cycle just goes on, until some magical day (Inauguration Day!?) when confidence returns, people start spending again, and businesses feel like they have to hire more people to keep up with demand.
Published on January 3, 2009
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
It seems like an oxymoron to think that, just when you were beginning to think about down-sizing, you could actually soon outgrow your existing home. Worse yet, you could do the same for the home you are about to build or buy for retirement.
The more precise statement is that you probably won't outgrow your home, but if you are not careful, your needs will change to the point that your home no longer fits you. Anyone's health and/or mobility can change quickly - and when it does your choice is either to move, or put in expensive and inconvenient renovations.
Published on November 24, 2008
Comments 7
Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
Looking over the handlebars at 6 lanes of busy traffic that bars the way to your daily destination, you might wish you had done your bike-friendly research a little better. Fortunately that’s a lot easier in some parts of the country, because believe it or not, according to the…
Published on September 3, 2008
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
April 5 -- You've heard of the U(na)-Bomber and U-2 the rock group. Now get ready for another U, the U-Boomers. Forbes Magazine recently published an article that differentiates among different sub-sets of baby boomers. The U-Boomers are a huge segment that constitutes about 24 million of the 76 or so million baby boomers out there.
The "U" stands for uncompromising, so U-Boomers are folks who intend to maintain their lofty lifestyle aspirations - but who won't necessarily have the financial means to execute on those dreams.
Published on April 5, 2008
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Category: Baby Boomer Retirement Issues
February 24 -- According to a duo of college professors, suburbia as we know it is headed for trouble. Their prediction is that McMansion-land could become the next depressed "outer cities", filled with blight, poverty, and crime. Once again baby boomer demographic trends are among the culprits.
Published on February 24, 2008
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